One step forward, Three steps back

2 min readMay 25, 2024


sometimes, moving forward meant having the courage to stop taking those steps back.

Photo from Pinterest

In a quiet room, with only the soft glow of a lamp illuminating the space, Irish sat on her bed, her heart heavy with confusion and frustration. She had just listened to Olivia Rodrigo’s “1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back” for what felt like the hundredth time. The haunting piano melody and Olivia’s raw, emotional voice resonated deeply with her.

Irish couldn’t help but relate to every word. Her relationship with Ethan had always felt like a delicate dance, one step forward and then three steps back. Just when she thought they were making progress, something would pull them apart again. She remembered the good days, the laughter, the warmth, and the connection. But those moments were often overshadowed by the fights, the misunderstandings, and the endless cycle of hurt.

As the song played, Irish let the lyrics wash over her, feeling understood in a way she hadn’t before. Olivia sang about the confusion of being in love with someone who was unpredictable, who made you feel cherished one moment and completely lost the next. It was as if Olivia had peeked into Irish soul and put her feelings into words.

The chorus hit hard, and Irish felt a tear roll down her cheek. "Like, which lover will I get today?" Olivia’s voice echoed. Irish thought about the uncertainty she faced with Ethan, never knowing which version of him she would encounter. It was exhausting, the constant emotional rollercoaster, and she felt herself breaking under the weight of it all.

But there was also a strange sense of comfort in the song. It reminded Irish that she wasn’t alone. Others had felt this way too, and they had found the strength to move forward. Maybe she could too. As the final notes of the song faded away, Irish made a decision. She picked up her phone and sent Ethan a message, asking to meet and talk things through. It was time to confront the reality of their relationship, to see if they could find a way to move forward together or if it was time to let go.

Irish didn’t know what the future held, but she knew she deserved to be in a relationship where she didn’t feel like she was constantly taking steps backward. And in that moment, Olivia Rodrigo’s song gave her the courage to take the first step toward finding clarity and peace.

