Learning Lab LIVE — Unit 4, Decentralized AI: The Next Wave of AI Innovation

Denise Holt
5 min readMay 5, 2024

May Dates Announced! Join Us this month to find out how this new technology will affect you.

Decentralized AI is About to Change Everything About AI — From Processing Requirements to the Way Agents Interact With Each Other

Our internet is evolving to include 3D digital twin spaces and everything within them. These spaces are programmable with context baked into them and permissions at every touchpoint. This all becomes possible through HSTP (Hyperspace Transaction Protocol) and HSML (Hyperspace Modeling Language). And this network is what makes Active Inference Agents come to life.

AI apps distributed across the internet are the next wave of innovation, and with the ease of access to build these Intelligent Agent apps, we will likely experience an explosion of innovation similar to the mobile revolution, but even bigger.

  • These apps are aware of each other and the network.
  • They sense the world in real time and learn from each other.
  • This expanded internet enables unprecedented levels of interoperability
  • This is Metcalf’s Law on Steroids with unprecedented scaling and growth potential

Join Us This Month so you can prepare to catch this next big wave of innovation!

May Learning Lab LIVE Dates:

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 11:00 am PDT (6:00 pm UTC)

Thursday May 30, 2024 at 4:00 pm PDT (11:00 pm UTC)

May 2024 Presentation

🔶 Unit 4 — Decentralized AI: The Next Wave of AI Innovation

What you will learn:

  • First Principles AI — what is it and how do we know it’s coming?
  • Why is Decentralized AI critical for continued AI innovation?
  • HSTP– the next internet protocol exponentially expanding the number of domains in our internet network.
  • HSTP and guardrails
  • HSML — the common language providing unprecedented levels of interoperability between all current, emerging and legacy technologies. A programming language bridging communication between people, places, and things, laying the foundation for a real-time world model for autonomous systems.
  • HSML for human and machine collaboration
  • The different capabilities of an Active Inference Agent vs a Deep Learning Agent
  • Decentralized AI — the ultimate Open Source innovation space
  • Distributed collective intelligence and its impact on this next era of technology.

Followed by a 40–50 Minute Q&A Open Discussion!

Let the serendipity begin! One of my goals in building this community is providing ways for members to get to know each other. These discussion sessions are the perfect opportunity for just that.

So get your questions ready! Let’s build some great conversation within our community so that we can learn from each other and grow our knowledge together.

What is Learning Lab LIVE?

▶ Each Learning Lab LIVE session includes a 30–40 minute educational slide presentation delivered by me, with a 50–60 minute LIVE Q&A among all attendees.

I introduce a new educational presentation every month, offered LIVE on two separate days/times per month, providing multiple opportunities for members to attend for whatever time zone they may be in.

** Paid Substack Members get exclusive access to all LIVE Learning Lab session @ just $5/month or $32/year

Join Now & Get Your Invite for May! https://deniseholt.substack.com/subscribe

Who Attends These Sessions?

If you’ve been wondering if these sessions are for you, the answer is a resounding, YES!

My mission with each lesson is to take these complex ideas and make them easy for anyone to understand.

Members from all over the globe have been attending Learning Lab LIVE. We have attendees from Australia, New Zealand, India, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, El Salvador, Canada, the United States, and more.

Our member community is a diverse mix of PhD researchers, technology developers, tech advisors, business advisors, educators, investors, and more!

Why Should I Attend Learning Lab LIVE?

Now is the time to be planning and thinking about the significance of this next era of computing with autonomous intelligent systems. This technology will have a direct impact on all our lives and our businesses. Participating in this Learning Lab LIVE series will give you a first-mover advantage in preparing for the resulting explosion of innovation and growth.

** Exclusive access to these sessions is available to all Paid Substack Members of Spatial Web AI.

  • Paid Membership gains access to all LIVE sessions
  • You also receive the Ultimate Resource Guide for Active Inference AI 2024 — an extensive repository for research and information about Active Inference AI and the Spatial Web

Join Now! Only $5/mo or $32/year for Paid Membership

Join & Upgrade on Substack today, and receive your invite to our next session on May 15th!

Join here to receive your Invite: https://deniseholt.substack.com/subscribe

Missed the past 3 lessons? Want to be able to study and review the material at your leisure in more depth?

For a limited time, I am offering Lifetime Access to the presentation recordings and slide decks of all past and future lessons $99. (Paid Substack members get an additional 50% Off code)

Get Lifetime Access Here: https://square.link/u/X3utVbaL



Denise Holt

Futurist | Advisor | Founder | Keynote Speaker | Active Inference AI & The Spatial Web - Join my Substack: https://deniseholt.substack.com