The DNA double helix interpreted as musical notation | Image created by author with AI

Epigenetic Encore: Retuning Life’s Symphony

Unearthing the secrets behind age, disease, and the melodies of our genes.

Deniz Karadağ


Why Do We Pass Away? Uncovering the Real Reason

Why do people eventually die?”

If I asked you this question now, you’d probably start mentioning diseases like heart problems, cancer, Alzheimer’s, or diabetes. And you’d be partly right; after all, they claim numerous lives every year.

But what if I told you that these diseases are just the visible signs of a much bigger, less talked-about issue? What if I said we’ve been treating the symptoms without paying enough attention to the real problem?

The truth is, all these diseases, and many others, are connected to one main thing: the aging process itself. As we grow older, our bodies become more vulnerable to illnesses, weaker, and eventually, we pass away. It’s like an unstoppable force that we don’t often discuss when we talk about staying healthy and living longer.

This article will explain the intricate relationship between aging and disease, delving into how getting older naturally predisposes us to certain health conditions. Additionally, we’ll shed light on some leading theories about aging. A highlight? We’ll touch upon the world of epigenetic programming and its potential role in countering the effects of aging.

Ready for the journey?

Let’s dive in.

First Stop: The Connection Between Age and Disease

Age: The Silent Instigator of Disease

Aging is like this silent timer inside us, steadily ticking and pushing our body’s transformation over time. As the years stack up, our cells begin to show some mileage, kind of like how a car’s engine starts grumbling after countless trips.

“A classic clock integrated into a human heart, emphasizing the intrinsic relationship between time and our organs.” | Image created by author with AI

The Usual Suspects: Age-Related Diseases

What’s interesting about aging is that it’s the common thread in many diseases we’re scared of. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes — we tag them as “age-related diseases” because they come knocking more often and hit harder as we get older.

Disease Incidence and Mortality Among Older Americans and Europeans (Solé-Auró et al., 2015)
Disease Incidence and Mortality Among Older Americans and Europeans (Solé-Auró et al., 2015)

See that pattern in the graphs? The older we get, the more susceptible we become to these diseases. For instance, heart disease and certain types of cancer become significantly more common as we age. Alzheimer’s disease disproportionately affects older individuals, and the risk of diabetes escalates with advancing years.

Aging: The Root of It All

But why does aging seem to set the stage for these conditions?

As we age, our body naturally faces wear and tear. Our cellular functions start to slow down, our immune systems aren’t as robust, and our cells can accumulate damage. This gradual decline is what makes us more vulnerable to a range of health challenges.

For many years, the approach to healthcare has been to treat these age-related diseases individually. Tremendous efforts and resources have gone into developing treatments, cures, and preventative strategies for each ailment. We’ve been zooming in on individual problems rather than stepping back to view the whole picture.

It’s worth considering:

Instead of just addressing the symptoms (the diseases), shouldn’t we be focusing more on the root cause (aging)?

Theories of Aging: Unlocking the Secrets of Growing Old

To dream of preventing age related challenges, we first need to understand why we age. Let’s delve into some compelling theories:

Telomere Shortening: Our Body’s Internal Clock

Telomeres act as protective caps on our chromosomes. The frequently used analogy when explaining telomeres is the plastic part of shoelaces: just like these protective tips that protect a shoelace from unraveling, they protect our chromosomes from losing the necessary information inside, which can cause more serious problems. Every time a cell divides, these telomeres get shorter. When they’re too short, cells stop dividing, as they don’t want to risk losing information from the chromosomes themselves. This plays a big part in the aging process and our overall health.

Telomere Shortening | Source

Cellular Senescence Theory: Retired Cells

These are cells that have irreversibly stopped dividing. They are still metabolically active, but they can no longer produce new cells. When telomeres shorten and the cells stop dividing, they turn into senescent cells. However, it’s important to note that telomere shortening is not the only reason for cellular senescence. A cell can turn into a senescent cell before its telomeres shorten too much, as a result of other factors such as oncogene activation, metabolic stress, immune response, along with environmental factors like stress, obesity, and smoking.

The main problem with them is that they can have negative effects on neighboring cells. They secrete a variety of inflammatory molecules and some other factors that may also damage the other cells they’re surrounded by, contributing to tissue dysfunction.

