Web3 and Socio-economic System

Jongseung Kim
16 min readApr 14, 2023


Vita Contemplativa Vita Activa

1. Background

· Web3 can be defined as a socio-economic system, as it is not simply a technology but rather a construct that encompasses technology, society, economics, and culture.

· A comprehensive understanding of Web3 requires an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates fields such as computer science, cryptography, economics, politics, law, philosophy, and sociology.

· Web3 relies on decentralized technologies, which demand a deep understanding of computer science, cryptography, and incentive mechanism for their sustainable operation.

• Web3 encompasses diverse economic models such as tokenization, DeFi, and NFTs that necessitate expertise in monetary economics and financial engineering.

• Web3 has philosophical implications, including the decentralization of power, ownership, democracy, and governance. It is crucial to explore how Web3 is facilitating novel forms of decentralized governance that are more transparent, participatory, and democratic.

• The legal implications of Web3 are significant, as it raises concerns about jurisdiction, liability, and regulatory frameworks that necessitate legal expertise to navigate.

• By integrating knowledge from multiple fields, we can establish a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of Web3 and its potential opportunities and challenges.

2. Objectives

• Anticipating potential issues and opportunities: One of the objectives of the seminar is to explore the potential impact of Web3 on socioeconomic systems, including any sociological issues and opportunities that may arise.

• Ensuring equitable and inclusive systems: The seminar aims to investigate how Web3 can create more equitable and inclusive socioeconomic systems, and to explore ways to design it to promote equality and inclusivity.

• Facilitating policy and regulatory decisions: As Web3 continues to develop and expand, policymakers and regulators will need to make decisions that affect its growth and implementation. The seminar will help participants understand the implications of Web3 for policy and regulatory decisions.

• Navigating ethical considerations: Web3 raises several ethical considerations related to privacy, security, and ownership. The seminar will explore these ethical issues and provide participants with the tools to navigate them effectively.

3. Requirement

• Read the required readings before each meeting

• Prepare two discussion questions based on the readings and share them in advance of each session

• Introduce and expand upon your discussion question at each session

4. Operational Guidance

• Membership : Seminar attendees are selected via a curation process, whereby the interests and experience of the applicants are taken into consideration

• Time : Fortnightly on Thursdays 7:30pm — 9:30pm(May — Dec.)

• Location : Dream Plus Building, 311 Gangnam-daero, Seoul

• Curator : Jongseung Kim(SK Telecom)

• Facilitator : Wonhee Cho(D’light Law Group)

• Certificate of Completion : At the end of the course, attendees will receive an SBT(Soulbound Token).

5. Schedule

• Session 0(May 18)
『How Blockchain Works』

— Agenda

. Decentralization and Consensus Mechanisms: Discussing the key features of blockchain governance, including its decentralized structure, consensus mechanisms, and the role of miners in maintaining the network

. Bitcoin as a Political Project: Exploring the political implications of the Bitcoin whitepaper, including its critique of centralization, its vision of financial freedom, and its potential as a tool for social and political transformation

. Smart Contracts and Technical Governance of Decentralization: Understanding the basics of smart contracts, including their purpose and functionality in blockchain networks and exploring how smart contracts enable the technical governance of decentralization, including their role in enabling decentralized decision-making and providing a mechanism for enforcing rules without intermediaries

. The Future of Governance in Web3: The challenges and opportunities associated with implementing governance structures that prioritize transparency, accountability, and inclusivity, and the potential for blockchain to reshape existing power structures

— Required Readings

. Vitalik Buterin , <Proof of Stake: The Making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchains>, 2022
Part 2–3
<비탈릭 부테린 지분증명>, 블리츠랩스 역, 여의도책방(2022)

. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

— Supplement Readings

. Andreas Antonopoulos, <Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain 2nd Edition>, 2017
Chapter 1–2
<비트코인, 공개 블록체인 프로그래밍>, 김도훈, 최은실, 송주한 역, 고려대학교출판부(2018)

. Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood, <Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps>, 2018
Chapter 1–2, 7
<마스터링 이더리움>, 박성훈, 류길성, 강동욱 역, 제이펍(2019)

. Ethereum Whitepaper

• Session 1(Jun. 1)
『Social Intellectual History and Web3 Governance』

— Agenda

. Understanding how Web3's potential to disrupt existing socioeconomic structures can impact society

