Linear Regression

Deniz Gunay
18 min readAug 24, 2023


Linear regression is a fundamental technique in machine learning and statistics that aims to model the relationship between one or more independent variables (features) and a dependent variable (target) through a linear equation. It’s used for predicting continuous numeric values and finding patterns in data.

There are two basic methods for linear regression: analytical solution(ordinary least squares) and optimization(gradient descent).

Analytical Solution (OLS — Ordinary Least Squares)

The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method is an analytical solution for linear regression. OLS aims to find the coefficients of the linear equation that minimize the sum of the squared differences between the predicted values and the actual values. It calculates these coefficients directly using mathematical equations. OLS provides a closed-form solution, which means it directly derives the optimal coefficients without iterative optimization.

Analytical Solution for Linear Regression

Let’s apply analytical solution(OLS) with Scikit-Learn!

# Analytical Solution for Linear Regression with Scikit-Learn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score
pd.set_option("display.float_format", lambda x: "%.2f" % x)
df = pd.read_csv("advertising.csv")

print(df.shape) # (200, 4)

#Advertising data shows the sales amounts of a product (in thousands of units)
#and the budget allocated (in thousands of dollars) to TV, radio and newspaper
#for the advertisement of that product.
TV radio newspaper sales
0 230.10 37.80 69.20 22.10
1 44.50 39.30 45.10 10.40
2 17.20 45.90 69.30 9.30
3 151.50 41.30 58.50 18.50
4 180.80 10.80 58.40 12.90

Simple Linear Regression: Simple linear regression is a basic statistical technique used to model the relationship between two variables: one independent variable (often referred to as the “feature”) and one dependent variable (often referred to as the “target” or “response”).

In simple linear regression, the relationship between the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (y) is assumed to be of the form:

Simple Linear Regression

X = df[["TV"]]
y = df[["sales"]]

# Model
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, random_state=1)
reg_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train) # y_hat = b0 + b1*TV

# bias (b0)
print(reg_model.intercept_[0]) # 6.799773449796857

# weight of TV (b1)
print(reg_model.coef_[0][0]) # 0.049275095667046

# Prediction

#Remember our formula: y_hat = 6.799 + 0.049*x
b0 = reg_model.intercept_[0]
b1 = reg_model.coef_[0][0]
y_hat = lambda x: b0 + b1*x

# If we would spend 150 for TV, then how many sales would occur?
print(y_hat(150)) # 14.191

# If we would spend 500 for TV, then how many sales would occur?
print(y_hat(500)) # 31.437

# Model Visualization
g = sns.regplot(x=X_train, y=y_train, scatter_kws={"color": "b", "s": 9}, ci=False, color="r")

g.set_title(f"Model Equation: Sales = {round(b0, 2)} + TV*{round(b1, 2)}")
g.set_ylabel("Number of Sales")
g.set_xlabel("TV spending")
plt.xlim(-10, 310)
plt.ylim(bottom=0) #IMAGE IS BELOW (ols.png)
# Model Evaluation

#Average y values(sales)
print(f"Average of y values: {y.mean()}") # 14.02

# Standard Deviation of y values(sales)
print(f"Standard deviation of y values: {y.std()}") # 5.22

# Train MSE
y_pred = reg_model.predict(X_train)
print(f"Train MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_train, y_pred)}") # 10.45

# Train RMSE
print(f"Train RMSE: {np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train, y_pred))}") # 3.23

# Train MAE
print(f"Train MAE: {mean_absolute_error(y_train, y_pred)}") # 2.55

# Train R-square
print(f"Train R-square: {reg_model.score(X_train, y_train)}") # 0.63

#Test MSE
y_pred = reg_model.predict(X_test)
print(f"Test MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)}") # 10.85

# Test RMSE
print(f"Test RMSE: {np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))}") # 3.29

# Test MAE
print(f"Test MAE: {mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)}") # 2.46

# Test R-square
print(f"Test R-square: {reg_model.score(X_test, y_test)}") # 0.41

Multiple Linear Regression: Multiple linear regression is an extension of simple linear regression that allows you to model the relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables. In simple linear regression, you have one independent variable, whereas in multiple linear regression, you have more than one independent variable.

