Top Benefits of Using QR Code Menu Ordering

Black Box Star
3 min readJan 10, 2023


QR code menu ordering is a relatively new technology that has gained popularity in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when contactless options became even more important. QR codes, or quick response codes, are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned with a smartphone to access information or a website. In the context of menu ordering, restaurants can use QR codes to provide customers with a digital version of their menu, which can be accessed and used to place orders directly from the customer’s phone.

Here are the top benefits of using QR code menu ordering:


QR code menu ordering in USA is extremely convenient for customers. They can view the menu and place their order from their own device, without having to wait for a server to take their order or for the check at the end of the meal. This can also reduce the time it takes for the order to be prepared and delivered, as it eliminates the need for the server to manually input the order into the restaurant’s system.

Contactless ordering

This innovative method of ordering allows for contactless ordering, which can be especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Customers can scan the QR code, view the menu, and place their order without having to physically interact with anyone at the restaurant. This can reduce the risk of transmission of the virus and make customers feel safer when dining out.

Up-to-date menus

With QR code menu ordering, restaurants can easily update their menus and specials in real-time. This is especially useful for restaurants that have frequently changing menus or daily specials. Customers can always access the most current menu options and prices, which can help prevent confusion or errors when placing an order.

Increased efficiency

QR code menu ordering can increase efficiency in the restaurant by reducing the workload of servers and eliminating the need for manual input of orders. This can lead to faster turnaround times and potentially increased profits for the restaurant.

Increased accessibility

QR code menu ordering can make it easier for customers with disabilities to place an order. Customers who may have difficulty reading a physical menu or communicating their order to a server can use the digital menu to place their orders independently.

Increased customer satisfaction

QR code menu ordering can increase customer satisfaction by providing a convenient and efficient way to place an order. Customers can take their time reviewing the menu and making their selections, and they can place their orders at their own pace. This can lead to a more relaxed and enjoyable dining experience.

Overall, QR code menu ordering provides many benefits for both restaurants and customers. It allows for contactless ordering, convenient access to up-to-date menus, increased efficiency, increased accessibility, and increased customer satisfaction. As the technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, it is likely that we will see even more restaurants adopt QR code menu ordering as a way to streamline their operations and provide a better dining experience for their customers.



Black Box Star

Black Box Star is innovated 'Star Program' Which provides anyone with an immediate view of comments and reviews from your past customers, for your business.