Good Morning

A Fresh Start

1 min readJun 18, 2019

One, two, three dry burning blinks
Until my vision transitions from a blur,
Like heavy rain on a car window
To crisp geometric figures. Once again recognizable and real.

The first conscious breath of the day is deep and gasp-like,
My throat resembling an elongated tunnel
Drastically inhaling each fragment of wind
As if it was air I’ve been neglecting yet
Oblivious of.

The first conscious breath of the day feels anew,
Coincided with my body that decides to stretch like a
Blooming flower in the long-awaited Spring,
A satisfying intensity.

The glowing full moon,
My love, my light, she is nowhere in sight
But neither are the blinding rays of the sun as it remains dark outside.
Leaves upon the tall trees remain stagnant
Meaning the playful wind has yet to offer them a dance.

Silence echoes in the sound as melodic morning doves continue to sleep
And beyond the window
Inches away from my tired, unamused face lies a vacant road.
No fluorescent blur of glimmer in sight.

And for a moment there is peace.

© Destinee Pierce 2019. All Rights Reserved




My melanin has meaning // I’m Destinee and I write what I feel. I like superheroes, videogames, and watch way too much anime. You read a lot, I like that too!