5 Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Non-Salesy Selling

Quintin Del-Vierro Akakpo
4 min readJan 26, 2024

In the world of business, entrepreneurs often shy away from the title of “salesperson.” The negative connotations associated with being salesy, sleazy, and unscrupulous have tainted the image of salespeople. However, selling is an essential aspect of growing a business. The key is to sell without being salesy. In this article, we will explore five powerful prompts to use with ChatGPT that will help you sell effectively without resorting to traditional sales tactics.

1. Share Your Story

One of the most powerful ways to engage potential customers is by sharing your entrepreneurial journey and the development of your product or brand. Craft a compelling story that highlights the challenges you faced, the defining moments that motivated you, and the unique aspects of your journey and product. People remember stories, and by sharing your story, you can create a memorable and inspiring connection with potential customers.

To generate a captivating story using ChatGPT, use the following prompt:

“Write a compelling story about my entrepreneurial journey and the development of my product, that I could tell in 1–2 minutes to a prospect. Here’s the context: [Provide background information, including challenges, realizations, motivations, and defining moments]. The narrative ought to captivate and resonate with the audience, showcasing the distinctive elements of my experience and product. This will create a memorable and motivating experience for potential customers.’’

2. Share Customer Success

Instead of making empty promises, showcase the successes of your existing customers. People relate to stories of transformation and envision themselves achieving similar results. Craft a narrative that demonstrates the positive changes or results your customer achieved through using your product or service. Make the story aspirational and inspire potential customers to see themselves on a similar journey.

To create a narrative that highlights customer success, use the following prompt:

‘‘Craft a compelling story highlighting the success of a customer who has undergone a transformative journey with your product or service, [insert product or service description]. In this particular case, outline the customer’s initial hurdles, detail their utilization of the product, and emphasize the positive outcomes or changes they experienced. The narrative should be inspirational, enabling potential customers to envision themselves following a similar path. Aim for brevity to facilitate easy conversation sharing, while ensuring the narrative is potent enough to inspire and foster a vision of potential success with your product.’’

3. Create Educational Content

Educational content is an effective way to inform potential customers about the solutions your product offers. Go beyond simply telling them; show them through engaging “how-to” posts, videos, or blog articles. Provide valuable information that allows potential customers to create the desired outcome themselves. This strategy of giving content away and charging for implementation can build trust and position you as an expert in your field.

To generate a list of engaging “how-to” titles aligned with the main selling points of your product, use the following prompt:

“Generate a list of engaging ‘How to’ titles for [delete as appropriate: YouTube videos, social media posts, or blog posts] that align with the main selling points of my product. To provide background information: [Detail the distinctive attributes of your product and elucidate the issues it addresses]. Craft titles that are both instructive and engaging, aiming to highlight the benefits and solutions provided by your product. Following the presentation of these titles, kindly request me to pick my preferred one, and subsequently, generate a comprehensive outline for the selected [video, article, post]. This outline should encompass crucial elements to ensure the content is informative and valuable for potential customers.’’

4. Go Back to Basics

Sometimes, the message you’re trying to convey may be lost in complicated language and excessive wording. Simplify your message to ensure potential customers understand the core value of your product or service. Summarize what you offer in a concise and straightforward sentence, making it immediately clear and understandable to anyone. Avoid confusion and help potential customers see the simplicity and value you provide.

To summarize your key message, use the following prompt:

‘‘Capture the core of my product or service in 5–10 words. Keep it clear and straightforward, ensuring an immediate understanding of its value and purpose. Utilize content from my website, ads, or proposals for context.’’

5. Improve Your FAQs

Customers want quick answers to their questions without the need for direct inquiries or phone calls. Enhance your website’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section to address potential customer concerns effectively. Analyze your existing FAQs for clarity and completeness, and suggest additional questions that may commonly be asked by customers but are currently missing. Remove any ambiguous or confusing wording that may deter potential customers from making a purchase.

To review and improve your FAQs, use the following prompt:

Please assess and enhance the FAQ section on my website. Analyze the provided FAQs for clarity and completeness, suggest additional questions that may be commonly asked by customers but are currently missing, and identify and rephrase any ambiguous or confusing wording in the existing FAQs. The objective is to enhance the comprehensiveness and clarity of the FAQs, ensuring they effectively address potential customer concerns and minimize the necessity for direct inquiries. Please provide the current FAQs or highlight key points about your product/service that frequently prompt questions for context during the review.


By utilizing these powerful ChatGPT prompts, you can effectively sell your product or service without being salesy. Share your story, highlight customer success, create educational content, simplify your message, and improve your FAQs. With these strategies, you can connect with potential customers in a meaningful and non-salesy way, fostering trust and driving impressive and sustainable company growth.

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