Senescent Cells | Source

Mitochondrial Theory: Our Cellular Powerhouses

Another theory focuses on mitochondria, our cell’s energy producers. Over time, mitochondrial DNA might experience wear and tear. If these mitochondria aren’t performing at their peak, it can accelerate the aging process.

Free Radical Theory: Molecules on the Loose

Heard of free radicals? They’re molecules that can damage our cells over time. Our body has defenses, like antioxidants, to counteract them. However, as we age, our defense system may not be as effective, allowing free radicals to cause more damage. This is one of the oldest theories of aging, but it’s important as it revolutionized the way we perceive biological aging and provided a framework for understanding how cellular damage is the root of the aging process.

Information Theory of Aging: Diving Deeper

So, there’s the idea I’d like us to explore a bit more: the Information Theory of Aging. Among the many theories that I’ve mentioned, I believe this one holds a unique spot.

This is a relatively new theory, first proposed in 2013 by David Sinclair and colleagues. However, the idea that loss of information could play a role in aging is not new. In fact, scientists have been studying the role of information in biology for decades.

Think about how we started life as a single cell. This cell was a mini-library, full of information about everything we’d become — from our heart to our brain and even our skin. Over time, just like in a well-used library, some of those pages or even whole books might get misplaced or faded. That’s the heart of the Information Theory of Aging. Important details from our beginning can get lost as time passes, and that might lead to aging challenges we see and feel.

Why is this so key?

Well, because this loss might be the underlying reason for the various aging theories we’ve talked about — could these theories be manifestations of this deeper underlying issue?

Imagine setting up a row of dominos; if the loss of information is that first domino, it might be the catalyst for everything that follows.

The loss of information could possibly be that initial domino, setting everything in motion.

Delving deeper into this theory might offer new solutions for age-related challenges. Still, it’s essential to remember that aging is complex and influenced by many factors.

Gene expression: Guiding the Orchestra

The Information Theory of Aging encompasses a vast spectrum, with multiple ways through which our bodies might experience this loss. However, among these diverse scenarios, there’s one specific area that I want us to focus on today: epigenetics.

Remember our single starting cell? This cell had all the instructions to make us… well, us.

So, why is it that if every cell has the same instruction manual, they differ so much in function?

The answer lies in gene expression. All cells share the same DNA, but not all genes in the DNA are activated or “expressed” in every cell. Through the process of gene expression, specific genes are selected to be read and translated into proteins. These proteins then give cells their unique identities and functions.

Different cells produce different sets of proteins which give them their unique identity. For instance, liver cells have a specialized team for liver-related functions, while muscle cells have their own crew dedicated to muscle activities.

While a muscle cells contains the instructions for producing liver enzymes, it will express genes that produce proteins involved in muscle contraction while suppressing the genes responsible for liver metabolism. And for the liver cells — vice versa.

The entire orchestration of which genes to express relies heavily on the cell’s machinery. A key player in this process is ribosomes, the tiny structures where proteins are made. To produce a protein, a ribosome requires instructions from the cell’s DNA.

Yet, there’s a challenge: the DNA is housed in the nucleus, while ribosomes float in the cytoplasm. DNA can’t just leave the nucleus due to its size, so instead, it sends out a messenger — the RNA. This RNA acts as a guide for the ribosomes, a bit like an IKEA booklet, directing the assembly of proteins.

TL;DR: Gene expression involves selecting the right genes to transcribe into RNA, which serves as an IKEA booklet for ribosomes to create the correct proteins.

But the story doesn’t end here. Our DNA doesn’t work in isolation during this process. Imagine it as sheet music for a grand orchestra. And epigenetics? It plays the role of the rests and dynamics. It modifies the structure around genes, similar to tagging sections of the sheet music. These marks serve as signals for transcription factors.

When these factors come across a specific epigenetic mark on a gene, they decide whether to activate or deactivate that gene, much like a conductor following annotations and marks in the sheet music. They’re the subtle hand movements that indicate when to play, when to soften, or when to remain silent.

They effectively control gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself.

“A orchestral stage where musicians are in the chromosome, with DNA’s floating around them. The conductor commanding the performance.” | Image created by author with AI

From transcription, where DNA’s instructions are copied into RNA, to translation, where RNA directs the ribosomes to construct proteins — every step is meticulously coordinated. This perfect coordination ensures our bodyoperates harmoniously, a symphony of life at the cellular level.

