Tips to Improve Writing

Denis B
3 min readOct 7, 2019


Whether you are trying to accomplish your academic essay, work at a blog post or create some short story, you want to make your writing as best as you can. Even if you cannot boast of high educational achievements, there are effective tips that will help you to improve writing in quite a short time.


Ask Someone to Give a Feedback

For most people, it is really stressful to present their works to the audience. You should understand that it is just necessary and usually this fear prevents lots of people from success and as soon as you overcome it, you will feel the difference. Reading your work other people can see it with fresh eyes, what, actually, impossible to do yourself as you have looked through your papers hundreds of times. Probably, you have even learned every punctuation mark, as well as the content, and it is nearly impossible to notice an error. You can even search for essay writing service to have professional proofreading. Moreover, getting feedback from others you have a chance to make your piece of writing really perfect, as all people have various views and can point to the ideas that need to be clarified or expanded.

Focus On Practice, Not Theory

There are so many people, who say that they intend to write a novel but there are so few of them, who have, actually, done it. You should do, but not only talk. So, use any time you have a chance to sit down and write. Don’t worry about statements and thesis or counting sentences. Don’t worry about sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar. Just write, write and write, until you get a result. Later, you will find time for proofreading, editing, reading up and improving on structure and style. If you try to take everything into consideration in the process of writing or even before you start, you feel a great barrier. Writing is an act of creativity and it is necessary to give your mind freedom and let the thoughts flow.

Make Experiments

If you try only one type of writing, you really limit yourself. Make an experiment, mixing various structures, genres and formats. If you add humor to formal essay or mix nonfiction and fiction the result can really amaze you. Probably, you will not get the result you were searching for, but at least you had fun and very often in such a creative process we are able to produce interesting ideas and decisions.

Turn Reading Into Your Habit

Reading also gives you a huge experience, as you get acquainted with numerous ways people express their thoughts. Moreover, reading develops your imagination as everything you see on the paper is reflected in your head and you create vivid pictures in your mind. So, later your trained imagination will be able to produce its own stories. Apparently, you have your preferences regarding books and styles, but don’t hesitate to try something unusual for you. You never know what you can find. Anyway, you will get new things and impressions to talk about. Such a reader is, doubtless, a perfect interlocutor in discussions of both classic and pop literature.

Get Inspired From the World around You

People usually complain that they don’t have a source of inspiration. Actually, there is no need to search for it artificially, just look at people, scenery, building, and nature. All this will help you to be inspired and find ideas and themes for new pieces of writing. In some time you will get a great habit to notice some tiny details our entire world consists of and it will turn you into a totally new personality, who is able to share the light.

