PinnedDenny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellThis One Nutrient Can Lower Cancer Risk 10%Add 10 grams of this common food component for a range of well-founded health benefitsJun 21, 202314Jun 21, 202314
PinnedDenny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellYour Diet Probably Lacks Magnesium. Let’s Fix That.What it is, what it does, and why most people don’t get enough of this important nutrientJun 12, 202351Jun 12, 202351
Denny Pencheva, MDinAha! ScienceIs Frozen Fruit as Good as Fresh?The truth about taste, nutrition and how produce benefits from flash-freezingFeb 2731Feb 2731
Denny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellForest Bathing: Nature’s Mindful RemedyThe science of why being near trees is good for youFeb 714Feb 714
Denny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellThe Science of Green Tea: Beyond the HypeYes, it’s good for you. No, you don’t need a green tea supplement.Jan 2519Jan 2519
Denny Pencheva, MDinAha! ScienceCan You Overdose on Water?The risk is real, but a bit of simple science can keep you safeJan 87Jan 87
Denny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellHow Diet Changes Help Lift My Lousy MoodsThe right food can help the blues and even full-blown depression, science showsDec 15, 202313Dec 15, 202313
Denny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellThe Most Important Meal of the Day?Breakfast science is confusing and conflicting. Here’s what you need to know to decide whether and how to incorporate it into your day.Nov 28, 20239Nov 28, 20239
Denny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellWhy I Won’t be Taking Vitamin D Supplements This WinterHype aside, most of us don’t need itNov 14, 202346Nov 14, 202346
Denny Pencheva, MDinWise & WellUh-Oh: Mosquitoes and Other Disease Carriers Thrive in Soaring TemperaturesAmerica’s first in-country malaria transmissions in decades hint at rising risk of vector-borne diseasesAug 7, 20237Aug 7, 20237