5 ideas every day for a year..

David Delahunty
114 min readSep 21, 2017

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Ok lets continue…I’m going to put it out there — I want to become an idea machine or just become really good at coming up with ideas and the only way anybody gets better at their raft is by doing it every day. So that’s what I’m going to do right, I’m going to come up with 5 ideas everyday…simple. The ideas will be anything from product ideas to stuff that is absolutely mental but not too mental. I will post them here on this post, each day. I will aadd 5 new ideas to the list every.single.day — the most recent being at the top. So please keep checking back…or bookmark this page(if you haven’t already).

So many people treat there ideas as seeds, a seed that they never water and ultimately dies. I want to water my ideas by sharing them and giving them a chance to grow. If you’re actually implementing any of them, let me know.

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David Delahunty

Award Losing Designer. Growth Hacker (I hack trees). Many Fingers in Many Pies (Currently on a diet). The Pied Piper of Social Media.