Benjamin Lampel
1 min readApr 10, 2017


When you said “Yes it is a result of past activism. So what the hell is the purpose of today’s?” I interpreted this to mean that you think minorities have it good enough today. Do you not believe that? You again claim that minorities are “raising up the ladder every day” which again implies that you think minorities have enough opportunity. I don’t want to misconstrue your words but I do think you are generally claiming that minorities should just shut up about equality because you think that it already exists.

Now, it is true that some minorities are moving up the ladder every day. It is true that more minorities are going to college than ever before. But it is also true that minorities are still behind white men and women in basically every category you can think of. The fact that things are better now than before does not imply everyone can go home, it does not imply that everything is as good as it can get, and it certainly does not imply that everyone has real equal opportunities now.

Look up the North Carolina voting suppression to answer “Wouldn’t a racist white system keep POC and Minorities out of power?”

