11 Ways to Help in the Bay Area in the Age of Trump

Denise Grab
4 min readJan 31, 2017


Photo: brian kusler; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

One of the things I’ve been struggling with since the election has been figuring out which actions to focus my time on. At almost every organizing session I’ve attended, a common theme has been: start local. Focus on those groups, issues, organizations, and candidates who need help in your community. Then, pick an issue that speaks most strongly to you, and offer your time and money to groups doing strong work in that area.

It can be tricky to know which organizations are working on issues you care about locally. While many people have heard of the ACLU, fewer people may be aware of community-based organizations working on similar issues.

I recently attended an excellent workshop presented by the Bar Association of San Francisco that served as a reference to those looking to give their time or money to help on a wide range of progressive priorities in a post-election world. The event was titled How to Be a Good Ally and included members of affected communities sharing their experiences and discussing how allies can help.

The event was primarily geared toward lawyers, but the presenting organizations can also serve as a helpful guide to volunteering for interested individuals in the Bay Area with other skill sets. Maybe you can help with tech for the organization, or assist with social media, or translate between languages, or make calls, or speak out at city council meetings, or bake cookies for staff. You can reach out to the organizations, or show up at their volunteer meetings, describe your skills and availability, and ask how you can help.

Here is the list of organizations that spoke about how to get involved in helping in each of these subject areas. A handful of organizations that did not speak are included on the list, as well. Nearly all of the organizations have a Bay Area presence and are actively looking for legal (and possibly other types of) volunteers. Donations would most certainly be welcome, too.

(Note that this list includes only a subset of the many organizations doing excellent work on these and other crucial issues.)

(1) Hate Crimes, Anti-Semitism and Rise of the White Nationalist Right

(2) Government Targeting of Muslim Community

(3) Immigrant Rights, Deportations and Dreamers

(4) LGBTQ Equality Backlash

(5) Protecting People with Disabilities & Medically At-Risk

(6) Criminalization of Communities of Color

(7) Reproductive Justice and Saving Roe v. Wade

(8) Combatting Domestic and Sexual Violence

(9) Protecting Workers

(10) Saving the Planet

(11) Securing Voting Rights



Denise Grab

Senior Attorney at @PolicyIntegrity. Passionate about clean energy and enviro policy, the intersection of tech and regulation, and CA. Opinions are my own.