Biking vs Running for weight loss October 2021

Demystify fitness
2 min readOct 27, 2021


Two of the most popular and classic aerobic exercises in the world are cycling and running, which means there’s a high probability that you must have tried, at least one of them. They are both forms of aerobic exercise which can be practised outdoors, whether on city streets or nature trails.

In general, it is seen that running burns more calories but it all depends on the person weight, BMI and health condition if at all he can perform that form of exercise in a more proper manner to achieve his goals.

The benefits of both cycling and running

There are both positives and negatives of every exercise in the world, thus some of the benefits of both cycling and running are listed below:

Calorie Burning

The most important factor while performing any exercise for fat loss is the intensity with which you are performing that exercise, thus similarly in this case of Cycling vs Running for fat loss, intensity is the most important.

In general, it is seen that running burns more calories because you tend to move more while running but it all depends on the person weight, BMI and health condition if at all he can perform that form of exercise in a more proper manner to achieve his goals.

On average, a 140 pound will burn calories in the range of 132–140 calories per 10 minutes of running and on the other hand, the same person will burn 64–70 calories while cycling for 10 minutes at 10 miles per hour. Thus we can say that running will help more in fat loss, but it is not that simple it depends on some more factors also.

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