The general form of multiple linear regression is:

Multiple Linear Regression


  • y is the dependent variable (target) you're trying to predict.
  • X1, X2, ..., Xn are the independent variables (features) that you use to make predictions.
  • b0 is the intercept, representing the value of y when all independent variables are 0.
  • b1, b2, ..., bn are the coefficients for the respective independent variables, representing the change in y for a unit change in each independent variable, holding other variables constant.

The goal of multiple linear regression is similar to simple linear regression: to find the best-fitting linear equation that describes the relationship between the dependent variable and multiple independent variables. The coefficients b0, b1, b2, ..., bn are estimated in a way that minimizes the sum of the squared differences between the predicted values and the actual observed values.

Multiple linear regression is a powerful tool for modeling complex relationships between multiple variables. It’s commonly used in various fields, such as economics, social sciences, natural sciences, and machine learning, to analyze and predict outcomes based on multiple influencing factors. Just like in simple linear regression, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method is often used to estimate the coefficients in multiple linear regression.
Let’s solve a multiple linear regression problem by using OLS!


df = pd.read_csv("advertising.csv")

# In this case, X consists of multiple columns.
y = df[["sales"]]
X = df.drop("sales", axis=1)

TV radio newspaper
0 230.10 37.80 69.20
1 44.50 39.30 45.10
2 17.20 45.90 69.30
3 151.50 41.30 58.50
4 180.80 10.80 58.40

0 22.10
1 10.40
2 9.30
3 18.50
4 12.90

# Model

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, random_state=1)

print(f"Number of train data: {y_train.shape[0]}") # 160
print(f"Number of test data: {y_test.shape[0]}") # 40

reg_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train)

# bias
b = reg_model.intercept_[0]
print(b) # 2.907

# weights
w = reg_model.coef_[0]
print(w) # [0.0468431 0.17854434 0.00258619]

# Prediction

# y_hat = b0 + b1*TV + b2*radio + b3*newspaper
y_hat = lambda TV, radio, newspaper : b + TV*w[0] + radio*w[1] + newspaper*w[2]

# What is the expected sales value based on the following observations?
# TV: 30
# radio: 10
# newspaper: 40

print(y_hat(30,10,40)) # 6.202

#We can also use predict() function with our model.
new_Data = [[30], [10], [40]]
new_Data = pd.DataFrame(new_Data)
print(f"Initial shape: {new_Data.shape}") # (3, 1)
#We need to transpose it before prediction.
new_Data = new_Data.T
print(f"Transposed shape: {new_Data.shape}") # (1, 3)
print(reg_model.predict(new_Data)) # [[6.202131]]

# Model Evaluation

# Train RMSE
y_pred = reg_model.predict(X_train)
print(f"RMSE of training set: {np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_train, y_pred))}") # 1.73

# Train R-squared
print(f"R-squared of training set: {reg_model.score(X_train, y_train)}") # 0.89

# Test RMSE
y_pred = reg_model.predict(X_test)
print(f"RMSE of test set: {np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))}") # 1.41

# Test R-squared
print(f"R-squared of test set: {reg_model.score(X_test, y_test)}") # 0.89

# 10 fold CV(Cross Validation) RMSE
print(f"10 fold CV RMSE: {np.mean(np.sqrt(-cross_val_score(reg_model, X, y, cv=10, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')))}")
# 1.69

# 5 fold CV(Cross Validation) RMSE
print(f"5 fold CV RMSE: {np.mean(np.sqrt(-cross_val_score(reg_model, X, y, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')))}")
# 1.71

Gradient Descent

Linear regression with gradient descent is an optimization technique used to find the optimal coefficients of a linear regression model by iteratively adjusting them in the direction that reduces the error between predicted and actual values. It’s an alternative approach to finding the coefficients compared to the analytical solution provided by the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method.

Here’s how linear regression with gradient descent works:

  1. Initial Coefficients: Gradient descent starts with initial coefficients for the linear regression equation. These coefficients can be randomly initialized or set to some initial values.
  2. Cost Function: A cost function (also known as a loss function or objective function) is defined to measure the error between predicted values and actual values. In the context of linear regression, the most common cost function is the Mean Squared Error (MSE), which calculates the average squared difference between predicted and actual values.
  3. Gradient Calculation: The gradient of the cost function with respect to each coefficient is calculated. The gradient represents the direction and magnitude of the steepest increase in the cost function. It indicates how much the cost function would increase if a coefficient is increased or decreased slightly.
  4. Coefficient Update: The coefficients are updated iteratively by subtracting the gradient of the cost function from the current coefficients. The learning rate, a hyperparameter, determines the step size in the direction of the gradient. The coefficients are adjusted in a way that reduces the cost function, leading to better predictions.
  5. Iteration: Steps 3 and 4 are repeated iteratively until the algorithm converges to a point where further iterations do not significantly reduce the cost function or until a predetermined number of iterations is reached.
Gradient Descent

