A Crash Course In Racial Microaggression

Delta B. McKenzie
4 min readJun 13, 2020

The way you speak and act says more than you know

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

With tension over racial inequality and police brutality at an all time high in the United States, many other countries have been forced to look at their own issues.

The United Kingdom is one such country.

After days of protests that culminated in the removal of several controversial statues both by protestors and authorities, the UK has been forced to acknowledge a factor that it has long swept under the rug.

It’s an issue perfectly highlighted in a video courtesy of the Suffolk police.

Many people have watched the video with differing reactions.

Some immediately spot the language and behaviour that is commonplace for Black people in the UK. They are almost instantly aware of the insults and the lack of compassion. They catch the implied stereotypes and the dismissive approach but not all people are aware of what they’re seeing, which is why I’m writing this piece.

This is your introduction to racial…



Delta B. McKenzie

I’m just a Jamaican-British writer trying to make things work in a big world. Find me on twitter @db_mckenzie.