Must Try at Home Enema Recipes

Denial Rex
3 min readDec 17, 2017


When it comes to enema, there are a lot of options available in the drugstore. But along with that, there are a lot of at home enema recipes which are just as effective and very easy to prepare. Below we have mentioned our best four at home enema recipes you must try.

1. Olive oil- Olive oil relieves constipation by softening the hardened stool. It coats the intestinal walls and prevents excessive absorption of water from the stool, thus preventing it from hardening. It also softens the hardened stool and allows it to move out through the anal canal easily.

· Olive oil- 1 cup

· Water- 6 cups

· Enema kit- 1

· Heat the water until it reaches 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

· Add the olive oil to this heated water and combine well.

· Transfer the prepared concoction to the enema kit and administer the enema.

· Follow up the olive oil enema with a plain water enema so as to get rid of any residual oil.

2. Epsom salt- Detoxification of the liver is of utmost importance for the proper functioning of the liver. Epsom is nothing but magnesium sulfate which helps in cleansing the liver and colon of any toxins. Epsom salt helps in increasing the water flow to the intestines, which in turn eases out the bowel movement.

· Epsom salt- 2 tablespoons

· Water- 8 cups

· Enema kit- 1

· Heat the water until it is warm to touch.

· Now add the Epsom salt to the water and stir it until it is completely dissolved in water.

· Now transfer the salt solution to a 2-quart complete rubber enema kit.

· Administer the Epsom salt enema as you normally would. But make sure that the solution is not too hot to touch.

3. Coffee enema- Coffee enema is known and used by people for its detoxifying properties as well as for treating constipation. The caffeine, theophylline and theobromine content in the coffee dilates the blood vessels and enhances the flow of bile. It also helps in eliminating the toxins from the liver.

· Ground organic coffee- 3 tablespoons

· Filtered water- 1 liter

· Strainer

· Enema kit- 1

· Add 3 tbsp. ground organic coffee and 1-liter water in a pan.

· Boil the coffee for 3 minutes and then simmer the coffee for 20 minutes.

· Allow the coffee to cool down a bit and then strain it.

· Once the coffee has cooled down to room temperature, transfer it to the enema bag and administer it.

4. Yogurt enema- There are a lot of enema recipes which help in getting rid of the toxins from the body by easing constipation and cleansing the body. But the yogurt is much different from all the other enema recipes as it not only detoxifies the colon but also implants probiotic bacteria into the intestines. The probiotic bacteria help in keeping the gut healthy and also help in controlling the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

· Yogurt with live culture- 1 cup

· Filtered water- 4 cups

· Enema kit- 1

· Heat four cups of water in a saucepan, till it reaches the temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit.

· Remove the water from the flame and allow it to cool down slightly.

· Now add 1 cup yogurt to the water and stir well.

· Transfer the yogurt enema solution to the enema bag and administer the enema normally.