. Examining the historical debates on democracy, republics, monarchy, the social contract, and natural law and how they can be related to Web3 governance

. Analyzing the meaning of governance in the context of Web3 and how it can facilitate decentralized decision-making and community participation

— Required Readings

. Josiah Ober, <Demopolis: Democracy before Liberalism in Theory and Practice>, 2017
Chapter 1–3, 7–8
<자유주의 이전의 민주주의>, 노경호 역, 후마니타스(2023)

— Supplement Readings

. Jonathan I. Israel, <The Enlightenment that Failed: Ideas, Revolution, and Democratic Defeat, 1748–1830>, 2019
Chapter 1–2, 6, 9–10, 13, 16, 20–22, 26, 29

. Melvin Edelstein, <The French Revolution and the Birth of Electoral Democracy>, 2014
Chapter 6, 10

. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, <The Social Contract>, 1762
Book I Chapter 6–7, Book II Chapter 1–2, Book III Chapter 15–17
<사회계약론>, 김영욱 역, 후마니타스(2022)

. The Evolution of Decentralized Governance : Political Economy Perspective and Research Agenda

. What’s Governing Web3?

• Session 2(Jun. 15)
『The meaning of Representation in Web3』

— Agenda

. Examining historical examples of representation, such as the parliamentary systems, and the civil rights movement, and understanding their relevance to the concept of representation in Web3

. Exploring the different types of representation, such as delegated voting, quadratic voting, and futarchy, and their use cases in a Web3 context

. Analyzing the challenges to representation in Web3, such as the potential for centralization, the difficulty of ensuring participation and engagement, and the risks of manipulation and collusion

. Examining Web3 governance models such as governance tokens, quadratic voting, and futarchy, and their potential for improving representation and decision-making in Web3 communities

— Required Readings

. Mónica Brito Vieira and David Runciman, <Representation>, 2008
Part I Chapter 1–2
<대표 : 역사, 논리, 정치>, 노시내 역, 후마니타스(2020)

. Primavera De Filippi, <Blockchain Technology and the Rule of Code: Regulation via Governance>, 2022

— Supplement Readings

. Primavera De Filippi and Aaron Wright, <Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code>, 2018
Part IV Chapter 8–9, Part V Chapter 11–12
<블록체인 시대의 법과 제도 : 코드가 지배하는 세상이 온다>, 정승민 역, 미래의창(2020)

. Kevin Werbach, <The Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust>, 2018
Part II Chapter 6–8
<새로운 신뢰 아키텍처를 위한 블록체인>, 백명훈 역, 에이콘(2022)

. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, <Federalist Papers>, 1788
No. 6–14, 39, 47, 48, 51, 63
<페더럴리스트>, 박찬표 역, 후마니타스(2019)

• Session 3(Jun. 29)
『DAO Governance and the Guardian of the Constitution Debate』

— Agenda

. Exploring the DAO concept and the different types of DAO structures and their real-world applications to gain a comprehensive understanding of DAO governance

. Analyzing the governance structure of DAOs from a political philosophy perspective, examining the advantages and disadvantages of direct democracy versus liquid democracy, and addressing the delegation issue to ensure fair and transparent decision-making processes

. Discussing effective coordination mechanisms in decentralized environments where there may be conflicting views or interests among stakeholders

. Examining the debate between Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on DAO governance issues, such as the role of a guardian of the constitution in ensuring that DAOs operate within legal frameworks

— Required Readings

. Lars Vinx(Trans.), <The Guardian of the Constitution: Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on the Limits of Constitutional Law>, 2015
Chapter 1-2

. Giorgio Hassan, <Towards analysing governance and legal issues related to decentralized autonomous organizations, awaiting for further legislative intervention>, 2022

— Supplement Readings.

. Decentralized Autonomous Organization Toolkit

. Carl Schmitt, <Political Theology : Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty>, 1934
<정치신학 : 주권론에 관한 네 개의 장>, 김항 역, 그린비(2010)

. Hans Kelsen, <Pure Theory of Law>, 1934
Chapter 2–3
<순수법학 : 법학의 문제점에 대한 서론>, 윤재왕 역, 박영사(2018)

• Session 4(Jul. 13)
『Anarchism, Cooperativism, and the Web3 Decentralization』

— Agenda

. Understanding the different branches of anarchism and how they view private property, governance, and capitalism in the context of Web3

. Exploring the concept of anarcho-capitalism and how it aligns with the principles of Web3, including decentralization and free markets

