How to whiten teeth in photoshop

2 min readSep 4, 2022


How you can whiten teeth in Photoshop is very easy if you know how to use the tools of Photoshop. If you know any image manipulation techniques then this article could help save you some time. You want to open your images in Photoshop and use the Image> Adjustments> brush-strokes tool to select the colour that you want to modify. If you don't have a color you'll be able to merely choose grey. Select your brush and click on the color that you would like to modify it to.How to whiten teeth in Photoshop by using a new layer. Open your image in Photoshop. Proceed to draw a brand new layer and name it"whitening". Click the coating to incorporate this as a layer. Color, value and saturation all rely on your image.Step 5 - The final action is to add some brightening layers. Again open your image and also proceed to the layer palette to pick your sub-par coating. Use the color hue you've chosen to put in your brightening layers. Keep on adding your brightening layers to create your teeth look whiter. This ought to keep your teeth whitened but not as glowing as before.Step 6 - The last phase is to add a brush-strokes tool to your brushes palette. Using the lasso tool to drag the right edge from the center of this image to the outer borders. Keep pulling on the edge and then change your brush width in once. This is likely to make your teeth look as they're bleached. Once done press the alt key as well as your adjustment layer icon will probably appear.I expect this article helps someone with their Photoshop teeth-whitening issue. First thing you must do prior to beginning any Photoshop method is copy your original images. I suggest using the Photoshop CS5 Photoshop backup utility. Next, open a brand fresh Photoshop session, either by simply clicking the"New" button going to" Preferences > General". Finally, click the "Photoshop" tab and turn on the"Photoshop Whitening" option.There are several different ways in which you can find yourself a whiter smile, but for the money, these quick hints can allow you to get started easily. If after all these quick tips, you are still experiencing issues, you could always check out my other Photoshop editing tutorials. These are much more detailed and technical and may possibly perhaps not be as quick as the preceding ones. But they will certainly help. I can also write them up.

