Understanding Head and Neck Cancer: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Options with Delhi Cancer Group

2 min readApr 19, 2023


Head and neck cancer is a group of cancers that occur in the throat, voice box, nose, sinuses, and mouth. The most common type is squamous cell carcinoma. Risk factors include smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, exposure to certain chemicals, and HPV. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, a lump in the neck, and persistent ear pain. Treatment depends on the cancer’s location and stage and may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these approaches.

• A mouth ulcer refers to a painful sore in the mouth that can make eating and drinking uncomfortable.

• A lump in the neck, jaw, or mouth may indicate the presence of a tumor or other abnormal growth that requires medical attention.

• Pain or weakness in the face can be a sign of nerve damage or paralysis, which may be caused by various conditions such as a stroke or Bell’s palsy.

• Neck pain can be caused by various factors such as injury, poor posture, or a medical condition like cervical spondylosis.

• Difficulty moving the jaw may be due to a jaw disorder, injury, or neurological condition.

• Difficulty swallowing may indicate a problem with the throat or esophagus, and can be caused by various conditions such as cancer, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or a neurological disorder.

• Speech problems can be a sign of various neurological conditions or damage to the vocal cords.

• Ear pain or hearing loss can be caused by various factors such as ear infections, injury, or a medical condition like Meniere’s disease.

If you are seeking the best head and neck cancer surgeon in Delhi, Delhi Cancer Group offers exceptional treatment options. The group consists of renowned cancer specialists with extensive experience in prestigious institutions both in India and abroad.