. Analyzing the connection between anarchism and technology and how Web3 can enable decentralized systems that align with anarchist values

. Examining how the blockchain community embodies Kropotkin’s theory of mutual aid through collaborative efforts to build decentralized infrastructure, open-source software, and alternative financial systems

. Understanding the potential of DAOs as a commons movement, where communities can collectively manage and govern shared resources, and how they align with the principles of cooperativism

— Required Readings

. The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto

. Alex Prichard, <Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction>, 2022
Chapter 1–3

. DAOs: Anarcho-Syndicalism In a Digital World

— Supplement Readings

. Peter Marshall, <Demanding The Impossible: A History Of Anarchism>, 2010
Part I, IV-V

. Trebor Scholz, Nathan Schneider, <Ours to Hack and to Own: The Rise of Platform Cooperativism>, 2017
Part I Chapter 3–4, Part II Chapter 13

. Collaboration at Scale: Blockchain and Mutual Aid

. What Co-ops and DAOs can Learn from Each Other

. How DAOs can Benefit from Co-op Best Practices

. Blockchain and the emergence of DAOs : An integrative model and research agenda

• Session 5(Jul. 27)
『Monetary Economics and Cryptocurrencies』

— Agenda

. What is money from a historical, political, and social perspective?

. Tracing the evolution of monetary economics and examining how cryptocurrencies are challenging traditional notions of currency and exchange

. Critically examining the political economy of cryptocurrencies and the implications of decentralized financial systems on power dynamics and social relations

. Analyzing the economic principles that underpin cryptocurrencies, including supply and demand, price volatility, market capitalization, and the role of miners

. Evaluating the potential future developments in cryptocurrency technology and their role in the broader economy, including their relationship with global events and traditional financial systems

— Required Readings

. Geoffrey Ingham, <The Nature of Money>, 2004
<돈의 본성>, 홍기빈 역, 삼천리(2011)

. James L. Caton, <The Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. : A Transaction Costs Revolution>, 2022
Chapter 1, 3, 7–8

— Supplement Readings.

. Geoffrey Ingham, <Money>, 2020
<머니>, 방현철·변제호 역, 이콘(2022)

. Felix Martin, <Money: The Unauthorized Biography>, 2014
<돈 : 사회와 경제를 움직인 화폐의 역사>, 한상연 역, 문학동네(2019)

. David Graeber, <Debt: The First 5,000 Years,Updated and Expanded>, 2021
Chapter 2–4, 7–9
<부채, 첫 5,000년의 역사>, 정명진 역, 부글(2021)

. Nigel Dodd, <The Social Life of Money>, 2014
Chapter 1, 3–4, 7

. Brett Scott, <Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto, and the War for Our Wallets>, 2022
Chapter 1–4, 11–13
<클라우드머니 : 화폐의 최후>, 장진영 역, 쌤앤파커스(2022)

. Understanding money and the dollar system’s contradictions with Radhika Desai & Michael Hudson

. How is Money Created? — Everything You Need to Know

• Session 6(Aug. 17)
『The Rise and Impact of Financial Capitalism』

— Agenda

. Examining the origins and evolution of financial capitalism and its impact on the global economy, including the emergence of new financial instruments and practices

. Critiquing the neoliberal ideology that underpins financial capitalism and its consequences for economic inequality, social mobility, and political power

. Analyzing the role of financialization in shaping contemporary capitalism and its effects on society, including the increasing power and influence of financial elites

. Discussing alternative economic models that challenge the dominance of financial capitalism, such as social democracy, cooperativism, and participatory economics

— Required Readings

. William N. Goetzmann, <Money Changes Everything: How Finance Made Civilization>, 2017
Part I-II, IV
<금융의 역사 : 문명을 꽃피운 5천 년의 기술>, 위대선 역, 지식의날개(2019)

— Supplement Readings.

