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Delegation Hub
2 min readAug 23, 2018

-- is striving to become the leading delegation market place for selected Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) utility tokens such as STEEM and EOS. The Delegation Hub aims to connect different stakeholders of the STEEM and EOS ecosystems and thereby foster the growth and strength of communities and help them succeed.

Passive income through delegation (leasing) is an excellent investment vehicle to earn passive income at rates higher than fiat currency debt markets (17–20% APR / August 2018). The only risk carried by you, the investor, is the currency risk of the crypto currency itself.

  • Fixed Returns Guaranteed: You receive the exact net APR% as fixed in the delegation/leasing contract.
  • Zero Risk Returns: Powered by the DPOS algorithms, the blockchain in itself eliminates all risks since the ownership of the coins remains with the delegator (owner) at all times regardless of any delegation.
  • Consistent Timely Payouts: Your payouts are credited automatically to your accounts through our delegation engine on a daily basis.
  • Mitigation of currency risk: By earning passive income on your crypto currency, you can effectively mitigate potential losses in volatile or declining markets and enjoy leveraged benefits with increasing prices.

STEEM delegation

The STEEM utility token is the cryptocurrency of Steemit — a blockchain-based social media platform for publishers to monetize content and grow communities ( STEEM was founded by Dan Larimer, the founder of Bitshares (BTS) and EOS. With already more than 1 Mio. users it is by far the largest decentralized social media platform in existence today. STEEM Power (converted STEEM), the “influencing” currency is used on the platform to promote posts and gain power. STEEM Power (SP) can be delegated to active users and bloggers on the platform.

Our STEEM delegation market place for delegating / leasing SP offers you the highest returns in the market. You can choose among two products.

1. Delegation market

  • Current APR around 20%
  • Lowest fees in the market; 0% fee for Delegatees, 0% introduction fee for Delegators, thereafter 5%
  • Daily payouts until end of chosen delegation contract

2. Delegation bot “therising”

  • Current APR between 17–19%
  • 100% payout ratio, 0% fees
  • Highest performance score according to STEEM delegation comparison platform
  • Already managing 1 Mio. Steem Power and increasing
  • Daily payouts until “undelegation” by you

Outlook: EOS delegation

Our EOS delegation market is under development. As the EOS platform is in its infancy stage we are monitoring the development closely. As it stands now, CPU and Bandwidth delegation can be expected as our first product, followed by RAM delegation.

We strive to provide a maximum benefit to YOU — the stakeholders of the projects. Please get in contact with us via the channels provided below and visit



Delegation Hub

The leading crypto currency delegation market for STEEM and EOS.