Denis Mužerlin
6 min readFeb 3, 2018

I am writing this post as I think some thing aren’t like they should be. Read this post till the end and you will know what I am trying to say.

Everyone of us likes to do something for relax and wants to spend their free time in a way that brings him/her joy and happiness. I like to travel, eat in a good restaurants and like to dive. Yes. Diving is my passion. In some cases I want other people know what was my experience with the services I bought, restaurants I visited

And for that I must write a review. I admitt, that I write them in only two situations: If the service/experience was reallllyyyy GOOD or verrryyyy BAD. As I want other people to know and to avoid certain restaurant, hotel.. or I want them to know that eating at that restaurant is a must as for example they have the best pizza in town or staying at that Hotel is worth every USD/EUR spent as the staff is nice and try do to everythink do please their guests.

In the past 5 years I wrote about 12 reviews on Tripadvisor and Google. Almost all of them where saw by 20.000–50.000 people. And what I got from Google and Tripadvisor for this: emails telling me how much people viewed my post and that my post is in the top viewed post for that are and that is very good and….

But the most important thing that Tripadvisor nad Google where trying to tell me was:

Denis please write more reviews! As if we would have more of them people would visit our pages more often and we would make more money! But Denis, don’t expect any of this money for you. Thank you. Yours Google&Tripadvisor

P.S. And we forgot to tell you that for every new revie you ll write we ll give you 10 point (sorry not redeemable for cash)

Yes. That was their message. I will earn nothing.

Yes, it is true that there are people who earn some money with their writing but the majority of people are left out without earning a dime. Just because they don’t write enough post. And I am one of them.

But Like I explained I write reviews not for money but for other people to let them know more and experience only the best and avoid bad services.

But What if you could have both: Write your posts/reviews and help other people and earn money at the same time?


Yes. It was. Until the year 2018 and before

What is

This is from their page:

“Futourist is the first travel review platform that rewards their users through building a fair blockchain-based economy where all — reviewers, businesses and casual consumers — get the most benefit for participating. It’s a place where future tourists will make decisions about where they are spending their precious time”.


“That way somebody who has a regular job and creates content as a hobby now has a chance to earn money on the side. That comes instantly without struggling years and years to come to a certain point of creating some stream of revenue for themselves”

But in common words this means:

People will get paid for interacting with other people. Will get paid for their contribution to the community and every single post or review will be rewarded! This will put more power to the real content creators as they will be rewarded from the first review they make without the need to write 200 reviews and wait months or years to attract enough audience for their reviews. All earnings will be paid in FTR (Futourist) token that will inscrease in valute with the increase of number of users and with growing number of reviews posted.

But: is there really some content market and do Google and Tripadvisor earn some money?

The answer is: 190 billion

Revenue of content industry was worth more than $ 190 billion in the year 2016 and is expected to be worth more than $ 313 billion by the year 2019.

Do you think is it fair that the content creators get peanuts for their work? What if1%, 2% or even 5% of this amount could be earned by common people who write reviews?

With Futourist this is possible!

And most important the team behind knows what they are doing as they have a working app (for iOS and Android) with 1 mio users:

iOS app link:

Android app link:

OpenHours is an existing website with over 1 milion monthly users and they are going to connect OpenHours to the blockchain protocol, delivering content and token distribution services, turning OpenHours to the starting point for

The team of

Now it is possible to get some of the money that is turning each year in the content industry.

Join ICO!

Key facts about ICO:

Token name: FRT

Token logo:

Price: 0,016 EUR (around 0,0197 USD)

Token standard: ERC20

Total token: FRT

ICO presale date: from 20.2.2018–15.3.2018

Delivered to ETH wallet after ICO ends.

More info about ICO:

Additional info (from their web page):

Limited pre-sale:
Contributions will be limited to 10 ETH per person. This will ensure smaller contributions will be able to participate in our token crowdsale.

Unlimited pre-sale:

Contribution will not be limited. Contributors will be able to send as much ETH as they would like.


Tokens that will not be distributed in previous stages will be offered in a public crowdsale.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

We are announcing another change to our crowdsale plan. Due to demands made by exchanges and banks, the KYC form will be an obligatory step for every investor — those investing in the presale phase, as well as those investing in the public crowdsale phase.
For the presale, the form will be online before the presale starts.

Contact details:





Important: read the whitepaper:

Here you ll found the FAQ:

Important: You can EARN FREE FTR

You can earn FREE FTR by doing tasks over FB, Twitter, joininf Futourist Telegram group and posting posts:


The final word:

If you want to invest in a good idea and experienced tem this is the right time. Don’t look back and think: why I didn’t bought BTC when it was 0,01 USD. And by my opinion you need to invest 1.000 USD/EUR to get a very good return in the next years. No need to invest 10.000 or more USD/EUR. If you invest now in ETH you will get 1,1 ETH for 1000 USD. How much do you think ETH will go up in 2018? Ok. Maybe 10 times. But that’s very unreal. Realistic is 2–3 times. FTR token price is 0,016 EUR(0,10198 USD) and it can go up 10 times very easy.

Think about it. Instead of buying a new bike or some other think that you don’t really need invest in FTR. Soo in 3 years from now when FTR will be 1 USD you wont say: Oh why I didn’t invest when it was 0,0198 USD). Even Netflix stock was 1,6 USD more than 10 years ago. We all know where it is now..

Read all the info on their page, search the web, talk we people and if you think that what they are trying to do is good and has potential then invest in

Good luck and all the best with your investing decisions.