What exactly is #Ana doing?

2 min readDec 2, 2021


Man has neither the technology nor the knowledge to predict the future of a complex system.
Therefore, #Ana does not aim at predicting financial markets and their evolutions,
Our goal is to develop an AI champion of finance, just as Google has developed an AI champion of GO.

We have modeled our own mathematical models of the financial markets to extend the Black Scholes and Merton model to very short trading times of less than one day, and robust to high volatilities.

Regarding the development process, we have automated the collection of real data from the financial markets and process it with dedicated big data software like Spark. We then use our own mathematical model to process that data.
Then we put it all together in our own digital brain to train #Ana to become a champion trader based on academic research.

And it is to support our vision that we have created #ANA, the fully autonomous artificial trading intelligence. Autonomous from the moment it learns how to trade: thanks to machine learning, it learns how to trade itself, and is autonomous in its execution of trades, even in its risk management.
We publish the first deep learning software dedicated to trading. The client downloads our software and drives our AI in a simple and ergonomic way. No advanced settings, he simply configures the AI by building his financial portfolio and lets #Ana trade for him.
Of course, he keeps the control on the AI and can stop it at any time or liquidate his positions. Finally, he visualizes #Ana’s performance via analytical tools.