. Giovanni Arrighi, <The Long Twentieth Century>, 2010|
Chapter 1, 3
<장기 20세기 : 화폐, 권력, 그리고 우리 시대의 기원>, 백승욱, 그린비(2014)

. Adam Tooze, <Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World>, 2018
<붕괴 : 금융위기 10년, 세계는 어떻게 바뀌었는가>, 우진하 역, 아카넷(2019)

. Money, Power and Wall Street

. André Orléan (2023) Value and Money as Social Power: New Concepts for Old Questions

• Special Lecture Program #1(Aug. 24)
『The History of Money』by Gibin Hong

• Session 7(Aug. 31)
『The History of Central Banking, Interest Rate, and Gold Standard』

— Agenda

. The history of central banking in different countries and regions, including the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve in the US and the European Central Bank

. Understanding the debate over the role of central banks in modern economies, including discussions on inflation targeting, financial stability, and lender of last resort

.The impact of central banking policies on different socioeconomic groups, including their effects on income inequality, employment, and financial stability

. Exploring how the gold standard emerged as a way to bring stability to the international monetary system, and how it came to be abandoned in the 20th century

. Examining the role of cryptocurrencies in challenging traditional central banking models and creating new forms of decentralized monetary policy

— Required Readings

. Barry Eichengreen, <Golden Fetters>, 1992
Chapter 2–5, 11
<황금족쇄 : 금본위제와 대공황, 1919~1939년>, 박복영 역, 미지북스(2016)

— Supplement Readings

. Adam LeBor, <Tower of Basel>, 2013
Part I Chapter 1–3, Part II Chapter 9, 13
<바젤탑 : 국제결제은행(BIS)의 역사, 금융으로 쌓은 바벨탑>, 임수강 역, 더늠(2022)

. Neil Irwin, <The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire>, 2013
Part I Chapter 1–3, Part II 11, Part III Chapter 12
<연금술사들>, 김선영 역, 비즈니스맵(2014)

. Sidney Homer, Richard Sylla, <A History of Interest Rates, 4th Edition>, 2005
Part II Chapter 9–10, Part III Chapter 11–14, Part IV Chapter 23
<금리의 역사>, 이은주 역, 리딩리더(2011)

. Edward Chancellor, <The Price of Time: The Real Story of Interest>, 2022
Part II Chapter 7–14
<금리의 역습>, 임상훈 역, 위드덤하우스(2023)

. Walter Bagehot, <Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market>, 1873

• Session 8(Sep. 14)
『Game Theory and Cryptoeconomics』

— Agenda

. Introduction to game theory and its applications in economics and computer science

. The role of game theory in the development of cryptocurrency protocols and cryptoeconomic systems

. Overview of mechanism design principles and their use in creating decentralized systems, including consensus algorithms and decentralized marketplaces

. Analysis of the challenges and limitations of applying game theory to cryptoeconomics, including issues related to coordination, incentive alignment, and network effects

. Discussion of potential avenues for further research and development in game theory and mechanism design for cryptoeconomics, such as the integration of machine learning and AI techniques

— Required Readings

. Eric A. Posner, Eric Glen Weyl, <Radical Markets>, 2018
Chapter 1–2, 4
<래디컬 마켓 : 공정한 사회를 위한 근본적 개혁>, 박기영 역, 부키(2019)

. Kaushik Basu, <The Republic of Beliefs: A New Approach to Law and Economics>, 2018
Chapter 1–2, 4–5
<믿음의 공화국 : 게임이론으로 풀어낸 법경제학의 새로운 패러다임>, 박연진 역, 이화여대출판문화원(2022)

— Supplement Readings

. Thomas C. Schelling, <The Strategy Of Conflict>, 1960
<갈등의 전략>, 이경남 역, 한국경제신문(2013)

. Introduction to Cryptoeconomics

. Cryptoeconomics, Token Design, and Incentives in DeFi

. A Crash Course in Mechanism Design for Cryptoeconomic Applications

• Session 9(Oct. 12)
『The Potential of Crypto-Finance as an Alternative to the Capitalism』

— Agenda

. Critique of the current financial system and its limitations in addressing economic inequality and promoting financial inclusion

. Defining and distinguishing crypto-finance from traditional finance, and exploring its potential to provide an alternative to capitalist finance

. Examining the key features of decentralized finance (DeFi) and how they enable new possibilities for lending, borrowing, and trading without relying on traditional financial intermediaries

. Analyzing the challenges and opportunities of building a new financial ecosystem based on decentralized technologies, and discussing potential paths forward for the development of crypto-finance as a viable alternative to capitalism

— Required Readings

. Eswar S. Prasad, <The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution Is Transforming Currencies and Finance>, 2021
Part I-II
<화폐의 미래>, 이영래 역, 김영사(2023)