Gradient descent gradually refines the coefficients to minimize the prediction error. It’s important to choose an appropriate learning rate to ensure convergence and avoid overshooting or slow convergence. If the learning rate is too high, the algorithm might not converge; if it’s too low, convergence might be slow.

The effect of learning rate

Gradient descent is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets or when the analytical solution is computationally expensive. Under most situation, you can choose to use either ordinary least square or gradient descent. With small dataset or relatively small number of features (~<104), OLS is preferred. However, if number of features is too large, you should consider using gradient descent as it would compute faster. It’s a fundamental optimization technique widely used not only in linear regression but also in various machine learning algorithms for parameter optimization.

Now let’s apply simple linear regression by using gradient descent!


# Cost function MSE
def cost_function(Y, b, w, X):
m = len(Y)
sse = 0

for i in range(0, m):
y_hat = b + w * X[i]
y = Y[i]
sse += (y_hat - y) ** 2

mse = sse / m
return mse

# update_weights
def update_weights(Y, b, w, X, learning_rate):
m = len(Y)
b_deriv_sum = 0
w_deriv_sum = 0
for i in range(0, m):
y_hat = b + w * X[i]
y = Y[i]
b_deriv_sum += y_hat - y
w_deriv_sum += (y_hat - y) * X[i]
new_b = b - (learning_rate * 1 / m * b_deriv_sum)
new_w = w - (learning_rate * 1 / m * w_deriv_sum)
return new_b, new_w

# train function
def train(Y, initial_b, initial_w, X, learning_rate, num_iters, print_iter=False):
"Starting gradient descent at b = {0}, w = {1}, train mse = {2}".format(
initial_b, initial_w, cost_function(Y, initial_b, initial_w, X)

b = initial_b
w = initial_w
cost_history = []

for i in range(num_iters):
b, w = update_weights(Y, b, w, X, learning_rate)
mse = cost_function(Y, b, w, X)

if (i % 100 == 0) & (print_iter==True):
print("iter={:d} b={:.2f} w={:.4f} train mse={:.4}".format(i, b, w, mse))

"After {0} iterations b = {1}, w = {2}, train mse = {3}".format(
num_iters, b, w, cost_function(Y, b, w, X)
return cost_history, b, w

df = pd.read_csv("advertising.csv")
X = df["TV"]
y = df["sales"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, random_state=1)
X_train = X_train.reset_index().iloc[:,1:].squeeze()
y_train = y_train.reset_index().iloc[:,1:].squeeze()
X_test = X_test.reset_index().iloc[:,1:].squeeze()
y_test = y_test.reset_index().iloc[:,1:].squeeze()

# hyperparameters(you can experimentally change these values)
learning_rate = 0.00007
initial_b = 6.8
initial_w = 0.0493
num_iters = 10000

cost_history, b, w = train(y_train, initial_b, initial_w, X_train, learning_rate, num_iters)
Starting gradient descent at b = 6.8, w = 0.0493, train mse = 10.454355566898752
After 10000 iterations b = 6.799960376189568, w = 0.04927414167961735, train mse = 10.454336626738776

y_hat = lambda x: x*w + b
print(f"test mse: {mean_squared_error(y_test, y_hat(X_test))}")
# test mse: 10.85923433749181

# Model Visualization

g = sns.regplot(x=X_train, y=y_train, scatter_kws={"color": "b", "s": 9}, ci=False, color="r")
g.set_title(f"Model Equation: Sales = {round(b, 2)} + TV*{round(w, 2)}")
g.set_ylabel("Number of Sales")
g.set_xlabel("TV spending")
plt.xlim(-10, 310)
plt.ylim(bottom=0) #IMAGE IS BELOW (gradientDescent.png)

As you can see, the simple linear regression model equation we obtained using gradient descent and the model equation we obtained using OLS are almost identical. If we write more clearly,
OLS Model: y_hat = 6.7997 + 0.0492*x
Gradient Descent Model: y_hat = 6.7999 + 0.0492*x

Obtaining the same model equation using both gradient descent and the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method is a reassuring validation of the accuracy and consistency of our implementations. This outcome signifies that both approaches, despite their distinct computational processes, have successfully converged to the same set of coefficients that best describe the linear relationship between the variables in our dataset.

