Thermodynamics: The ultimate foundation in how the world works.

Marek Demcak
2 min readJul 26, 2022


All work requires energy.

Thermodynamics helps us understand the availability of energy to do work and the conversion of energy from one form to another.

I always say that “ I am powered by coffee. “I don’t even leave my house without first having an espresso. Some people might say that I have a sleep issue. No matter what is true, I need to boost my energy. I need that slight kick to keep on rolling. The thing is that I don’t create the energy for myself by having a coffee; I just need to boost it

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.

We need to lead our energy in the right direction to keep the world spinning. The energy is already here. The fundamental question is: What is our pinpoint? By Spending our energy on one thing, we will not be able to spend the energy on other things.

Or in other words: All the energy we put into things we can’t control comes at the expense of things we can control.

As we cannot create the energy, we can only transform it.

There are two forms of energy exchange-heat and work.

Heat is energy exchange through thermal interaction, and work is energy exchange by any process other than heat. Whereas work can be converted entirely into heat, heat cannot be completely converted to work.

“It warmed my heart. “We know the expression-the feeling after receiving positive feedback or word of appreciation from a person we respect. Positive reinforcement always results in increased energy for the receiver.

Aside from powering most of the world, the laws of thermodynamics have many metaphorical applications. Like a coffee kick in the morning so our positive or negative attitude can boost the energy in other people and vice versa. That is why it is so important to be wise in choosing who we interact with most often.

Heat cannot be completely converted to work. To change the world, we need to use all kinds of energy we have. We do a warm-up before any workout in the gym to warm us up and not do the job — Just to prepare muscles to be more effective.

Once your muscles are ready, how do you use them most efficiently?

Note: Thermodynamics helps us also to understand randomness and disorder by focusing on energy unable to be used to do the work — the second law of thermodynamics — let’s talk about it at another time 😉



Source: inspired by the book: The great Mental models vol.2 by Farnam Street.



Marek Demcak

Leader learning to be better Manager. In all of my articles, you will sense thinking in systems, solution-focused coaching practice, and a sip of stoicism.