— Supplement Readings

. Friedrich A. Hayek, <Denationalisation of Money, 3rd Edition>, 1990
Chapter 3–4, 8–10, 13–16

. Joseph Lee, <Crypto-Finance, Law and Regulation>, 2022
Chapter 3–6, 11

. The Future of Crypto and Blockchain: Why Financial Services Leaders Should Advance a Digital Assets Strategy

. DeFi Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview of DeFi

. Michael Saylor: Bitcoin, Inflation, and the Future of Money

. Web3 beyond the hype

. A Great Transformation — Web 3 Beyond the Market

. World Bank Group, <Infrastructure Tokenization: Does Blockchain Have a Role in the Financing of Infrastructure?>, 2023

• Special Lecture Program #2(Oct. 26)
『Politics, Art and Culture : The Medici Family and the History of Renaissance Art』by Donghyun Lim

• Session 10(Nov. 2)
『NFTs’ potential impact on society and the art world』

— Agenda

. Introduction to NFTs and exploring the potential of NFTs as a tool for empowering artists and creators

. Technology-art interaction and the emergence of new art experiences through digital technology mediums

.Exploring how NFTs could shape the future of art production, distribution, and consumption

. Ethical and legal issues surrounding the creation, ownership, and sale of NFTs, such as copyright infringement, plagiarism, and authenticity

— Required Readings

. Walter Benjamin, <The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction(Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit)>, 2008(1939)
<기술적 복제시대의 예술작품>, 심철민 역, 도서출판 b(2017)

. David Joselit, <After Art>, 2013
<예술 이후>, 이진실 역, 현실문화연구(2022)

— Supplement Readings

. Rosalind E. Krauss, <A Voyage on the North Sea: Art in the Age of the Post-Medium Condition>, 1999
<북해에서의 항해 : 포스트-매체 조건 시대의 미술>, 김지훈 역, 현실문화A(2017)

. NFTs, the Metaverse and the Future of Digital Art

. NFT 아트의 미래와 전망

. Web3, NFTs and the Future of Art

. Digital Art NFTs: The Marriage Of Art & Money

. Future Art Ecosystems 3: Art x Decentralised Tech

. Christiane Paul, <Digital Art (World of Art)>, 2015
Chapter 1–3

. Alexander R. Galloway, <Protocol: How Control Exists after Decentralization>, 2004
Chapter 4–7

. Lev Manovich, <The Language of New Media>, 2002
Chapter 1–3, 5
<뉴미디어의 언어>, 서정신 역, 커뮤니케이션북스(2014)

. Katherine Hayles: Who is the artist?

• Session 11(Nov. 16)
『Anthropology of Community and Web3』

— Agenda

. Defining and understanding the concept of community, and its importance in Web3 projects

. Exploring the role of fan culture in Web3 communities, and how it differs from traditional fan culture in the art and entertainment industries

. Examination of the role of rituals and symbolism in community formation and engagement in Web3

. Analysis of how Web3 projects use symbolism to create and reinforce community identity and culture

. Exploring the challenges of community governance in Web3, and the potential for decentralized decision-making processes to empower community members

. Analyzing the potential for Web3 communities to create new forms of social and economic value, and the ways in which community members can benefit from these innovations

. Examining the relationship between Web3 communities and the broader socio-economic system, and the potential for community-led innovation to disrupt traditional power structures and institutions

— Required Readings

. Erving Goffman, <The presentation of self in everyday life>, 1959
Chapter 1–2
<자아 연출의 사회학>, 진수미 역, 현암사(2016)

. Michel Maffesoli, <The Time of the Tribes: The Decline of Individualism in Mass Society(Original version was published in French)>, 1996
Chapter 1, 4–5
<부족의 시대 — 포스트모던 사회에서 개인주의의 쇠퇴>, 박정호·신지은 역, 문학동네(2017)

— Supplement Readings

. Victor Turner, <Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society>, 1975
Chapter 1, 6
<인간 사회와 상징 행위 : 사회적 드라마, 구조, 커뮤니타스>, 강대훈 역, 황소걸음(2018)

. Mark Duffett, <Understanding Fandom: An Introduction to the Study of Media Fan Culture>, 2013
Chapter 1, 5, 8–9
<팬덤 이해하기>, 김수정·곽현자·김수아·박지영 역, 한울아카데미(2016)

• Special Lecture Program #3(Nov. 30)
『Generative AI, Posthuman, and Transhuman』

• Session 12(Dec. 14)
『Metaverse and Posthumanism』

— Agenda

. How is the metaverse being built, and what are the potential implications of the metaverse for society and the economy?

