Kidney Stone: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

4 min readOct 20, 2022


Kidney stones have become a common health issue nowadays. These stones are solid formations composed of minerals and salts that develop inside the kidneys. They can be formed due to various factors like diet, excessive body weight and some undiagnosed medical conditions. Therefore, they may affect the kidneys, urinary bladder and urinary tract. Passing kidney stones can be extremely painful but if caught early, they typically don’t result in permanent damage.

Depending on the condition, passing a kidney stone may only require taking painkillers and drinking a lot of water. Sometimes, surgery is required if the stones cause complications, become clogged in the urinary tract, or lead to an infection.

It is necessary to have a proper understanding of kidney stones and their related aspects. In this blog, Dr. Niren Rao, the best urologist in Delhi, at Delhi Urology Hospital, has shared important information related to kidney stone symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.


Unless a kidney stone travels around or reaches one of the ureters, symptoms are generally not present. A kidney stone that becomes trapped in the ureters can restrict the urine flow, causing inflammation in the kidney, and the ureter to spasm, all of which can be excruciatingly painful.

  • Sharp, stabbing pain below the ribcage on the back and side
  • Radiating discomfort in the crotch and lower abdomen
  • Pain that is periodic and varies in severity
  • During urinating, there may be discomfort or burning.
  • Pink, red or brown urine cloudy or stench-filled pee
  • A constant want to urinate or urinating excessively
  • Nausea and diarrhea
  • In case of an infection, chills and fever.

Note: As the kidney stone travels throughout the urinary tract, the pain it causes may fluctuate, such as migrating to a different region or becoming more intense.


Various factors can increase the risk of developing kidney stones, although there is frequently no one specific explanation. Kidney stones develop when the urine comprises more crystal-forming components than the liquid fluid in the urine can dissolve, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid.


Checking out what kind of kidney stone one has can help identify its origin and may provide information on how to lower the risk of developing additional kidney stones.

  • Calcium crystals: They are generally in the form of calcium oxalate, and represent the majority of kidney stones. The amount of calcium or oxalate in urine can increase due to dietary factors like excessive vitamin D dosages, intestinal bypass surgery and various metabolic illnesses. Calcium phosphate occurs more frequently in metabolic diseases such as renal tubular acidosis. Their formation may be influenced by various drugs used to treat seizures or migraines.
  • Struvite stones: Urinary tract infections can cause the formation of struvite stones. Sometimes with little indications or less warning, these stones have the potential to grow rapidly and become quite large.
  • Urate crystal: People with chronic diarrhea or malabsorption, those who consume a high protein diet, those who have diabetes or metabolic disorders, and those who lose too much fluid can all develop uric acid stones. The risk of uric acid stones may also be increased by specific genetic characteristics.
  • Cystine stones: Individuals who have a hereditary condition called cystinuria, in which the kidneys expel an excessive amount of certain amino acids, develop these stones.

Risk Factors-

  • Family or individual history: Kidney stones are more likely to affect one if someone in one’s family has previously had them. People are more likely to get kidney stones if they’ve already had one or more of them.
  • Dehydration: Kidney stones are more likely to form if people don’t drink enough water each day. The increased risk may apply to those who sweat a lot and/or dwell in warm, dry climates.
  • Diet: Some types of kidney stones are more likely to develop if people consume a diet high in protein, sodium and sugar. The quantity of calcium in the kidneys must filter as a result of consuming too much salt considerably elevates the risk of kidney stones.


The initial steps in the diagnosis of a kidney stone include taking a medical history, performing a physical exam, and running imaging tests. The doctors will need information on the kidney stone's exact size and shape. This can be done with a KUB X-ray (kidney, ureter, and bladder.

X-ray), which will show the size and location of the stone or a high-resolution CT scan from the kidneys to the bladder. To determine whether the stone can be removed using shock waves, the surgeons typically obtain a KUB X-ray. Blood and urine tests will be used to assess the condition of the kidneys.

Treatment for kidney stones in Delhi at Delhi Urology Hospital-

PCNL is used to remove a stone in the kidney or upper ureter that is too big to be treated with other stone-removal methods like a shock. It is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat kidney stones larger than 2 cm in size. However, due to technological advancements and instrument minimization, stones as small as 1 cm can now be removed using mini PCNL or super mini PCNL.


  • During surgery, a tiny skin incision is made (1cm)
  • Minor bleeding
  • Reduced pain following surgery
  • Early patient release
  • Early patient emulation and restoration of regular eating
  • Early discharge means merely a one- or two-day hospital stay

One must immediately contact a urologist for a proper examination if one has any problems related to stones or if they are facing any symptoms of kidney stones. At Delhi Urology Hospital, one can get consulted by the leading urologist Dr. Niren Rao to get the benefits of the best and safe kidney stone surgery in Delhi.




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