How to Make a Guy Laugh Over Text

5 min readNov 19, 2023


You’ve likely heard it countless times, perhaps even read it on relationship advice blogs or heard it from friends: humor is key in texting, especially when trying to connect with a guy.

A well-timed joke or a playful text can make all the difference in capturing his interest and keeping the conversation lively.

But what’s the secret to crafting texts that make him laugh and keep him engaged?

From clever one-liners to amusing anecdotes, there are countless ways to infuse humor into your messages that align with your unique personality.

The magic lies not just in what you say, but in how you say it.

A genuine laugh can create an unforgettable moment and, if you’re the one prompting that joy, you’re sure to make a lasting impression.

Even if you’re not naturally the class clown, don’t worry. There are various strategies to bring humor into your texting game.

Let’s dive into some tactics you can apply right away to charm him with your wit and humor.

Feel free to jump to any section that catches your eye:

  1. Strategy #1: Flirty and Funny Text Messages
  2. Strategy #2: Use Humor in Everyday Conversations
  3. Strategy #3: Craft Witty Responses Based on His Messages
  4. Strategy #4: Share Amusing Content
  5. Strategy #5: Keep It Unpredictable and Fun
  6. Strategy #6: Incorporate Light Teasing and Playfulness

Strategy #1: Flirty and Funny Text Messages

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to make a guy laugh over text is to send flirty and funny messages.

These texts are not just about telling a joke; they’re about showing your playful side and establishing a fun dynamic. Here are some examples:

  • “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a ‘cute-cumber.’”
  • “Do you believe in love at first text, or should I send another one?”
  • “I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.”

These texts use humor to flirt and engage, creating a light-hearted atmosphere that’s hard to resist.

Strategy #2: Use Humor in Everyday Conversations

You don’t always need a special occasion to make him laugh.

Infuse humor into your daily texts to keep the conversation lively and engaging.

Share funny observations from your day or make witty remarks about common experiences.

For instance, if he’s talking about how busy his day was, you could say something like, “Sounds like you need a personal assistant.

I volunteer as tribute, but I’m only good at organizing coffee breaks.”

Strategy #3: Craft Witty Responses Based on His Messages

An effective way to use humor is to build off what he’s saying. This shows that you’re attentive and quick-witted.

If he mentions something about his favorite sports team losing a game, you could playfully tease him with,

“Looks like your team could use some of our awesome teamwork skills.”

Strategy #4: Share Amusing Content

Not everyone is a natural comedian, and that’s perfectly okay.

You can still showcase your sense of humor by sharing funny videos, memes, or jokes you come across.

It’s a great way to let him know what makes you laugh and can be a springboard for more humorous exchanges.

Strategy #5: Keep It Unpredictable and Fun

Surprise him with offbeat humor or unexpected quips.

The element of surprise can often lead to laughter. If he texts you, “What are you up to this weekend?”

you could respond with something whimsical like,

“I’m planning to take over the world, but I can pencil you in for a coffee.”

Strategy #6: Incorporate Light Teasing and Playfulness

A little bit of playful teasing can be endearing and funny, as long as it’s done in good spirits.

Make light-hearted jokes or gently poke fun at something he says.

It’s a way to show affection without being too serious.

making a guy laugh over text isn’t about putting on a performance; it’s about showing your genuine, playful side.

Whether you’re sending a flirty one-liner, sharing a funny story,

or responding with wit to his messages, the key is to be yourself and enjoy the process.

With these strategies, you’ll not only make him laugh but also deepen your connection through shared humor.

Strategy #7: Quirky Questions and Hypotheticals

Intrigue him with quirky questions or hypothetical scenarios.

This approach can lead to hilarious and unexpected conversations.

For example, ask, “If you could have any superpower, but it had to be really specific and kind of useless, what would it be?”

These kinds of questions not only make for a good laugh but also show your creative side.

Strategy #8: Embrace Emojis and GIFs

In the digital age, emojis and GIFs are like the universal language of humor.

They can add a whole new layer of fun to your texts.

Respond to his stories or jokes with a perfectly timed GIF or a string of humorous emojis.

It’s a light-hearted way to enhance your messages and convey emotions that words alone might not capture.

Strategy #9: Playful Challenges and Games

Engage him with playful challenges or text games.

For instance, start a pun war or a game of “Would You Rather.”

These games are not only entertaining but also a great way to get to know each other better in a fun, informal setting.

Strategy #10: Personalized Humor

Personalization is key. Refer back to previous conversations or inside jokes you share.

Bringing up a funny moment you both experienced or a joke you shared in the past can reignite laughter and show him you value your shared moments.

Strategy #11: Light-Hearted Teasing About His Interests

Gently tease him about his hobbies or interests in a fun and affectionate way.

If he’s into a particular sports team, band, or TV show, make playful remarks or jokes related to that.

It shows you’re paying attention to his interests while keeping the mood upbeat.

Strategy #12: Comical Observations and Self-Deprecating Humor

Sometimes, pointing out the humor in everyday situations or even making light of your own quirks can be incredibly endearing and funny.

Texts like, “I tried cooking dinner tonight.

Long story short, the fire department says hello,” can add a comedic twist to your daily experiences.


Q: How often should I send funny texts?

A: Balance is key. While humor is great, you don’t want every text to be a joke. Mix humor with genuine conversation to build a well-rounded connection.

Q: What if he doesn’t seem to appreciate my sense of humor?

A: Everyone has a different sense of humor.

If your usual style isn’t resonating, try different types of humor or focus more on other aspects of your conversation.

Q: How do I know if I’m trying too hard?

A: If you find yourself constantly searching for jokes or feeling stressed about making him laugh, you might be trying too hard.

Humor should be effortless and fun.

Be yourself, and let the conversation flow naturally.

In summary, making a guy laugh over text is about blending your unique sense of humor with a genuine interest in the conversation.

Whether it’s through witty one-liners, playful teasing, or shared inside jokes, the goal is to enjoy the interaction and let your personality shine through.

Remember, the best conversations are those where both of you are having fun.


  1. Psychology Today: The Role of Humor in Relationships
  2. Cosmopolitan: Texting Tips for Better Communication
  3. VeryWellMind: How Humor Can Improve Relationships




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