Minimalism:A Documentary About the Important Things Review-Find the Happiness From Life Balance and Simply

denise liu
6 min readMar 21, 2019


The minimalism is a new life style concept for people. While I was searching documentaries film online, this topic has attracted me. Minimalism is directly through Ryan Nicodemus who is a minimalist struggling what the happiness in his life. People are living paychecks to paychecks , living for stuff, so we confused what we should chase. The film shows the advantages of less is more. Matt D’ Avella interview different industry’s people such as entrepreneurs, artists, and even a former Wall Street brokers , all of them are trying to live a minimalism life. The film related to many society issues because the people who are interviewed by Matt D’ Avella had their view for why we should live in minimalism. The film showed us most of people , especially people who are being over-consumption need to downsized their life. Having balance, having enough , having simply are the happiness for me.

Minimalism documentary film science & nature documentary, and social & culture Documentary. Nicodemus and Joshua Fiflds Millburn who are the minimalists created a website and wrote a book are all about their minimalism lifestyle. As the said earlier , he has everything that he suppose has. Every people around him said , he is successful, but he said there was gaping void in his life. he tired fill that void to buying many stuff , lots of stuff. He still can’t get happiness form the stuff. Millburn is NIcodemus’s coworker, both of them are used their over 20 years to chase the higher position in their company. Millburn became a minimalist because his mother death due to illness and his six-years marriage was ending in the same month. He recognize he was wrong because making money was his priority in the past twenty years. He didn’t pay attention to his family and the people around him. Being a minimalist came out for achieving to live happier.

As the film reflected in most of the over-consumption causes by advertising. Over-consumption has been a trend and a common issue that many people became addiction. Advertising is everywhere around us , Instagram Facebook Feed, magazines, etc. Those are merchants’ exploitation. Their purpose is telling the customers to buy their products. They had told us we need to buy to be a perfect person. However, we didn’t ask ourselves it is this product really necessary while we are shopping. We have polluted and infiltrated into the advertisement. For example, the first car is a transportation tool for you.The second high level car you think that can give you glamorous and vanity. In fact, you only need one car, you just tired of the first car. What happens inside of most people , trying to fulfill the void and vanity by having more stuff. There are some other examples that the film gave to the audiences. This is a serious Phenomenon in today’s society. It is incredibly cause many problems such as you are living a big house but you only use 50% of the house space. Therefore, you need to pay more since you are living a large house. In the other hand, tiny house is enough for many people, but usually people need a big house to store their stuff.

How our growing understanding ourselves, what it means a good life. Actually, most of the stuff we can leave them away. Before I watch this film, I don’t think I have many clothes , but after I watched this film. I felt I am materialist and a Blind consumer. The point is I don’t wear every clothes in my wardrobe. I have a sense I only like to wear the clothes That I like. Some clothes are new, I haven’ t wear once. I used to buying many clothes to give me happy, but I don’t happy right now. Since many of the clothes already became the unnecessary stuff for me. I believe many people have the same or similar problem as me. According to the reading, Reading and Writing About Movies,(226),the author points out Movies also guide our behavior . I agree with this idea. Movies can influence our behavior in many ways. Documentary films can often bring people some resonance through some real stories. Different films may change people’s action in different ways. The movies also can keep the longtime influence in the public idea. I can learn many things from this film, the key is not to be the same with them, but to think. I think I should use a cautious attitude to face their own shopping habits. I should ask myself two questions before I buy anything. Is it already had something similar and can replace the existence of things? Do I really like this stuff? I think this is a good way to control myself not to buy much stuff that I don’t really them. Buying something we really like not only makes us value it more, but also makes it less likely that we’ll buy something new because we’re unhappy with what we already have.

As indeed, the film shows several big holidays that about people are wait long hours outside the stores for purchasing goods. Those genuine images are hideous. Many people hurt due to others pushed them in order to get the goods. As Colin Beavan states in the film, the problem with our society is that we are too materialist. In my opinion, all the fuels that people use to power become consumers, is making the society disgusting by the economy. The ultimate consequences of excessive consumption is to reduce the bearing capacity of the earth. Excessive and unsustainable consumption will exceed the long-term carrying capacity of the environment, environmental degradation and reduced ecosystem health.It is a serious film that always impact me because I learned lees is more, less is happy. What value that I believe and what is the balance in life. There is one thing to let me resonates. Now the information technology developing fast. We can buy 24 hours a day. Most people spend time on shopping more than hours a day, that we often ignore their family and friends. We should spend more time to care about the people around us, instead of shopping in front of the screen.

Minimalism is a low pressure had a good way of life. People need to rethink and discover the stuff what we need. Lots of stuff can’t fill emptiness. The film is message that Matt D’Avella gives , it is truth and it is warning for human. It has been proved that our material cannot make us happier. The obsession with material is actually endanger our relationship. Trying to pay attention to our family , friends, the people who are around us.

This is about what is important in life and add the life value to ourselves, the society, even the earth. The film Minimalism: A documentary About the Import Things is an excellent film that influence people to think what is important in our life. how people can find our own values of life passion, not become a money salve in this chaotic world. Sometimes, life isn’t perfect, but minimalism lifestyle is worth people to live with this lifestyle.

