Equity is work: Leave it to the professionals.

Deldelp Medina
2 min readAug 7, 2017


Here are some thoughts about why tech so often gets it wrong about how to create great products with inclusive teams. (My thoughts are my own)

1. Diversity and Inclusion are operational processes not holding hands and singing kumbaya.

How does your company’s operations allow all folks to thrive? Is Human Resources a last minute addition to your team or is it a part of your company building process? What systems do you use and do they have bias baked into them? Do you hire experts who can assess bias?

2. It takes a series of skill sets to lead and work with diverse teams that have their expertise and experiences included in building a product.

How do you, as a person, learn those skill sets to allow you to lead and build a great product with a well-rounded team? How does your company encourage your team to interact and learn from each other? How does your company recognize talent and build leadership?

3. Ignoring the change in demographics is not only bad for business it is bad for relating to our shared humanity.

Does your company know the demographic makeup of your users? How do you serve users when you don’t have employees that understand the needs and wants of their communities? How is your company going to be ready for the change in demographics that could grow the pie of opportunity and $$ for all?

4. Stop acting as if your company culture is sacred and cannot be changed. If you lean on your culture, rather than the opportunity, you will ossify your output and ability to grow. If you can test and iterate on a product, then you can test and iterate on culture.

Since when is culture a fixed place or a monument to worship rather than an ever changing expression of humanity?



Deldelp Medina

#HustleHouse -Underestimated Founder Supporter #SanFrancisco & #Barranquillera My words are my own