Reassuming Work: A Theme

The Macintosh was the first successful mouse-driven computer with a graphical user interface and was based on the Motorola 68000 microprocessor.

delfi ramirez
2 min readJun 21, 2020
Website of Rotulos Sagarra SA, a family laundery money company located in Barcelona, Spain
Another Segonquart Studio’s delivered solution

Rotulos Sagarra SA is a century-old company, based in BCN. They say they are dedicated to signage, monoliths, ceilings, and corporate signage elements.

In the year 2013, this centenary company relied on the expertise of Segonquart Studio, and this yours truly, placing its trust in us; for its digital marketing strategy, art direction, advice and consultancy,

They required a solid presence in the medium of the web, and a beginning path in the field of e-commerce in the digital world.

The project, the approach and the solution offered, was finished already in 2014, and in 2015 had its renewal. What means it worked. As a charm. The collaboration with this centennial faily bussiness owned company was suddenly broke up in Sprong, Febuary of the year 2016.

The original app was conceived, drawed and crafted by hand, as most of the good websites are. Published as a unique teplate and internal motor, to be used inside that fabulous content management system named Wordpress CMS.

Because of for the needs of this company, Wordpress indeed offers a clear, intuitive and strong back-end management system for those team-officers who will manage the enterprise app. An app for the desktop and the tablet surfaces.

An exercise of coding. making use of an innovate model of navigation that follows the present standards. Some rough ideas, however, were then left in the boxes.

Content transaltion was done with the help of the team at Univeristy of Vic

Mobile version looks slightly different as the desktop/tablet one. Overqualified. Have a look.

Originally published at