. Understanding the ways in which Web3 technologies and the metaverse challenge traditional notions of human identity and embodiment

. Exploring the ethical and philosophical implications of a posthumanist approach to the design and governance of Web3 systems and the metaverse

. Discussing the potential of Web3 to create more inclusive and diverse societies that value multiple forms of life and intelligence

. Considering the role of decentralization, autonomy, and democratic decision-making in building a more posthumanist future for Web3 and the metaverse

— Required Readings

. Rosi Braidotti, <Posthuman Knowledge>, 2019
Chapter 1–2, 4–5
<포스트휴먼 지식 : 비판적 포스트인문학을 위하여>, 김재희·송은주 역, 아카넷(2022)

.Mark Coeckelbergh, <The Political Philosophy of AI: An Introduction>, 2022
Chapter 3–6
<인공지능은 왜 정치적일 수밖에 없는가>, 배현석 역, 생각이음(2023)

— Supplement Readings

. Francesca Ferrando, <Philosophical Posthumanism>, 2019
Part I-II
<철학적 포스트휴머니즘>, 이지선 역, 아카넷(2021)

. Nobert Wiener, <Cybernetics : Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine>, 1961(2nd Edition)
Chapter 8–10
<사이버네틱스>, 김재영 역, 읻다(2023)

. What does “POSTHUMAN” mean? Dr. Ferrando (NYU) — Course “The Posthuman” Lesson

. Posthumanism Explained — Nietzsche, Deleuze, Stiegler, Haraway

. Cathy Hackl, <Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World>, 2022
Part I Chapter 2, Part II Chapter 3, 6
<메타노믹스 : 메타버스 시대 경제 패러다임을 이끌 전략서>, 권보라 역, RHK(2022)

• Session 13(Dec. 28)
『Web3 as a Social System』

— Agenda

. Introduction to Niklas Luhmann’s Social Systems Theory and its relevance to Web3

. Exploring the key characteristics of Web3 as a social system, such as decentralization, peer-to-peer networks, and consensus mechanisms

. Examining the ways in which Web3 social systems generate and process information, and how this relates to the concept of autopoiesis in Luhmann’s theory

. Examining the different sub-systems within Web3, such as cryptocurrencies, DAOs, and NFTs, and how they interact with each other and the broader socio-economic system

. Analyzing the role of trust and reputation in Web3, and how they differ from traditional systems of trust and reputation in capitalist economies

. Evaluating the potential implications of Web3 as a social system on traditional power structures and institutions, such as governments, financial institutions, and corporations

. Discussing the potential of Web3 to create new forms of social integration, such as through shared values or community norms, and how this relates to Luhmann’s concept of system integration

— Required Readings

. Niklas Luhmann, <Social Systems(Original version was published in German)>, 1984
Chapter 1, 4–5, 11–12
<사회적 체계들 : 일반이론의 개요>, 이철·박여성 역, 한길사(2020)

. Joshua Dávila, <Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It>, 2023

— Supplement Readings

. The Web as Techno-Social System : The Emergence of Web 3.0

. Takehiko Daikoku, <The ‘Philosophy’ of Virtual Society — Bitcoin, VR, Post-Truth>, 2018
Chapter 2–5
<가상사회의 철학 : 비트코인·VR·탈진실>, 최승현 역, 산지니(2022)

6. Special Program

- Furthermore, we plan to feature a total of 3 to 4 guest lectures by esteemed specialists in the areas of political economy, posthumanism, art, and history.

7. Next Step

- This course is a first step on the road to a long-term Web3 College. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded an SBT(Soulbound Token). We are contemplating providing additional privileges to members once we launch the Web3 College in the foreseeable future.

- The Web3 College will be designed as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO) structure and will comprise a membership of core contributors, faculty members, and learners. The College is intended to function as a Web3 think tank, aiming to nurture upcoming Web3 professionals and exert significant influence in driving socio-cultural transformation through Web3.

#Web3 #Blockchain #Social_System #Governance #DAO #Decentralization #Cryptoeconomics #DeFi #NFT #Metaverse #Posthumanism #Media_Theory



Jongseung Kim

Author of <Blockchainomics>, Cryptoenthusiast, Web3, NFT, DAO Majored in Western Philosophy