Why I’m Giving FURIO The Time And Attention It Deserves

DeFi Doc
5 min readJul 29, 2022


Admittedly, I’m most excited about ETH right now for a variety of reasons — particularly the ETH 2.0 merge. I’ve found a way to increase my ETH at roughly 0.2% per day. I’m committing more ETH each week into this 0.2% per day vehicle. I’m convinced ETH is the bluest of blue chips. I continue to learn more about ETH and I continue to be in awe of what could be possible.

I get pretty excited about 0.2% per day. That means if I did absolutely nothing, this vehicle would allow me to double my ETH in just under 1 year. So when I hear about opportunities to earn 10+ times that amount I naturally get skeptical. They sound too good to be true. They’re obviously a scam, right? Or maybe these opportunities do actually exist? Furio pays up to 2.5% per day. That means if I did absolutely nothing, this vehicle could allow me to double my $FUR in less than a month. But I don’t do nothing well. I prefer to step on the gas when something is working.

I am convinced, there are 2 keys to wealth generation:

  1. Income. I’ve always believed that increasing one’s income is the most important key to wealth generation. The savvy will use this additional income stream to further increase their existing holdings and to buy even more income producing assets. Whether the vehicle is stocks, bonds, real estate, franchises, businesses, crypto, etc. The vehicle does matter to some degree, but not really. The important thing is, can I consistently repeat this process to generate more and more income? Using crypto as an example, I like to include projects that provide me with a daily income stream. They are valuable to me. The cash flow they provide allows me to add to my existing holdings (of Blue Chips) or jump into a new project. When done properly, the result is simple — increased income year after year after year. These projects actually reduce my risk as I no longer depend on injections of fiat from our personal accounts. Focusing on income generation also removes some of the emotion as I don’t really focus on price with this approach. Sometimes a falling price means I can grow my income faster.
  2. Time. This is where the majority of those I interact with in the crypto space are the most delusional (in my opinion). It seems as though crypto attracts more get-rich-quick seekers than any other market on the planet. I was fortunate to have a mentor early in my career look me in the eye and say “you’re going to over-estimate what you can accomplish in one year, but you’re going to under-estimate what you can accomplish in ten years.” That stuck with me. When something is new, we are passionate, eager and completely ignorant. We don’t have a clue what we don’t have a clue about. Crypto projects are no different. We see people having success in — fill in the blank — so we dive in. We don’t have instant success, so we trudge onto the next project, the next project. We keep looking for our golden ticket — the one that makes us instant millionaires. There will always be people who invest like $50 into a project and actually believe they will become wealthy almost immediately. Some get burnt a few times and give up. While others never really commit to a particular project or investment. And then there are those who are just late to the party — they have the worst timing and buy damn near the top. They watch their initial investment plummet. They panic and rather than give it time to recover, they sell. Time can be the great equalizer, if we let it.

How I learned (the hardest of ways) about the importance of time…In 2006, I was convinced I was going to be the best doc in our city. I was convinced my practice had no choice but to grow — and grow quickly. In my first fifteen months of my career. I failed. I closed my practice. With a young family, I decided to swallow my pride and earn a more consistent pay check. My mentor was right — I had drastically over-estimated what I was going to accomplish in a year. Fast forward to the 10 year mark and we were buying another location and had 4 other doctors in our practice. My mentor was right — I’d under-estimated what I’d accomplish in 10 years. Failing the first year wasn’t even on my radar, but damn I am glad it happened. It taught me the value of time and perspective.

For me, FURIO is part of my plan to INCREASE MY INCOME and I truly believe it will be successful at doing so in due time.

Here is why I think $FUR will be one of my more successful income generators…$FUR can do the work for me. Let me explain. I can literally “set it and forget it.” $FUR has an Auto Compound feature that literally does all of the work for me. It automates the process for me. My plan is to check in on it every 28 days. So I can avoid the temptation of hitting the “claim button” and decreasing my future earning potential. Hitting the claim button decreases future earning potential by lowering the daily rewards percentage — not to mention missing out on compound interest.

FURIO allows me to stick to my process and allow time to help me increase my income. There will be a day where I use the income to help me buy more blue chips (like ETH) and diversify into other projects, but not until I give this one the time and attention it deserves. $FUR has pulled back the past week and ~$11.00 $FUR is a no-brainer for me. It’s time to buy more, continue to compound and let time do what time does.

$FUR Daily Chart

FURIO is exciting, and currently I can’t find a project with more potential. This is DeFi so anything is possible — FURIO could dramatically increase my income, or I could lose all or most of what I’ve invested. But as I wrote in a previous article…I’ve had the most success when I’ve been an early adopter vs being in the late majority.

If you’d like to BE AN EARLY ADOPTER, and let time work for you, here is my referral link: https://app.furio.io?ref=0xbB81b09C99a2b29D2C52060Dc8DCAe544c9e3cD9

You will need USDC to swap for $FUR: https://app.furio.io/.

Make sure to add a referral ID and check the “Deposit directly to the Vault” box. I’d be honored if you choose to use my Referral ID: 0xbB81b09C99a2b29D2C52060Dc8DCAe544c9e3cD9

Disclaimer: I always dreamed of being a doctor. I enjoy helping people live happier, healthier lives. I’ve never dreamed of being a financial advisor. I couldn’t imagine someone losing their hard earned money because of something I did or said. Please do your own research and don’t misconstrue my writing and my journey as financial advice.