The Science Behind Epigenetics: DNA Methylation and Histone Modifications in Gene Expression

Now, let’s take a scientific dive into the mechanisms through which epigenetics operates, the annotations and marks of our genetic symphony— no need to worry; it’s quite straightforward. Two main types of epigenetic modifications instruct transcription factors: DNA methylation and histone modification.

Quick Reminder: Our aim is to copy the right information from our DNA to RNA so that it can leave the nucleus and serve as the guide for ribosomes to create the correct proteins.

For this to occur, transcription factors must bind to a specific part of our DNA and copy that information to RNA. They only need to bind to a specific sequence, not the entire DNA. These regions are known as “promoter regions.” When a gene’s promoter region contains sequences that match a transcription factor’s binding preferences, the transcription factor can bind to that region. This binding is crucial for initiating the process of transcription.

The role of epigenetics here is to guide transcription factors in finding the right promoter region.

Histone Proteins and DNA Methylation | Source

Histone Modifications

The first thing to understand is that our DNA consists of units known as nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of:

  1. A sugar molecule: It’s the core of the bead.
  2. A phosphate group: It’s the tiny part that has a negative charge because of the way its atoms are arranged.
  3. A base: It’s the special part that determines the nucleotide’s identity. There are four different types: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C).

Due to the phosphate group in their structure, each nucleotide carries a negative charge. This fundamental property of DNA affects its interactions with other molecules.

Hamiltonian path problem solution using DNA computing (Sergeenko et al., 2020)

With a grasp on nucleotides and their negative charge, let’s delve into how this charge interacts with histones.

Histones are the proteins around which DNA wraps. These proteins are rich in amino acids, like lysine and arginine, which have positive charges. Given DNA’s negative charge, it’s naturally drawn to these positively charged histones.

This attraction allows the long DNA molecules to wrap around histone proteins, compacting the DNA structure. The tightness of this wrapping is influenced by various modifications to the histones.

Histone modifications, changes to these proteins, can occur in various ways, including acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation. These modifications alter the structure of chromatin, the complex of DNA and histones.

Chromatin can exist in either a condensed or relaxed state:

•In a condensed state, DNA is tightly wrapped around histones, making it less accessible to the transcription machinery.

•In a relaxed state, the DNA is more accessible, allowing the transcription machinery to easily bind, copy the information into RNA, and increase the likelihood of gene expression.

Now, with this foundational understanding, it’s time to explore how specific changes to histones impact DNA structure:

  1. Histone Acetylation — When acetyl groups are added to histones, they neutralize the positive charge on the histones. This reduces the attraction between the negatively charged DNA and histones, leading to a more relaxed chromatin structure. Consequently, DNA becomes more accessible to the transcription machinery, promoting gene expression.

Musical Association: Crescendo (a gradual increase in volume). Just as a crescendo builds up the volume to achieve a louder, fuller sound, histone acetylation opens up the DNA to allow more gene expression.

2. Histone Deacetylation — The opposite of acetylation. By removing acetyl groups, the histones’ original positive charge is restored. This enhanced attraction between histones and DNA tightens the coil, resulting in a more compact chromatin structure. This compactness restricts access to the DNA, leading to gene repression.

Musical Association: Decrescendo (a gradual decrease in volume). Deacetylation restricts access to the DNA, like a decrescendo minimizes the musical expression.

3. Histone Methylation — The addition of methyl groups to histone proteins can either enhance or decrease the attraction between histones and DNA, depending on the specific location and number of methyl groups added. This can either promote or repress gene expression.

TL;DR: Histone modifications control how tightly or loosely DNA is wound around histone proteins, allowing or preventing the transcription machinery from binding to it. This directly impacts gene expression.

DNA Methylation

DNA methylation is the addition of a methyl group to the DNA molecule, occurring at specific sites on the DNA known as CpG islands, sequences with guanine followed by cytosine.

The Effect of Nanomaterials on DNA Methylation: A Review (Valente et al., 2023)

Transcription factors bind to the promoter regions of genes, and CpG islands are often located there. This is why methylation happens by binding to the CpG islands. When methylation occurs in a promoter region, the transcription machinery cannot bind to that region, as it’s already occupied. As a result, it skips that region without copying it to RNA, effectively silencing the gene.

4. DNA Methylation — This results in gene repression, preventing transcription machinery to bind, making a section of DNA inactive.

