$DFIRE Community Sale

Buy Early Ownership of DeFIRE’s Ecosystem

4 min readMar 26, 2022

Many projects raise initial capital through seed rounds, VC funding, and angel investors. As a result, a significant portion of the supply is owned by insiders before the public even has an opportunity to buy. And when the public does get their chance to buy, it’s at a price much higher than what the insiders paid. The spectre of insiders dumping on the public always looms over the project.

DeFIRE is bootstrapping differently. Until now, all expenses have been fronted by the founding team. We strongly believe that the community should get first access to buy $DFIRE. If you are reading this, you have the opportunity to be among the first investors.

There is still significant development work ahead to launch DeFIRE’s BLAZE and IGNITE protocols, with all the cool features they will have: multi-chain operation, gamification, user-defined strategies, and, most importantly, a simple yet sophisticated UI.

DeFIRE DAO, in line with its founding principles, will collect funds in a fair and equitable manner during its Early Adopters Token Distribution events. Those funds will be used to accelerate development, cover expenses, fairly compensate contributors, do additional marketing, and create initial liquidity.

DeFIRE Early Adopters Token Distribution

DeFIRE will distribute 5% of total supply, i.e. 50,000 $DFIRE tokens, to the community during five rounds of token distribution events, with each round distributing 10,000 $DFIRE. All the funds raised during those events will be owned by DeFIRE DAO and used according to proposed budgets to further develop the DeFIRE ecosystem.

The first two rounds (together called the Early Adopters Sale) of $DFIRE distribution will run:

  • Round 1 — Price Discovery Round from April 1st to April 4th.
  • Round 2 — Community Sale Round.

Details for the remaining three rounds will be subjected to DeFIRE DAO approval.

Price Discovery Round

  • Start date: 1st of April 3, PM UTC
  • Duration: 72 hours
  • Amount: 10,000 $DFIRE
  • Location: https://defire.org/ Users can participate on Avalanche, Ethereum, Fantom, and Polygon.
  • Requirement: 3 $FLARE tokens
  • Format: ‘Auction’ style. Final price of $DFIRE equals the capital raised across all chains divided by 10,000 tokens. Investors receive an amount of $DFIRE equal to the amount of their investment divided by the final price.
  • Lock of $DFIRE into gDFIRE* (from BLAZE launch):
    –Participate in the 1st 24 hours of the event and you receive gDFIRE with minimum 4 weeks lock
    –Participate in the 2nd 24 hours of the event and you receive gDFIRE with minimum 6 weeks lock
    –Participate in the 3rd 24 hours of the event and you receive gDFIRE with minimum 8 weeks lock

* — Read this article for more information about gDFIRE and lock periods: https://medium.com/@defire.org/dfire-one-token-endless-utility-3710e721e95e

Community Sale Round

  • Start date: Coincides with the release of DeFIRE’s new landing page.
  • Duration: Until all tokens are sold.
  • Amount: 10,000 $DFIRE
  • Location: https://sale.defire.org/ Users can participate on Polygon.
  • Requirement: None
  • Format: ‘Linear’ style. Final price of $DFIRE from the Price Discovery Round is multiplied x1.2 at launch of the round. This is the starting price and it reaches the multiplier of x2.0 for the final tokens of allocated supply. The price increases linearly.
  • Lock of $DFIRE into gDFIRE* (from BLAZE launch):
    –When Blaze launches, $DFIRE is locked into gDFIRE for minimum 8 weeks.

Benefits of Giving First Access to the Community

We’re giving first access to our community for many reasons:

  • We believe doing so is aligned with DeFIRE’s values of transparency and fair governance.
  • The early adopters are those who show the most conviction in the project and they deserve to be rewarded.
  • It means these early investors won’t have to worry about whales or insiders. They can rest assured that their entry point won’t leave them exposed to later market volatility.

Early Adopters Sale Budget

Funds collected during the Early Adopters Sale will be administered by DeFIRE DAO treasury and will require a multi-signature approval of transactions. The funds will be used for the following:

  • 10% ― Fixed Expenses: KYC, audit, domains, etc.
  • 40% ― Development: Focusing on BLAZE.
  • 30% ― Marketing: We already have contributors brainstorming marketing plans for BLAZE.
  • 20% ― Initial Liquidity: For BLAZE containers and $DFIRE.

Future Roadmap

After the first two rounds are completed, we’ll publish a new roadmap detailing how BLAZE will be released.

Meet the Team


Responsible for operations, governance, policies and partnerships.

Entrepreneur and manager by profession with 15 years of experience.


Responsible for engineering, asset management, visual identity and graphical design.

Cloud, CyberSecurity, and Network Engineer.


Responsible for community engagement and content creation.

Five years experience building communities and teams of contributors.


Responsible for knowledge management.

Recovering University Academic with 20 years of experience in Marketing, Advertising, and Project Management.

