Executive Summary: Revenue Sharing Model for DeGenius Casino

De-Genius Casino
6 min readOct 9, 2023


In an era where online casinos are witnessing exponential growth, blockchain technology brings transparency, security, and fairness. ‘DeGenius Casino’ is uniquely positioned, leveraging the vast user base of Telegram and the versatility of Python to tap into an expansive market segment.

Technical Infrastructure:

  • Python-Based Gaming Architecture: All games and bots on ‘DeGenius Casino’ are developed using Python, a language renowned for its simplicity, scalability, and robustness. This ensures efficient development cycles, easy maintenance, and adaptability to evolving gaming trends.
  • Telegram Bot Integration: By capitalizing on the Python-Telegram Bot API, ‘DeGenius Casino’ provides seamless and user-friendly gaming experiences directly within the Telegram platform.
  • Blockchain Integration: The platform utilizes Ethereum-based smart contracts for its token and staking mechanisms, ensuring transparency, security, and decentralized control.

1. Revenue Streams:

1.1. Casino Bots Losses:

Games Offered:

  • Slots (3 variations)
  • Blackjack with advanced features (double downs and splits)
  • Roulette with basic betting
  • Future development: Poker and Baccarat

Mechanics: Players’ interactions with the bot result in a net loss or gain. This aggregate loss (factoring in the house edge) is collected as revenue.

1.2. PvP Bots Withdraw House Cut:

Mechanics: Post player-versus-player engagements, a predetermined percentage (house cut) is extracted during the withdrawal process.

1.3. Ad Space:

Revenue accrues from:

  • Banner Ad Impressions
  • Interstitial Ad Views
  • Sponsored Content Engagements

Mechanics: Entities can acquire ad spaces at the bottom of multiple bot feeds, generating additional revenue concurrently.

1.4. Trending Spots for Buy Bot:

Mechanics: Entities can acquire premium placement at a fee, generating additional revenue.

2. Revenue Allocation:

To ensure the project’s long-term viability and continual growth, 5% is deducted from each of the main revenue streams, accumulating into a “Team Pool” earmarked for development, marketing, and other operational needs.

As visualized above:

  • Each primary revenue stream (blue bars) contributes 95% of its proceeds to its respective pool.
  • 5% from each stream (red segment atop the blue bars) is directed into the “Team Pool”, which is then allocated for development, marketing, and other operational activities.

3. Revenue Share Tiers (Post Team Pool Deduction):

3.1. V2 Contributors (9.5%):

  • Definition: Distinct group that transitioned from V1 to V2 tokens, bolstering V2 liquidity.
  • Distribution Mechanics: A reserved 9.5% of the revenue is allocated proportionally based on their contribution.

3.2. Holders (19%):

  • Mechanics: Rewards are distributed based on:
  • Proportional token holdings
  • Snapshot intervals to determine exact share

3.3. Stakers (38%):

Mechanics: Stakers are rewarded based on:

  • Amount staked
  • Duration of staking
  • Formula:


(Amount staked×Duration in days)×Staking coefficient

3.4. Casino/PvP Bot Group Referral (28.5%):

Mechanics: Referrers and group owners are rewarded based on the volume of their referred groups, placing them in their respective tiers.

  • Tier 1 (Top 10% groups by volume): 14.25% of the referral pool
  • Tier 2 (Next 20% groups by volume): 9.5% of the referral pool
  • Tier 3 (Remaining groups): 4.75% of the referral pool

3.5. Team Pool (5% of each revenue stream = 20% total):

Mechanics: Accumulated for:

  • Project development
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Operational expenses
  • Community events and more

The pie chart provides a detailed visual representation of the adjusted revenue share distribution for ‘DeGenius Casino’:

  • V2 Contributors: Represented in gold, they are allocated 9.5% of the total revenue. Their early contribution is emphasized with an exploded slice.
  • Holders: Allocated 19% of the revenue, depicted in yellow-green.
  • Stakers: Earning the most significant share at 38%, stakers are highlighted in light coral. Their segment is also exploded for emphasis given their crucial role in the ecosystem.
  • Casino/PvP Bot Group Referral: Represented in lightskyblue, this group receives 28.5% of the revenue, distributed across different tiers.
  • Team Pool: The purple segment stands for the consolidated 20% (5% from each revenue stream) directed towards the project’s development, marketing, and operations.

4. Revenue Distribution Frequency:

  • Set at a weekly cadence to start, the distribution frequency is dynamic. As transaction volume escalates, adjustments ensure operational efficiency and timely rewards.

Growth Projections for ‘DeGenius Casino’ Over 12 Months

As ‘DeGenius Casino’ gears up for its next operational year, understanding potential growth trajectories is pivotal. The following projections, derived from market analysis, past performance, and industry trends, provide insights into three potential scenarios: Optimistic, Conservative, and Pessimistic.

Optimistic Scenario (Blue Line):

  • Users: Rapid user acquisition is anticipated due to aggressive marketing, superior user experience, and enhanced game offerings.
  • Revenue: Mirroring user growth, revenue is expected to see a sharp rise, reaching its peak by year-end.

Conservative Scenario (Green Line):

  • Users: A steady growth pattern is projected. While the initial adoption rate matches the optimistic outlook, a more moderate growth rate follows.
  • Revenue: Revenue follows a similar trajectory, with a consistent increase month-over-month, albeit at a slower pace than the optimistic scenario.

Pessimistic Scenario (Red Line):

  • Users: Initial growth is strong, potentially due to the novelty factor and initial marketing efforts. However, retention challenges lead to a decline in the latter half of the year.
  • Revenue: Starting with a robust revenue influx, a gradual decline ensues. By the end of the year, revenue stabilizes, ending modestly.

Optimistic Scenario ($20,000 Revenue):

V2 Contributors: $1,900 -Total

Holders: $3,800 -Total

Stakers: $7,600 -Total

Casino/PvP Bot Group Referral: $5,700 -Total

Conservative Scenario ($15,000 Revenue):

V2 Contributors: $1,425 -Total

Holders: $2,850 -Total

Stakers: $5,700 -Total

Casino/PvP Bot Group Referral: $4,275 -Total

Pessimistic Scenario ($13,000 Revenue):

V2 Contributors: $1,235 -Total

Holders: $2,470 -Total

Stakers: $4,940 -Total

Casino/PvP Bot Group Referral: $3,705 -Total

The chart above depicts more specific examples for the scenarios below:

Holder with Max Bag (20,000 tokens or 2% of the total supply):

  • Optimistic Scenario: $76/ week — $304/ month
  • Conservative Scenario: $57/ week — $228/ month
  • Pessimistic Scenario: $49.40 / week — $197/ month

Staker with Max Bag (20,000 tokens) w/ 20% total supply staked:

  • Optimistic Scenario: $190/ week — $760/ month
  • Conservative Scenario: $142/ week — $568/ month
  • Pessimistic Scenario: $123.50/ week — $494/ month

Referrers and Group Owners earnings:

  • Optimistic Scenario: Dependent on specific group volume.
  • Conservative Scenario: Dependent on specific group volume.
  • Pessimistic Scenario: Dependent on specific group volume.

Technical Conclusion:

The enhanced revenue sharing model for ‘DeGenius Casino’ is rooted in meticulous planning and technical precision. By balancing rewards for all stakeholders and ensuring a dedicated pool for project growth, the model is poised to foster a robust and sustainable ecosystem. As the platform expands its game offerings and user base, the in-built adaptability of the model ensures it remains aligned with the project’s evolving objectives and the community’s expectations.