Musical Association: Rest symbols. Just as rest symbols indicate when the musician should remain silent in sheet music, DNA methylation indicate when a gene should remain silent.

TL;DR: When methyl groups bind to the cytosines in a promoter region, they prevent transcription factors from binding, thereby silencing that gene.

Here is an example of how histone modifications and DNA methylation can indicate whether a gene should be expressed or not:

  • A gene that is responsible for producing a protein that is important for cell growth and division is likely to be expressed in a rapidly dividing cell. This gene is likely to have histone acetylations and DNA demethylation in its promoter region.
  • A gene that is responsible for producing a protein that is not important for cell growth and division is less likely to be expressed in a rapidly dividing cell. This gene is likely to have histone deacetylations and DNA methylation in its promoter region.

TL;DR: Histone modifications and DNA methylation can indicate whether a gene should be expressed or not. Histone acetylation and DNA demethylation cause increased gene expression, while histone deacetylation and DNA methylation both result in decreased gene expression.

Passing Down Epigenetic Information and Its Consequences

Just as a musician passes down sheet music to the next generation with specific notes and annotations, our cells pass down DNA with epigenetic marks to our children. This ensures that our offspring inherit not just our genes, but also the specific instructions on how and when these genes should work.

Under normal circumstances, these instructions help cells function properly. For example, during cell division, these epigenetic marks make sure that a heart cell produces another heart cell and not something else.

But here’s where it gets tricky: this epigenetic information can also change over time. Some factors, even our diet, environment can add or remove these epigenetic marks. Imagine someone altering the original sheet music over time — the tune can get distorted.

Due to these changes, our cells might forget how to function correctly, even loose their identites — while our genes remain the same. In fact, this loss of epigenetic information has been linked to several health issues.

Let me give some examples:

•Alzheimer’s Disease: Researchers have observed increased DNA methylation in genes linked to neuron function and memory. Additionally, genes associated with the production, clearance, or accumulation of beta-amyloid and tau proteins — key players in the formation of beta-amyloid plaques and tau tangles — can be influenced by epigenetic marks. For instance, imbalances in the epigenetic regulation of the amyloid precursor protein processing genes result in either increased production or decreased clearance of beta-amyloid, leading to plaque buildup in the brain.

•Cancer: Epigenetic changes can lead to the silencing of tumor suppressor genes and the activation of oncogenes. In certain cancers, such as leukemia, unusual DNA methylation patterns have been observed. This misregulation can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and tumor formation.

•Diabetes: DNA methylation changes in certain genes are linked to insulin resistance, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. When genes responsible for regulating insulin and glucose in the body are influenced by epigenetic modifications, it disrupts the body’s normal metabolic function.

While these health implications might seem daunting, there’s a silver lining: epigenetic changes aren’t as permanent as DNA mutations. Unlike our DNA’s fixed sequence, epigenetic marks are dynamic and reversible. This adaptability offers a window of opportunity.

In the realm of genetics, while techniques like gene editing directly modify the DNA sequence, they come with challenges, such as off-target effects or unintended consequences. Epigenetic editing, on the other hand, doesn’t alter the DNA sequence itself. Instead, it modifies or corrects the annotations — the epigenetic marks. This makes epigenetic interventions potentially safer and more precise.

Epigenetic Editing: The Future of Medicine?

How can we protect our epigenetic information, rewrite the annotations and marks that have been erased from our music sheet over time?

Here are various methods:

  1. Small Molecules for Epigenetic Editing:
  • DNA Methyltransferase Inhibitors (DNMTis): These compounds inhibit enzymes responsible for adding methyl groups to DNA, effectively erasing the unnecessary rest symbols from our sheet and allowing genes to function optimally.
  • Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors (HDACis): These compounds can increase gene expression by removing acetyl groups from histones, promoting a more open chromatin structure.

2. RNA-based Epigenetic Modulation:

  • Small Interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and Short Hairpin RNAs (shRNAs): These RNA molecules target and degrade specific RNA transcripts, decreasing the expression of the targeted genes.

3. CRISPR/Cas-based Epigenetic Editing:

  • Building on the revolutionary CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology, scientists have developed systems that target specific genes, not to cut DNA but to introduce or remove epigenetic marks. This can activate silenced genes or repress active ones without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Interesting, isn’t it?

