Infinite scrolling: Yes or No?

Denis Z.
7 min readJun 24, 2019


Over the last decade, web designers and developers have been working hand in hand, and this collaboration definitely remains productive. An average internet user nowadays requires not only the beautiful interface but also the responsive and functional environment. Among the most popular features of websites on demand are:

  • Intuitive design with easy navigation;
  • Friendly colors;
  • Simple information access;
  • Seamless connection;
  • Quick response.

Sure thing, while meeting these user expectations web designers should stick to 5 design thinking rules to create an actionable eCommerce website. On top of this, with the growing amount of mobile devices and internet usage every website needs to be scalable and adjustable to all possible platforms and gadgets: smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, smart TVs, etc.

Speaking of numbers, Ericsson Mobility Report 2018 provides the numbers of 375 million smartphones being sold during the fourth quarter of 2018 and 88 percent growth of monthly mobile data traffic. In addition, the Communications Market Report 2018 represents the technological shift during the previous ten years and outlines the major changes in the consumer experience.


Infinitive scrolling: explained

To fit up all the requirements, web designers typically leverage from fashionable design trends and various up-to-date techniques. Infinite scroll is one of the essential aspects of web design that promises to provide a better user experience.

Infinite or continuous scrolling is a design technique for browsing websites that allows scrolling down the content seamlessly without waiting for page load. Different sources show different results about infinite scroll deployment: according to BuiltWith, the site that specializes in most Internet technology trends, infinite scroll usage resides on the top position nowadays. On the contrary, Google Trends Analysis represents the scrolling usage recession.

To scroll or not to scroll — many designers are still not sure about choosing this method for their projects. So, before implementing a continuous scrolling feature, let’s consider some of its specifics along with core strengths and weaknesses.

Some insights on using infinite scrolling for eCommerce across platforms

  1. Commercial vs. Private

For business websites it is advisable to remember that:

  • pagination remains a better decision of clear and ordered information presentation and categorization for e-commerce sites and apps
  • infinite scrolling shows greater results for indecisive consumers and tempts to read more and more
  • page hierarchy and sub-category grid enables easy navigation and the ‘back point”
  • continuous scroll leads to fewer clicks
  • no matter the type of websites designers are advised to place exclusive information on the top of the page
  • infinite is not never-ending so allow your users to reach the end — for commercial sites, it is essential to know users’ final destination that’s why show them the way
  • the slow speed of paged websites discourage visitors from browsing
  • using infinite scrolling consumers generally cast a glance without focusing on individual items
  • for eCommerce sites hybrid solutions are suitable (a Load more button comes in handy for search, categories and mobiles)
  • slow infinite scrolling takes time, fast — makes you miss the results
  • image-loaded websites benefit greatly from infinite scrolling

2. Mobile vs. Desktop

Depending on the device type, you may leverage from all of them:

  • desktop gadgets provide footers immediately
  • all devices can control infinite scrolling to some extent by control bars and filters
  • mobile versions of social networks implement different hybrid solutions for not getting lost: markers, progress indicators, additional buttons (Instagram now says ‘You’re All Caught Up’)
  • infinite scrolling can be unfavorable for both mobile and search results
  • for small mobile screens clicking pages is a real horror, infinite scroll and large navigational buttons are the best
  • desktop search allows displaying more pictures in larger size and quantity
  • desktop devices have more navigational tools in UI compared to mobiles
  • many web pages are still badly adjustable to mobile demands

Infinite scrolling comprises a huge potential for creativity. In the hands of talented web designers, it can turn into a usable and fun approach to website development and improvement. Together with a diverse set of open source tools and plugins accessible at the moment, you can create a really unique user-friendly commercial or business environment to use for all desktop and mobile solutions. To begin with, learning top design trends for a WordPress-based website would be a perfect option.

Pros and cons of infinite scrolling


Constant updating. Data is generated every second so endless scrolling adds this information to the page with a relatively flat structure. Even if you are unlikely to see everything, you will definitely find as much as possible. The greatest example here is endless Google image search. Also, updated scrolling gives the opportunity to learn the freshest news on top.

