TED Talk Time

2 min readOct 19, 2016


Gregory Heyworth: How I’m Discovering the Secrets of Ancient Texts

I really had no idea what to search for when looking for my TED talk, so I just started scrolling through pages and pages of talks. I opened a few and decided to watch this one. He is a very engaging speaker. He talks with feeling and obviously shows stong emotions toward the subject. You can feel the passion throughout his speech.

This particular talk focuses on Multi-Spectral Imaging of ancient documents. He discusses how many ancient documents have been ruined by thousands of years of poor storage and mistreatment. He has dedicated his life to decoding these particular texts and even started the Lazarus project to enable poorer institutions to be able to process such documents.

About half way through it I was just overwhelmed by an excitement to get to do that. He tells a story of a student who was processing a document and began to read aloud something that had not been seen in thousands of years. That’s insane. It is just such an unfathomable thing to be able to do. Telling the untold stories that have not even been seen since the time they were written. His efforts to help less fortunate institutions around the world to be able to decipher these documents that are so central to the history of their people are amazing. They strongly relate to my big question and my mission to tell the untold stories and bring historical light to those that are not normally in the spotlight.


Prof. Ann Kakaliouras

Prof. Elizabeth Sage

Dan Cohen( @dancohen )

Brad Pace ( @bradpace )




This is a blog I use for all sorts of school stuff. Currently Anthropology of Digital Cultures