Snapshot Video Game Review — Star Wars: Fallen Order

Denise Bryant
3 min readJun 9, 2020


On May 1, I completed Star Wars: Fallen Order. I have majority of the cases, secrets, and modifiers (light sabers, mantis, BD-1, poncho) in the game. Have to go back and get the others. Overall rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

The reason I refuse to give it 4.5+ rating is due to a lot of in game mechanics. First thing first, the map is the challenge of the entire game. I don’t care how directional inclined you are, the map is damn confusing. The maps also has levels, which adds more frustration.

Let’s talk about Assassin’s Creed, because you cannot have this game conversation without brining it into this conversation. There’s a serious frame-rate issue. In some areas of the game, jumping and running along wall surfaces are a complete lag. Also, the game does not fully register when the player is on the wall. So guess what, you fall and die. This is daunting. To be more specific, the wall run before riding the bird. The mechanics doesn’t fully work properly and the frame-rate speed is way too slow. In return, it ruins the experience.

Another issue I have is during fighting encounters, the damn frame rate is super slow. No, it’s definitely not my T.V. because I go all out on my electronics. It’s like the open world is trying to load as you’re walking through it. The game will temporarily be on stand still in the background. Now, I must say, on the PS4 you can see it’s loading, however, you’re still able to play the game. For an example, if a fight is upcoming, there’s a lag. If you’re entering a new unexplored area on the map, there’s a lag…what is up with that?

There’s one moment where you fight the bird in Dathomir (Gorgara fight). When I tell you I was hIghly pissed off that it drug you all the way across the most difficult map & you have to literally scavenger hunt your way back to your mantis. I was pissed. Dathomir is the absolute worse. The map is so huge, but the issue is the overtly complication of finding your way around. But dragging me across the damn map is absurd. Even the maps aren’t clear. Fix it next game because I will not buy it.

I played this game fully in Jedi Master mode, 1 level below the most difficult (Jedi Grandmaster) because it’s been a while since I’ve played a Star Wars game. Started off with Jedi Grandmaster, but in areas it was too much. So, I adjusted and leveled down 1.

Thats a cool thing about the game. You can level up and down throughout the game like Diablo. However, I do enjoy the customization of Star Wars: Fallen Order. I also enjoyed the paradigm. Being able to collect different customization & secrets was pretty cool aspect of the game.

Another aspect I like is the story line. Some areas I feel were rushed, but overall it was overall good. No complaints there. The paradigm in the game I do highly appreciate. Its not overtly complicated like Assassin’s Creed or Final Fantasy game titles. You collect skills points as you fight enemies in the game. I also love that you can reset the enemies to fight them again to gain more skill points. You’re also able to see the abilities before devoting your skill points. I also like that you can get life chargers to keep you in the game longer when going against large enemies in addition to troopers. It’s much needed. Especially, the second to last fight. The game has good qualities. But there were moments that truly took away from the gaming experience. I will say, the graphics are fucking phenomenal! Beautiful game!



Denise Bryant

Creative Writer: Poet & Short Stories. Artist: Photographer, Printmaker, Graphic & Web Designer. Entrepreneur.