Boost user engagement. When you explore an infinite scrolling website, you may stay on the web page much longer because it really holds your attention. Simultaneously, users consume more content on such kind of pages no matter the device. To compare, 77 percent of web search is conducted via mobiles even when a PC is available nearby.

Zero waiting time. Velocity means everything for a 21st-century user because it equals time. Researchers claim that 53 percent of mobile users won’t wait longer than 3 seconds for a web page to download. Once the website is open, continuous scrolling accounts for the non-stop content uploads.

Rich in discoveries. This feature is meant for websites that provide diverse information for all kinds of users who are just ‘strolling around’ without a specific purpose. In such cases, they may accidentally find what they like. It frequently involves deeper website exploration. Besides, there are many people that will never go further on the first page, but with scrolling, they instantly get more results.

No clicks. Scrolling is faster and easier so it beats the competition in greater UX. Interesting it may sound, but for many internet users, paginated navigation may seem inconvenient. Moreover, with the worldwide popularity of touch screen devices clicking becomes rather irrelevant and somehow loses its core meaning. At the same time, touch scrolling becomes intuitive for mobile users.

Facebook recommends. Being especially popular among social media, the endless newsfeed is a remedy for browsing loads of user-generated content with automated page refreshing. There is a number of websites where continuous scrolling proves to succeed: Facebook, Instagram and Tweeter are the most famous.

Free interaction. Customer communication and experience cost almost nothing and accumulate invaluable commercial data based on search and shopping history.

Parallax design. Parallax scrolling creates a sense of depth and 3D illusion on the website. It is ideal as a secondary background layering tool for better UX improvement. You can get a sneak peek on some of the websites with great parallax scrolling just to have a general picture of it, and then decide if this technology suits your business solutions.


No bottom. Footers are impossible to find. In other words, a user never reaches the end of the page. As footers usually contain very important links such as telephone numbers, email addresses, contact names and locations, you may never find them when necessary. Tweeter suggests sidebars as the way out or you may add the Load more button.

Time-consuming. How often do you surf the net ‘only for 5 minutes’ and suddenly notice that you have spent hours browsing? Researchers claim that users lose time control and experience lower productivity while scrolling.

Low cognitive strain. People generally scan the flow of information without deep reading or critical thinking. Though some designers consider this phenomenon beneficial.

Page overload. Together with the zero wait time benefit, here comes the drawback: the infinite-scroll loading slows down as more people use the same web page simultaneously.


Where am I? The considerable disadvantage of scrolling is disorientation, i.e. users cannot get back to where they stop previously. Users are not able to determine their page position due to the lack of easy structure, so as a result, confused and even annoyed they lose their progress and don’t want to scroll down again. Decent navigation and filters restore a sense of control.

Scrollbar (Dis)Function. Obviously, it was added to the sidebar to simplify the navigation but in reality, the scrollbar proves to be irrelevant and useless. It doesn’t show the actual rest of the page: the more you pull it, the more data is loaded.

Fewer sales. For commercial websites infinite scrolling turns out tricky: whilst it may have no direct influence on purchase rates, it diminishes user engagement because of some interface inconveniences. And that fact will lead to a sales drop. Page navigation with scrolling on business sites is deprived of goods’ comparison, search results and multiple visits within a single hierarchy.

One does not fit all. If this design solution functions perfectly for the social network user interface, it may not work successfully for your project. Reconsider implementing continuous scroll to meet the needs of your website.


Each year thousands of web designers search for something new to keep their heads above the water. To remain successful on the market they must adapt and deploy modern technologies and tools into their work. But at the same time, some old ones tend to prove profitable and well-to-do. Numberless studies are conducted annually to analyze past and predict forthcoming web design tendencies. UX cannot be underestimated as it plays the leading part in future trend differentiation.

All in all, if a tight work schedule leaves your design team no time and room to acquire new skills, you can always rely on our close-knit creative crew to have your website design reshaped up to par.



Denis Z.

CEO &Founder at | Passionate about design | Enthusiastic about people | Stand ready to gain new knowledge and share my own