Mass Media: Society and Culture

5 min readOct 10, 2020


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Evolution of Media

Throughout the span of inventions for human communication, a series of changes took place to accommodate the dynamic flow and pace of the people’s demands. This has ultimately led to further innovations to mass communication and information dissemination. The evolution we witnessed was molded in such a way that this dynamic change can be accommodated; hence many factors had an influence to it.

Throughout the evolution of media, the ownerships for the media companies become increasingly concentrated into only a few owners. This has led to the media only tackling a topic or issue in only one to a few perspectives.

What effect can this bring to the audience? Mass acceptance of that specific point of view. People will generally believe the information they receive from a news outlet although the more media literate ones can take them with a grain of salt. However, bottom line is that the general public can inherit the expressed point of view and believe it to be the absolute one or the only truth. Hence, this concentrated ownership of media companies not only altered the path of media evolution but also influenced on how new communication media should be made.

Conglomeration is also another factor. In the world of mass media, it is when a media outlet is controlled by a non-media company. This type of setup limits to what the media outlet can do or show. The media outlet has to abide to what their owner allows and doesn’t allow. This means that the information released on that outlet may not always reveal the entirety of the story or issue. Influential people or companies can take advantage of this limit and only show a specific perspective of something. For example, it may give a positive or negative light to someone or something. Because of this, the audience can pick up on this specific perspective and be led into accepting and believing such.

Finally, audience fragmentation is another factor. Radios and television used to cater to masses and cover a wide variety of content. However, the audiences now tend to get interested in only a few specific topics. This has also led to the media shaping up their productions in such a way that it caters the specific wants of an audience thus catering only a few specific genres of information.

source: Public Sphere on YouTube

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In order for something to evolve, it must undergo changes over time. These changes should always adhere to the demands of its present day. With that, comes along the various factors that can have an effect to what will become the new medium of mass communication.

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Digitization of Videos

Due to convergence, innovations such as digitization of videos have given producers and consumers opportunities and challenges in the media industry.

Digitization is the process of converting information into a digital format where information is organized into units of data that can be separately addressed.

Digitization of videos paved the way for producers to disseminate information that can reach the target audience efficiently. Digitization allowed them to record and convey information, relay high-quality content, increase customer awareness, and minimize production costs and time. However, there are disadvantages brought by digitization in other media sectors as well. For instance, most consumers now rely on the internet for accessing information thus resulting to the declining of magazine and newspaper production.

As for consumers, digitization has brought accessibility to data and information. People nowadays heavily depend on mobile phones and computers that provide their needs and wants. With the numerous apps which allow us to send messages to each other and share insights on different platforms, digitization has indeed changed our ability to communicate.

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Through digitization, data and information can now be easily accessed and shared. Utilization of media in social network sites is beneficial to information producers for it results to optimized worker operations and increased productivity. Meanwhile, the increase in commercial competition has led to more options for information consumers to choose from.

Pros and Cons of Media Accessibility

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Media accessibility has changed how we perceive and interact with each other. It enabled us to create content, share thoughts with one another, and even escape reality. Thus, it simultaneously benefits us and creates new problems.

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Advantages of Media Accessibility

· Dissemination of Information — Media accessibility has paved the way for faster and easier relay of information to the audience about updates and news.

· Keep us virtually connected — It has been easier for people to communicate with others such as sharing of moments and sending pictures and videos through the internet. Media accessibility has highlighted the strength of social media which can be used as a community and emotional support.

· Access to all platforms — People nowadays enjoy social networking sites anywhere and anytime with the use of mobile phones or other gadgets. Different topics are uploaded and downloaded and the content is something that majority of the people can relate to.

Disadvantages of Media Accessibility

· Decline of use of books, magazines, and newspapers — People nowadays, particularly teens and kids, tend to use their devices more rather than read books or other print media. Media accessibility has changed the way people receive both information and entertainment.

· Reliance on gadgets — The new technology is designed to fit seamlessly into our lifestyle thus resulting to gadget addiction. This may negatively effect the emotional and physical aspects of a person.

· Overtake personal connections — Media accessibility has increased online relationships. Instances like dining in a restaurant or sharing coffee at a local shop, people are sitting together physically but are mentally not together for they are using their mobile phones to communicate with others.

Through the years, the innovations brought by media have influenced the audience and community in relation to their preferences and consumption. It has become one of the key factors of social evolution.

An output for COMM 10: Critical Perspectives in Communication.


Baran, S.J. (2013). Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Rouse, M. (2015). Digitization. Retrieved from




COMM 10: Critical Perspectives in Communication