The 2.5% Club

DeFi Doc
5 min readJul 19, 2022


Finally, something I’m excited about in the DeFi space again (see what I’m excited about below). It’s been challenging to watch market caps drop and income from these projects tank. I’m starting to see glimmers of hope though as the Blue Chips of the space may be reversing their downtrends (BTC, ETH). I don’t try to use technical analysis on much else other than blue chips — I see youtubers try to use technical analysis on projects like DRIP and it doesn’t seem to work out for them. The potential trend reversals of these blue chips has me cautiously optimistic that the next 6 months will be better than the last 6 months. Much better.

Currently, I’m on vacation clearing my head, reading for pleasure and scheduling nothing. As a physician, my days are spent following a rigid schedule. My whole life essentially works in 15 minute increments. But for these two weeks, I can do whatever I want whenever I want. It’s freeing. It helps me think and come up with ideas. On this same vacation in 2015, I read about cryptocurrency and the blockchain. I didn’t really understand it, but I was convinced I should throw a little money at it. I remember it was a pain in the ass. I bought both Bitcoin and Ethereum. At that time Bitcoin was around $250 and Ethereum was $8. Had I not had a couple of Mai Tais I don’t think I would’ve had the stubbornness to figure out how to purchase (I believe it was on Poloniex). That is how I got started in cryptocurrency — clearing my head with a relaxing vacation, reading for pleasure and drinking a couple of Mai Tais. Great ideas come when we least expect them.

The Mai Tai aka “the thought provoker”

Last year, I entered DRIP. Similar story, I’d only read about DeFi. I didn’t know much about it. I was intrigued at the concept. I am fascinated by creating different income streams. After scouring medium and 2 Mai Tais (maybe there’s a theme here) I decided to get into DRIP. I watched the price shoot up so I bought more. Months later, the price crashed so I bought a lot more. No Mai Tais then. I compounded damn near every day for 6 months. That was the best decision I could’ve made as my stack grew and grew. I opened 2 other wallets and continue to watch them grow. My daily income skyrocketed. The 1% per day was incredible. I’d never seen anything like it. No matter what the market does, DRIP still pays that 1% daily. Whether I “claim” it or “hydrate” that day is up to me. It’s my choice. As Sunna Breezy would say “it’s a solo sport.”

This year, I’m looking for another project. Admittedly, I am hoping to find a project on the Cronos Network, but nothing excites me (yet).

What I am excited about is a project called FURIO. Here’s why I like FURIO…You play your own game. How good you are at the game determines your return. While DRIP is a fixed rate of 1% (A fantastic rate), I can earn up to 2.5% in FURIO. All I have to do is compound (and not claim) in a 28 day period. If I can do that (I know I can) I will be earning 2.5% PER DAY. A member of the 2.5% club (you do have to hold 10+ FURIO to be a member of the club). I joined on July 17th, so on August 14th, I will be a member. If 2.5% per day isn’t reason enough, there will be special perks for being in the club. These perks include club raffles with $FUR token prizes and raffles with real world prizes. There will be a raffle every Tuesday and they will rotate each week($FUR token one week, real world prizes the next week). Apparently, there will also be “surprise prizes” as well. According to their Medium post:

The first real world prize raffle for every member of the 2.5% club will be a Louis Vuitton wallet / purse depending on the winners preference and this will be raffled on the 26th July at 18.00UTC.

The next raffle will be held at 18.00UTC on the 26th July with the same prize pool of 96FUR tokens plus random prizes.

Then on the 9th August at 18.00UTC we are having a mega raffle where the prize will be a Breitling watch. Model to be decided depending on the winners preference, a choice of two (male or female).

The prizes will get bigger and better as the Ecosystem evolves and this will start to be directly involved with one of the developments on the roadmap, all will be revealed within the next 7 days.

To be honest, I couldn’t care less about the real world prizes. I can’t control whether or not I’m randomly selected, but what I can control is how I play the game. I have started earning 2% per day, which is incredible. My plan is to buy a little more $FUR every couple of days, compound daily and think 6 months out. In 6 months, I’ll be earning 2x my initial deposit EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don’t know what the price will do, but It doesn’t really matter to me. I will just continue to focus on creating a variety of income streams. I have no plans to retire early. I love my work. I love helping people live happier, healthier lives. But I also love growing my income streams.

If you’re interested, this project is still in its infancy — barely a month old. I encourage you to do your own research and share your comments. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I’m happy to share my journey with you.

In a perverse way I enjoy reading the “ponzi alert” comments from those who don’t even participate in the project they know so much about. I find it highly entertaining and will enjoy a Mai Tai will I hunt for those :)

If you’d like to join here is my referral link:

You will need USDC to swap for $FUR:

Make sure to add a referral ID and check the “Deposit directly to the Vault” box. Feel free to use my Referral ID: 0xbB81b09C99a2b29D2C52060Dc8DCAe544c9e3cD9

Disclaimer: I always dreamed of being a doctor. I enjoy helping people live happier, healthier lives. I’ve never dreamed of being a financial advisor. I couldn’t imagine someone losing their hard earned money because of something I did or said. Please do your own research and don’t misconstrue my writing as financial advice.

