Our Song

1 min readAug 23, 2022


Hello again! now for this piece, I would like you to take it in slowly. they are words to be absorbed and meditated on. Feel the words. Much love, Dee.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

So smooth, sung softly
It rolls out your tongue
As though gently caressed

I can’t stop grinning
And now i’m laughing
So improper for song so gentle

Could have been a smile
And if unbearable, a giggle
But your voice gives me ineffable joy

My heart aches from giddiness
My thoughts all jumbled from your sweetness
I can’t take my eyes off of you

And i won’t try to
My heart is where it belongs, with you
My body is where it desires, by you

Oh, darling, don’t stop now
Sing one more time,
I would listen ever so intently

To the song our love composed
To the song our hearts bellowed
And for the both of us

I’ll keep moving in rhythm,
to your voice that sings our song
Take my hand, join me in rhythm to our Song

Thank you for reading. Check out my website: https://www.storiesbydee.co.uk/




Writer | Creator | Artist I just want to learn.