Is Southern Airways Express the same as Mokulele?

Southern Airways Express and Mokulele Airlines are distinct entities but are closely related through acquisition.

6 min readJun 26, 2024

Southern Airways Express, a larger regional airline based in the continental United States, acquired Mokulele Airlines in 2019. Despite this acquisition, both airlines operate under their own brands, maintaining separate identities while benefiting from shared resources and operational synergies.

Background and History

Southern Airways Express was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Palm Beach, Florida. It primarily operates in the continental United States, serving routes in regions such as the Mid-Atlantic, Gulf Coast, and the Pacific Northwest. Southern Airways Express focuses on providing reliable regional air service to smaller communities, often operating in areas underserved by larger carriers.

Mokulele Airlines, on the other hand, was established in 1994 and is based in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Mokulele has a strong presence in the Hawaiian Islands, specializing in inter-island travel. Its fleet of smaller aircraft, such as the Cessna Grand Caravan, is well-suited for the short distances and frequent flights characteristic of island hopping in Hawaii.

The Acquisition

In 2019, Southern Airways Express acquired Mokulele Airlines. This acquisition was part of Southern Airways Express’s strategy to expand its footprint and enhance its service offerings by integrating Mokulele’s established operations in Hawaii. The acquisition aimed to leverage the strengths of both airlines, creating a more robust and efficient network.

Despite the acquisition, Mokulele Airlines retained its brand identity. The decision to keep the Mokulele brand was strategic, as the airline had built a strong reputation and loyal customer base in Hawaii over the years. This approach allowed Mokulele to continue operating with the familiarity and cultural relevance that local residents and tourists had come to appreciate.

Operational Synergies

The acquisition brought several operational benefits to both airlines. By combining resources, Southern Airways Express and Mokulele Airlines were able to achieve economies of scale, streamline operations, and enhance overall efficiency. Shared resources include aircraft maintenance, pilot training, and administrative functions, which help reduce costs and improve service reliability.

For passengers, the acquisition has led to a broader range of travel options and improved connectivity. Customers can now benefit from a more extensive route network, encompassing both Mokulele’s inter-island flights in Hawaii and Southern Airways Express’s routes on the mainland. This expanded network facilitates seamless travel experiences, particularly for those needing to connect between Hawaii and other regions served by Southern Airways Express.

Fleet and Service Enhancements

The integration of Mokulele Airlines into the Southern Airways Express family has also allowed for fleet optimization. Both airlines primarily operate smaller aircraft, such as the Cessna Grand Caravan, which are ideal for short-haul regional flights. By standardizing the fleet, the airlines can reduce maintenance costs and improve operational flexibility.

Service enhancements have also been a focus. Both airlines prioritize customer service and aim to provide a personal and friendly flying experience. Mokulele Airlines, in particular, is known for its warm hospitality, reflecting the spirit of aloha. Southern Airways Express has adopted similar values, ensuring that passengers receive attentive and courteous service regardless of the route they are flying.

Strategic Vision

The strategic vision behind the acquisition is to create a stronger, more versatile regional airline network that can effectively serve diverse markets. By combining the strengths of both airlines, the parent company aims to offer reliable and convenient air travel solutions to a wider audience. This includes maintaining Mokulele’s commitment to serving the Hawaiian community and preserving its cultural significance.

The acquisition has also opened up opportunities for future growth and expansion. With a solid foundation in both Hawaii and the mainland United States, the combined airline network is well-positioned to explore new routes and markets. This could potentially include expanding into other regions or enhancing existing services to meet the evolving needs of passengers.

While Southern Airways Express and Mokulele Airlines operate as separate brands, the acquisition in 2019 has created a synergistic relationship that benefits both airlines and their passengers. Mokulele continues to provide essential inter-island travel services in Hawaii, retaining its unique identity and cultural significance. Meanwhile, Southern Airways Express supports and enhances these operations with additional resources and an expanded route network. Together, they form a more robust and versatile regional airline network, committed to delivering reliable, friendly, and efficient air travel solutions.

