Demetrios "Jet" Deligiorgis
5 min readSep 12, 2018

Russia’s Coup D’Etat Of The United States Is Nearly Complete

I have always wondered what it was, when Alexander The Great was alive, in the conquering of regions outside of Macedonia that created allegiance to him from various populations he’d just conquered… to the point of creating empire.

How did a centralized authority keep control, cooperation and loyalty from people his armies had just, most often, bitterly fought, after vicious bloodshed crushed staunch opposition? A turn on a dime, over and over again, that I have never been able to understand fully.

Until now, watching the brilliant, slow encroachment of a mild-mannered former intelligence agent turned politician as he takes control of my country.

Most Americans do not like to look at the fact that no country in recorded modern world history has committed more election interference than has the United States. Wikipedia reports that between 1946 and 2000, our country tampered with no fewer than 81 elections worldwide, by far the modern world’s leader in such endeavors.

It hasn’t been instant, what’s gotten us these days, but to coin Buddha and John Lennon it is Karma: the fruit of an action resulting from its having been committed. So it’s only natural for a competing republic to want to retaliate when we’ve committed an original crime, or allowed it as ongoing policy as have our intelligence agencies and military — especially in the context or ours being the flagship of democracy.

It’s just crazy, sad fact, however.

Now, from the inside, I am witness to the sly overtaking of the Greatest Nation On Earth by a country I was raised to believe, during the Cold War, was filled with evil ideas of Communism, as expressed by repressed population of Socialist regime marching to its ultimate Red Glory.

Hail Marx!

I wonder why GOP honchos seem to have buckled from so many profound and respectable ideologies in a slow instant to prison yard bitches belonging to a President who has given all little doubt he’s being held over a barrel by former Soviets, renamed as autocrats and oligarchs falling under umbrella of Vladimir Putin phenomenon.

What does Trump have over Senate Majority leaders to make them submit so? How could someone like Paul Ryan rise from Wisconsin humble roots to third most powerful elected official in the country only to dance around like a pansy during elementary school recess? I won’t lie, sometimes I watch his wretch-worthy endorsements of terrible Presidential behavior just to see him agonize over word choices and sweat. Poor guy has been stretched thin, no wonder he’s quitting his dream job.

But why? How? Is party allegiance alone the reason why Paul cries dyadya (uncle in Russian) so easily? Does he have something from his past that, if publicized, is so terribly awful his world would entirely disintegrate more than obliterating his integrity on national TV already has? He probably does, most of us do, let’s keep it real. After a certain point, however, doesn’t Paine’s flame of liberty stream out from somewhere in Colonial past with photonic din deafening enough to drown out egocentric consideration? Wouldn’t you think detante more important when all is said and done than, say, skeletons in one’s closet?

Only Paul Ryan knows, and he ain’t talking. He just smiles a lot and uses his wide-eye expression to slyly hypnotize audiences and press pools into accepting his spinelessness without causing them to laugh, before sobbing. It’s an amazing trick which leaves the rest of us wondering a mystery that rivals the meaning of life, and exactly how FD&C red causes cancer. None of these things we will know, unfortunately, but we might start to find a sense of understanding if we look through a different lens: submission to power, or more commonly understood as power more powerful than refusing said power.

Put another way, just plain fear.

The election is rigged, as rigged as it was during 2016, a recent study showed. NATO is awful, as are European leaders, but Putin and North Korea are just peachy. Intelligence agencies across the board tell our President that Russia interfered with our elections, and the proof he agrees with them is in his staunch denial, stated on foreign soil in the form of appeasing his boss, proclaiming him the winner for all the world to see.

Coup d’etat.

Moving forward to the likely possibility at Midterms these assumptions are correct, the GOP will retain inexplicably a resounding re-mandate that will empower Trump not only by holding onto the Senate, but maintaining its grip on the House, once again taking near-autocratic control of those bodies for a new sweep of routing US infrastructure, so as to make her incapable of withstanding WWIII, especially if China and Russia gang up on us — as is hinted by China’s attending unprecedented wargames in Russia this week.

Yes, it seems, Putin has done the impossible pubescent boy dream since time immemorial: he is poised to take control of the world. And to his credit, he has done so with minimal bloodshed, and the finesse of a poltergeist. Resistance, soon, will be futile, and CNN, MSNBC and a plethora of blogosphere horn sections will spend from November 8 of this year until 2020 trying to figure out what went wrong, and crying nightly in varying degrees of toddler fits into the arms of futility, which will only play further into the backhands of real power. If nothing can be done, no matter what is done, it’s only a matter of time before submission wins. Something Stockholm Syndrome-esque will happen on a broad social scale, over time, and before you know it Nyet will be the new I Told You So, and your grandchildren will ponder whether to name their new baby boys Mike, or Yuri.

Which brings me back to Alexander. We know his conquering strategies were effective, and perhaps in and of themselves were keys that allowed various defeated rulers to bow down to the new sweeping Greek force. Just sheer awe that he was able to outsmart them. Maybe, at the end of the day, human beings really know, deep down and despite our pounding barbarism, that effective intelligence is the greatest reason to submit to anything, even something inanimate, like technology. Or God forbid, Russian.

No one knows for sure, but we will probably soon find out.

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Demetrios "Jet" Deligiorgis

Host DNC Weekly Town Hall Podcast, Editor-In-Chief County Democrat Reader (Official Regional Publication of the Democratic Party), Writer, huge animal lover.