Benjamin Lampel
1 min readFeb 10, 2017


Your analogy to Tom Brady makes sense. I think it’s a fair comparison face value. What I think would make it more accurate, though, is if Tom Brady had been using steroids for years. If Brady was a fraud, whose success could not be solely attributed to his hard work. The more I have read about Trump and his life, this is how I view him. Someone who has had to do a fraction of the work of average Americans for outsized results. And then if Brady lost the Superbowl, they’d give him a bonus. That’s Trump: he loses big, banks give him more money.

So when I see an article exclusively criticize Trump, I don’t see too much bias. I’ve tried to find the good in Trump, really I have, I wanted to believe that the presidency would change him. But it can’t.

I could be wrong about you. You could have a very nuanced opinion about Trump, see something in him I don’t or maybe I refuse to. So far, the only people I see defending Trump against criticism seem like they don’t want to see any criticism of Trump — just like the man himself.

