Remembering Danko 24 Years On

4 min readDec 11, 2023


December 10th. It is that time again where Rick Danko fans all over the world gather together with their tributes to a man who has been gone for almost 25 years, but is still loved just as much. It is a hard month for his fans. We start off what we call “Rick Danko month” grieving our loss, but 19 days later get to celebrate the day he was born. I think it almost would be easier to have his birthday first, but maybe it is a good thing we can at least end his month on a more happy note.

I am 27 years old. If you do the math, I was only 3 years old when Rick Danko passed away. I certainly did not know who The Band was at that point, much less the name Rick Danko. I didn’t even start getting into classic rock until 2010, and did not personally discover him until 2019. People say you can’t really grieve someone you didn’t know personally if you are just a fan. Maybe I shouldn’t be feeling the emotions I do when I wasn’t even aware of his existence those few short years we were alive at the same time.

Yet, I do. Ever since I discovered him December 30, 2019, he has had a hold on me. The loss knowing I will never get to meet my hero, that the joy and love he showered on everyone doesn’t get to keep flowing when the world could truly use him now, and, most importantly, that he does not get to see his 80th birthday coming up when he should still be here. Rick Danko is someone that we all wish could have lived forever, but I have a feeling that he would choose not to. His life is something that I am grateful for, even if it was just for a short 55 years.

Rick was just a small-town country boy at heart. He never lost sight of his roots, those who supported and loved him as he worked towards his dream, his joy and passion for making others happy, playing from the heart, and making a difference however he could. Rick knew that he had a responsibility as a celebrity to do something to inspire others in a positive way. That is something that has become lost more and more with this self-indulgent culture. I think that Rick would be taking the platforms of social media if he had them to promote making a positive change in this world.

As I have talked about in past blogs, Rick Danko was about as much of a philanthropist as he was a musician. This information is hardly known, which is equally admirable and sad. On one hand, it is proof that he did all of this from the heart and not for status, but I wish that it could be more known so that people could get to know the man’s truly loving and giving heart even more. My hope is that over time those stories will keep coming out, and Rick’s love and compassion will keep inspiring and giving for many more years.

While his body may no longer be physically among us, his spirit lives on forever. He will always be remembered for inspiring many generations to pick up the bass and discover a talent for music. His voice will always stir something inside a budding singer and reach inside themselves to find that desperate (the word Danko called it) emotion. His consistent joy for playing to people, no matter how small the crowd, will remind and encourage others that it is not about the number, but the people who are there. His compassion and selfless giving will always continue to have a ripple effect on those who are inspired to also make a difference and a positive impact.

For me, Rick Danko has made my life better in so many ways. He has been a main influence on my gender expression in style, to develop an appreciation for the bass, to keep trying to make the world a better place and care for the environment, and much more. He also makes me laugh and smile no matter how low I am feeling with his goofy humor and never-ending smile. His voice comforts me, makes me feel a wide range of emotions, and enchants my soul. I can’t express enough of what an impact he has had on my life. I am just one of the uncountable amount of people whose lives he has touched and will continue to even in death. And, in that way, Rick Danko will never die.




A lover of everything 1960s and 1970s. I love classic rock, folk, and country music. Environmentalist and nature lover. Author of