“That’s Ghetto”

The history and legacy of the word ghetto

Nita K
2 min readAug 28, 2020
Photo by Erik Zünder on Unsplash

Ghetto Neighborhoods: Before WWII

The phrase “ghetto” has become a negative way of describing someone. From their clothing to hair and even the way they talk. But it wasn't always used in this way. The origin of the word is not exactly known but its first use dates back to the 17th century. Up until the 19th century, the word was used to describe countries in Europe that had segregated Jewish people. Then in the late 1930s to late 1940s these ghettos reemerged in Nazi Germany.

Ghetto Neighborhoods and Segregation: After WWII

After WWII, the word found a new association and meaning. Although the word was still used to refer to poor and immigrant neighborhoods (The Ghetto), the people in these areas changed. Predominantly African American and low-income individuals who were made to live in these areas were now being subjected to this word. Even more, the greatest population of African Americans were in major cities due to 1950s segregation and housing…



Nita K

I write to educate, escape, and inform. To be the voice during these times. “My silences had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you” -Audre Lorde