How Does Weather Affect My Roof?

6 min readOct 10, 2022

Hail on a roof after a hailstorm the UK is a rare place to encounter severe weather events like hurricanes or tornadoes. However, the weather that we encounter can affect roofing structures in a myriad of ways. It’s crucial to stay the roof in good condition to minimize the chance of needing costly repairs to your roof on your London home.

Our weather patterns are typical of the UK. Fresh conditions and bright blue skies throughout the months of spring and autumn with the warmth of the summer sun, and the dark, cold snowy winters. All of these can have negative effects on the roof’s health. Be sure that your winter to-do list includes a thorough inspection of your roof both indoors and outdoors and adding more checks in the event that the weather is particularly severe.

How Hot Weather Affects a Roof

While it’s possible to think that summer’s sun can cause any destruction to your roofing, a lot of the damage that the sun’s rays have on your roof is not noticed until the time of extreme weather — like an overnight summer storm that can result in a lot in the form of debris and rain falling onto your roofing.

UV Exposure

Since many roofs are un-shaded as a result, there isn’t a level of protection for your roof from the UV rays that are not filtered by our sun. As time passes exposure to UV and heat could cause the roof to dry out. your roof, leading to shrinkage and the wood structure to fade and become weaker, possibly cracking. Tiles exposed to the summer heat may begin to buckle or split. The joints between tiles may become looser because of shrinkage.

Fortunately, a roof that is well-maintained whether it’s kept by the homeowners or by a professional roofing company located in London will last for many summers with not too much damage caused by the elements. This is particularly true if your roof is not more than 10 years old and you maintain an attic that is well ventilated to help to disperse part of the warmth by the sun.

Older Roofs

If your roof is older than ten years , or an attic that’s not ventilated also known as a “Hot Roof” and you are looking for a solution, speak with your local roof repair service about the advantages of an entirely new roof or more insulation. The benefits of putting up a new roof are lower energy costs and better insulation to prevent loss of heat, and improved the airflow within your roof.

Thermal Shock

One of the most significant dangers during summer months is the possibility of thermal shock that can affect roofs. thermal shock can occur when temperatures are higher than normal during the daytime, but drop off quickly when the sun sets. This drastic change in temperature and humidity in the air could cause the roofing materials (especially metal) rooftop (especially the metal) in a cyclical manner, expanding and shrinking in the span of a few minutes which can compromise the structural integrity of the roof and, at times, leading to the roof to warp.

Preventing Growth

If your roof hasn’t been maintained due to insufficient time or purchasing an unmaintained property maintained regularly it could be that your roof has some water that is trapped between tiles or the support structures. In summer, because of the increasing temperature and abundance of water, moss and mold can quickly grow and spread over your roof in an overgrowth of green and eventually extending into the attic and along the exterior walls. Be sure that you treat your roof and regularly get rid of any green growth to limit the chance of rapid spread that will require additional effort or expense to get rid of.

How Cold Weather Affects a Roof

The colder months mean shorter daylight hours, fewer days and bitterly cold temperatures. and a greater possibility of snow and rain.

Rainy Days

Rain is the most typical weather we experience in the UK and more so in winter months. The continuous pounding of rainwater on your roof could begin to affect your roof after a couple of weeks or months of regularly rainy weather. Check that your roof’s ability to drain correctly, and that there is no water pooling up or puddles that form on flat surfaces. keep the gutters clear of debris and leaves in order to prevent blockages and overflows. When you are doing your winter roof maintenance, make sure your downpipes are aligned with drains and are free of spills or leaks which could result in slippery and icy walkways.

Ample Drainage

If your roof is equipped with effective drainage, you’re lessening the amount of water that could collect on the roof’s surface and stopping the accumulation of water between tiles which could cause unattractive moss and mold development. If you are able to keep up with the maintenance of your roof before it is too late in the winter months it will stop water leaks and the ingress of moisture through damaged structures, reducing the possibility of damp, rot and mold in attic areas. It’s not just that damp, rot , and mold be difficult to eradicate however, if it’s located in a space that’s not frequently used or frequented within your home (such as an attic that isn’t finished) it could turn into a major expense prior to you even realize that it’s there.

Snow Flurries

With the weather becoming more humid and temperatures falling and snow never getting from the scene. Snow won’t drain off the roof as easily as water does, and the accumulation of snow can become quite heavy on old or unmaintained roofs. While many homeowners let their snow melt on its own, however, those who wish to get rid of snow off their roof should be certain that they do it correctly, to avoid any further damage. For example, some homeowners believe that using a snow shovel is an effective method of knocking down’ snowflakes. However, it can cause the tiles to be damaged, causing them to fall out of their place or even removing them completely. In addition,

Some homeowners employ rock salt or other melting solutions, however these may react negatively with the roofing materials and cause costly repairs.

If you’re concerned regarding the weight and size of the snow that has built on your roof we suggest calling your local roofing repair firm who will advise you on the best way to get rid of it for your home.

High Speed, Icy Winds

Cold, bitter winds can have a negative impact on your home in particular when we’re at the final stages of severe storms that are common in countries around the world. The force of the wind can cause your tiles to loosen the tiles, cause them to move and sway tiles, occasionally lifting them up and creating the destruction of your roof. The most effective way of protecting your roof from strong winds is to examine your roof for damaged or damaged tiles, and then replace or repair them when needed.

Weather Roof Maintenance and Safety

Be aware that when you are making your roof ready for extreme weather conditions and working at heights it is only advisable to do it if you have the ability to do it and are familiar with the appropriate safety equipment. A fall from a roof or from a high point can cause serious injuries that can be life-threatening or even fatal. To avoid this it’s always better to seek help from a professional if you aren’t confident about conducting checks or maintenance on your own.

Roof Repairs London

We are Thamesside Roofing & building, we have been repairing and putting up roofing for years and have the expertise of carrying out roof repairs in Shepperton on a range of different types of roofing and structures.

Get in touch with our friendly, knowledgeable team today on 020 8138 0554, email us at or send a message via our contact us page.

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Hi i am Della from united kingdom i live with my father and work in roofing company which provide the roof repairs, new roofing, Guttering & Chimney Repairs and