4. Diet and Lifestyle Interventions:

  • What we consume and how we live profoundly influences our epigenome. Prioritizing its preservation is paramount. The key to ensuring our notes are inherited without alterations also lies in a healthy lifestyle, environment, and diet.

Turning the Page: A New Dawn with Epigenetic Editing

So, we’ve just taken a deep dive into the world of epigenetics, likening our genetic code to a beautiful piece of music, marked by rests and dynamics that guide its performance. We’ve also touched on some methods that could allow us to rewrite these annotations. Now, let’s imagine what could happen if we had the chance to rearrange all of them as we desired. What would that encore look like?

Imagine a world where age isn’t about decline but about new beginnings. A world where every elderly person you know is out there exploring, creating, and living life with the same gusto as someone in their prime. Sounds too good to be true? With the advancements in epigenetic reprogramming, this might be our new reality.

It’s not science fiction. Companies and researchers actively working toward this future. They are digging deep into methods like Small Molecules for Epigenetic Editing and harnessing the innovative potential of CRISPR/Cas-based adjustments. What’s more, they’re making tangible progress right now, suggesting that a world of extended healthspan isn’t just a dream but a possible reality on the horizon.

Let’s explore some of the companies leading the way:

  • Elysium Health: They are at the forefront of developing supplements for expanding health span. Partnering with leading scientists, they design products centered on the mechanisms of aging. Through their Aging Research Center, they gather extensive data to to get a better understanding of aging, especially focusing on the role epigenetics plays in the process.
  • Rejuvenate Bio: Their focus is on gene therapies that can repair age-induced cellular damage. One of their most promising therapies targets the epigenetic changes that occur in senescent cells. By reprogramming them, they hope to slow down or even reverse the aging process.
  • New Limit: This research-driven company is venturing into various areas like gene editing, stem cell therapy, and senolytic drugs. A standout project of theirs centers on gene therapy addressing epigenetic changes related to frailty.
  • Altos Labs: It has raised over $3 billion in funding, making it one of the most well-funded longevity companies in the world. With this substantial funding, they’re concentrating on therapies to counteract aging and age-related diseases. Their research interests include cell reprogramming, aiming to rejuvenate cells and potentially reverse the aging process.
  • Life Biosciences: This company is at the cutting edge of longevity research, with a significant focus on cellular programming to combat aging. Their epigenetic reprogramming approach seeks to rejuvenate older cells, making them younger, holding potential for numerous age-related conditions.

However, this power to potentially rewrite our biological script also comes with questions. With such transformative power at our fingertips, we must also pause and reflect:

Even tough we have the tools to tweak our life’s sheet music, to add more notes or refine the existing ones, should we? What does it mean for our resources, our planet, and the very essence of life’s experiences? Life’s beauty is, in part, defined by its impermanence. Would we value moments the same way if they were more abundant?

I believe the key lies in our perspective. The goal of these advancements isn’t just to extend the duration of our symphony. It’s about ensuring that every single note, every moment we are gifted, is rich in quality, purpose, and vigor. It’s about making every part of our song — from the opening note to the very last — truly resonate.

And with that, let’s return to the closing note of our exploration.

The Final Note: Our Power to Tune Our Life’s Melody

Every life is a symphony, filled with highs and lows, crescendos and silences, from our first cry to our final sigh. Yet, there can be moments of discord or passages that feel out of tune due to the challenges of aging and disease. But what if we could fine-tune these sections, reshaping them to harmonize with our desired melody?

As we’ve delved into, the natural process of aging isn’t the final movement of our symphony. It’s merely a phase, and just as musicians correct their sheets, with the right knowledge and tools, we have the potential to rewrite the annotations and marks of our genes. Diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes might not be the inevitable fades in our melody; they can be adjusted, refined, and countered.

The breakthroughs in epigenetic editing, the wonders of CRISPR, and even our daily choices could be the key of this retuning. So, as we continue to understand more, remember this: our life’s song is in our hands. We may have the power to make it a masterpiece.

Let’s not just play the notes; let’s make every note count!

“An elderly person playing violin with vigor and passion, sitting. Sun is about to rise, indicating a new beginning.” | Image created by author with AI




Deniz Karadağ

16-year-old who aspires to shape brighter tomorrows. | Innovator @TKS | Neuroscience | BCIs | Genomics | Longevity |