New card. What do you think?

3 min readNov 3, 2018


Everyone thank you so much for your time, it is my great pleasure that I announce our delegate, Pierce, is running its first community competition! However, before I dive into that I’d like to thank everyone for their support over the past month, it’s been a bumpy road. We entered the delegate seen relatively recently and were almost immediately smacked with a week’s worth of network issues that crippled us all. It was difficult to bounce back from, but with the support of the amazing people of this community we were all able to rise up.

Now, the good stuff. We’re launching our first community competition as I mentioned, I’m sure you’ve all seen the question asked, do you guys have business cards? Honestly, no. It’s an unfortunate truth, we don’t have any cards. But why not turn that misfortune into some fortune? We thought it was a great way to get the community’s creative juices flowing by offering 600 Ark in prizes for the best business cards. Now there’s a real incentive to have the best card in the office, huh?

This competition is open to everyone, voters, non-voters, community members, team members, delegates, absolutely anyone! So, go nuts, the submissions open on Monday November 5th UTC 00:01. All you need to do to submit, is send a TX to AXjeuTuWZJT43RywiSfy6qUsepdCBFuzkx with the link to your submission in the SmartBridge field. Links should be to images of both, or one side of the card, and will be restricted to one submission per address. Ideally linking to the submission on a hosting service such as imgur. You don’t need to send anything to the address other than that, a single TX of 0.00000001Ѧ with the link attached in the SmartBridge field.

The closing date for submissions will be Monday the 26th of November at 00:01 UTC, the winners will then be announced in the days following. However, this will be dependant on the volume of entrants and should not be more than a couple of days or so. Now for the prizes, there is a total of 600 ARK up for grabs. This is broken up into 3 tiers which are outlined below.

• Tier 1: One prize of 250Ѧ
• Tier 2: Two prizes of 100Ѧ
• Tier 3: Three prizes of 50Ѧ

While we understand this is not a lot up for grabs, it has led to a seriously considered topic of whether we remain a high paying delegate and offer small prizes for our community initiatives, or we move to a model of slightly reduced payouts but a significantly larger community initiative fund allocation. It is a difficult matter to approach and has taken much deliberation and thought. On that, we have concluded that to provide a greater frequency and reward for our initiatives we will need to adopt a slight restructuring in our operations as a delegate. From December 3rd, we will operate the delegate with an 80% profit sharing percentage, this will result in a significant boost of what we will be able to offer to the community and is what we believe will be of the most benefit. It is not an easy decision to make and is one that we did not like having to make, however it is our belief that it is necessary to increase the what we can offer and its frequency. We hope you understand, and we appreciate that this is not good news to hear. It is even harder to have to deliver.

On a slightly more positive note, we look forward to your submissions and hope to see your amazing entries. If there’s anything that you feel has been left unclarified or are unsure of anything, don’t hesitate to speak out. We always appreciated to hear feedback, and we love hearing from you all. Again, a big thank you to the community for being so supportive of us, and to everyone that has provided support for us. Your efforts are what drives us, and we deeply appreciate the opportunity to be able to give back to the community like this. I look forward to everyone’s submissions and wish you all the best of luck.





The Official Medium account for the Ark delegate, Pierce.