Where is Mokulele Airlines located?

Mokulele Airlines is a regional airline based in the state of Hawaii, USA. Established in 1994, the airline operates both scheduled and charter flights, primarily serving the Hawaiian Islands. Its headquarters are located in Kailua-Kona, on the island of Hawaii (also known as the Big Island), which positions the airline centrally within its primary area of operations.

History and Founding

Mokulele Airlines was founded by Rebecca “Kawehi” Inaba, who aimed to provide affordable and convenient air travel between the Hawaiian Islands. The name “Mokulele” translates to “aircraft” in Hawaiian, reflecting the airline’s commitment to serving the local community and its emphasis on island hopping.

Headquarters and Operations

The main office of Mokulele Airlines is situated at the Kona International Airport in Kailua-Kona. This location serves as the nerve center for its operations, including administrative functions, customer service, and flight coordination. Kona International Airport is strategically significant as it allows easy access to various destinations within the Hawaiian archipelago.

Destinations and Routes

Mokulele Airlines operates flights to several key destinations across Hawaii. These include:

1. Kailua-Kona (Big Island)

2. Honolulu (Oahu)

3. Kahului (Maui)

4. Molokai

5. Lanai

The airline also provides connections to smaller airports and less frequented routes, enhancing accessibility for residents and tourists alike. Mokulele’s smaller aircraft are particularly well-suited for the short distances and frequent trips typical of inter-island travel.

Fleet and Services

The fleet of Mokulele Airlines primarily consists of Cessna Grand Caravan aircraft. These planes are ideal for the airline’s operations, offering reliability, efficiency, and the ability to land at smaller airports with shorter runways. The Cessna Grand Caravan can comfortably accommodate around nine passengers, making it perfect for the quick and convenient island hops that Mokulele specializes in.

Mokulele Airlines prides itself on offering a personal and friendly flying experience. The smaller size of their planes allows for a more intimate and scenic journey, with passengers often enjoying breathtaking views of Hawaii’s natural beauty during their flights. The airline emphasizes customer service and aims to provide a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience.

Recent Developments and Partnerships

In recent years, Mokulele Airlines has undergone several significant changes and developments. In 2019, Southern Airways Express, a larger regional airline, acquired Mokulele Airlines. This acquisition aimed to enhance operational efficiencies, expand the route network, and improve service offerings. The partnership has allowed Mokulele to tap into Southern Airways’ resources and expertise, further solidifying its position in the Hawaiian inter-island travel market.

Additionally, Mokulele Airlines has been proactive in addressing environmental concerns. The airline has been exploring ways to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable aviation practices. This includes initiatives such as carbon offset programs and exploring the use of more fuel-efficient aircraft.

Community Engagement and Cultural Significance

Mokulele Airlines holds a special place in the hearts of many Hawaiian residents. Its commitment to serving the local community and preserving Hawaiian culture is evident in various aspects of its operations. The airline often participates in community events, sponsors local organizations, and supports cultural preservation initiatives.

The name “Mokulele” itself is a nod to Hawaiian heritage, and the airline strives to embody the spirit of aloha in its services. Passengers often appreciate the warm and welcoming atmosphere that Mokulele Airlines fosters, which sets it apart from larger, less personal carriers.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, Mokulele Airlines aims to continue expanding its services and improving its offerings. The focus remains on providing reliable and convenient inter-island travel while embracing technological advancements and sustainable practices. As tourism continues to be a major economic driver in Hawaii, Mokulele Airlines is well-positioned to play a crucial role in connecting the islands and supporting the local economy.

In summary, Mokulele Airlines, based in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, is a regional carrier dedicated to providing convenient, friendly, and efficient air travel within the Hawaiian Islands. With its strong community ties, commitment to customer service, and focus on sustainability, Mokulele Airlines continues to be a vital part of Hawaii’s aviation landscape.

