What’s new in DeNet?

DeNet is working on development of alternative decentralized storage services and already submitted pre-beta version of secure data service DeNet.Storage. In July we offered all those who wish to test it (you can try it too if still not: https://storage.denet.pro/landing/).

DeNet Pro
2 min readAug 8, 2018

We`ve got a feedback: reviews, observations and suggestions from our colleague, advisers and common users. So, whole last month we`ve been working on improving the service. We`ve updated a website architecture, the frontend-version and have increased storage’s security.

To do list:

Storage landing: storage.denet.pro/landing

  • DeNet.Storage update
  • Usability
  • Authorization
  • Creating folders
  • Previews


  • Private keys encryption and decryption by passwords
  • Fast search

Overall updates:

  • Files fragmentation and defragmentation
  • Rating system
  • Digital signatures


Unlike traditional services, nobody can get access to your data or use it

It`s hard to get used to something new. Usually people do not want to spend time for learning about something. Therefore we made DeNet.Storage functionary and design are intuitive. You can load into the storage any files you want. Unlike traditional services, nobody can get access to your data or use it (even us).


We`ve implemented Vue.js framework and increased the working speed.

We constantly analyze new technologies and implement the most effective in our service. We want to make its interface handy and secure.

For instance, we made files preview. It is common for traditional services, but new for blockchain one. Now it is generating on backend. In next versions they are going to be generated and encrypted only in frontend.

There are folders to make file organization more convenient.


We`ve upgraded signing up system with the help of public and private keys. We abandoned the signing up form with Metamask, because it could limit us in future.

What private key allows us in frontend?

  • Digital signature generation regardless of other apps
  • To approve transactions between user and node in the background
  • To download files directly from slave-nodes
  • Appropriate account switching

We`ve developed and have tested a library for files fragmentation and defragmentation, which will be implemented in next versions. This is the next step towards end-state product vision.

Moreover we`ve developed and have tested nodes rating system, which we are going to implement in upcoming upgrades.


By the way, we believe that it`s not good to get carried away by blockchain in projects. The reason is in limits. But what we should do when we have to build an independent network without those limits? While developing DeNet we learned each fact and can offer several solutions to avoid limits. We will definitely write about it. Stay tuned!



DeNet Pro

DeNet changes a habitual view on data storage. DeNet develops a technology that will let mobilize and use excess capacities of existing IT-infrastructure.