My year in Review — 2020

Grace amidst the pandemic

Adeleke A. Balogun
5 min readDec 31, 2020

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw


My First “Year In Review” article, who knew I’d be writing one this 2020.

It is still hard to believe 2020 is almost coming to an end. A year that started with so much hope, goal, and ambition, the same year that changed the world as we know it, a year that took a lot and gave a lot.

We lived in a way that no one ever thought we could, leaving most people wondering What Next, When Will this be over.

Despite all that happened this year, it was also the best year of my life, the most interesting, busiest. I picked up a new skill, got my first job, got my first gadget.

As we come to a close of an unforgettable year, I would love to highlight those little achievements that have made 2020 memorable.


This article highlights my 2020 achievement hoping that it inspires you to find what you love doing and keep at it.

January — February

My first blessing of 2020 came when I got a new dell latitude 5450 laptops for a Newyears gift from my dad. I’ve always complained to my dad that I needed a new laptop, but I never expected I’ll be getting one.
It was the same month I tasted UI/UX Design (Ps: I used to be a frontend developer — Read about my break into the design here).

March— June

March-June were some of the most challenging times of the year for me. It was the time the coronavirus attacked. What was a proposed two weeks lockdown became a 3months lockdown in Nigeria. When the lockdown first started, I spent the early weeks playing games all day and watch movies. I was getting bored of the regular boring routine then I created a Twitter account. My breakthrough came through when I joined tech twitter. I came across a design, and I was like, “wow, I could do something like this,” although I already knew my way around Figma, although I did not have a real reason to use or practice. I went through his Twitter page and saw he participated in a 30DaysofDesign challenge ( i love challenges tho). I joined and started my full design journey. I remember I was 10days behind in the 30 days challenge but surprisingly, from now where I got the urge to keep designing with a dedicated mind, and I came out 2nd position in the UI/UX category and 10th overall (frontend, backend, python, UI/UX, engineering design).

Those three months were the best thing that happened to me, and I have Akinjobi Sodiq and The whole ECX team to thank for the opportunity.


No Doubt, those three months were the most overwhelming of my whole experience. I got my first gig, and I remember the client asked how much I would charge for a full app design, and I couldn’t decide how much to charge. I knew people charged as high as 500k for a similar design but pronouncing even 20k felt a large sum considering I have never made money from designing since the last 4months.
After completing that design, I got more gigs and improved my billing a bit. With a few gigs, I got a new Spectranet MiFi and worked on multiple projects.


The month I got my first job offer. I have always heard the best way to get a job is through recommendation. The interview process was as if I was talking to a friend. I got another offer the same month, but sadly I couldn’t take the offer as I was happy at the current place I work even though I wasn’t well compensated.

November — December

Joined an Amazing team at Peths, a digital agency. Team Lead Akinjobi Sodiq has been a fantastic person. Trust me, you cant ask for a better leader and Team.

The things I left out in my summary — I probably left out a lot, this is a few of them

  • I got my first MacBook
  • I bought my first phone (with my own money🥺)
  • Own a keep work inverter
  • I met very rich tech bros


  • Lifes too short to not follow your dreams
  • Progress is progress no matter how little
  • Get that imposter syndrome out of your head. You’re the best version of yourself.
  • Health -The importance of good health is often only realized when we meet with a problem. Take care of your health while you are still capable. Invest time and money in personal hygiene, working out, preparing nutritious food, and eating well.
  • There’s no more immense joy than sharing what you have: knowledge, experiences, a meal, wealth. You get back a lot more than you give.
  • Quality over Quantity. Always, in all contexts, at all times. Your work speaks for you. Remember to put in it all your best, no matter how small.
  • Network, Network, Network, I can’t emphasize this enough.

Final words

Unlike many other people who might feel they didn’t achieve anything this trust me, coming this far in 2020 is an achievement.

So many unimaginable things happened. I’m very thankful for everyone that tagged along with me on this journey, and I wish you all the best of success and the fulfillment of all your dreams. I know life is very harsh most of the time, but I believe that everything is possible with the right combination of effort and attitude.

Starting in 2021,

I hope to work on more articles and share whatever knowledge I can with anyone who finds it attractive.

Already have some I wish to post soon, but let’s hope laziness doesn’t keep me from publishing them.

I hope we all remain as strong and resilient as we were during this entire year, support each other to learn, and help each other become something more than we are. Together.

Special credits —

Akinjobi sodiq (Geektutor)
Zahra Fatimah Olowu
Akangbe Aderiye
Yusuf Olatunji (Billiyon logistics)
Ozennua oluwatobiloba
Tobiloba Ogundiyan
Segun Olagunju
James Ndduka
Faraq Yusuff
Solomon Esenyi (LordghostX)
Ifeanyi kelvin
Faith (PM)

I can’t list you all. Everyone one of you guys helped in one way, or the other has helped me grown, including you reading this right now.

Before I go, I’ll leave you with this quote.

There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed. — Ray Goforth

Till I write again next year — Adios

Remember to clap👏 and follow



Adeleke A. Balogun

Product Designer, Creating user-centric and delightful human experiences