Generic Form of Linear Regression By Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent is a fundamental optimization algorithm that plays a crucial role in training machine learning models, including Multiple Linear Regression. It’s used to find the optimal values of the coefficients that minimize the difference between the predicted values and the actual values (residuals) in the dataset.

Gradient Descent finds the optimal coefficients that minimize the Mean Squared Error (MSE) or another appropriate cost function. This results in a model that provides the best linear fit to the data.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

class LinearRegressionGD:
def __init__(self):
The LinearRegressionGD class constructor.

# initialize learning rate lr and number of iteration iters = None
self.iters = None
# initialize the weights matrix
self.weights = None
# bins specifies how many iterations an MSE value will be saved to mse_history.
self.bins = None
# mse_history records MSE values in bins intervals.
self.mse_history = []
# keeps how many independent variables there are.
self.n_features = "You should use fit() function first!"
# keeps the MSE value of the optimal model.
self.mse = "You should use performance() function first!"
# keeps the RMSE value of the optimal model.
self.rmse = "You should use performance() function first!"
# keeps the MAE value of the optimal model.
self.mae = "You should use performance() function first!"
# keeps the R-squared value of the optimal model.
self.r2 = "You should use performance() function first!"
# keeps the adjusted R-squared value of the optimal model.
self.ar2 = "You should use performance() function first!"
# keeps the SSE value of the optimal model.
self.sse = "You should use performance() function first!"
# keeps the SSR value of the optimal model.
self.ssr = "You should use performance() function first!"
# keeps the SST value of the optimal model.
self.sst = "You should use performance() function first!"

def performance(self, y_predicted, y, verbose=True):
This function calculates performance metrics such as
RMSE, MSE, MAE, SSR, SSE, SST, R-squared and Adj. R-squared.

y_predicted (numpy.ndarray): predicted y values
y (numpy.ndarray): true y values
verbose (bool, optional): prints performance metrics. Defaults to True.
self.mse = np.mean(np.sum((y_predicted - y) ** 2))
self.rmse = np.sqrt(self.mse)
self.mae = np.mean(np.abs(y - y_predicted))
self.ssr = np.sum((y_predicted - np.mean(y)) ** 2)
self.sst = np.sum((y - np.mean(y)) ** 2)
self.sse = np.sum((y - y_predicted) ** 2)
self.r2 = 1 - self.sse / self.sst
self.ar2 = 1 - (((1 - self.r2) * (len(y) - 1)) / (len(y) - self.n_features - 1))
if verbose:
print(f"RMSE = {self.rmse}")
print(f"MSE = {self.mse}")
print(f"MAE = {self.mae}")
print(f"SSE = {self.sse}")
print(f"SSR = {self.ssr}")
print(f"SST = {self.sst}")
print(f"R-squared = {self.r2}")
print(f"Adjusted R-squared = {self.ar2}")

def predict(self, X):
This function takes one argument which is a numpy.array of predictor values,
and returns predicted y values.

Note: You should use fit() function at least once before using predict() function,
since the prediction is made with the optimal weights obtained by the fit() function.

X (numpy.ndarray): predictors(input)

numpy.ndarray: predicted y values
self.mse = "You should use performance() function first!"
self.rmse = "You should use performance() function first!"
self.mae = "You should use performance() function first!"
self.r2 = "You should use performance() function first!"
self.ar2 = "You should use performance() function first!"
self.sse = "You should use performance() function first!"
self.ssr = "You should use performance() function first!"
self.sst = "You should use performance() function first!"
# modify the features X by adding one column with value equal to 1
ones = np.ones(len(X))
features = np.c_[ones, X]
# predict by multiplying the feature matrix with the weight matrix
y_predicted =, self.weights.T)
return y_predicted

def fit(
init_weights: list = None,
This function calculates optimal weights using X(predictors) and Y(true results).

X (numpy.ndarray): predictors
y (numpy.ndarray): true results
init_weights (list, optional): initial weights(including bias). Defaults to None.
lr (float, optional): learning rate. Defaults to 0.00001.
iters (int, optional): number of iterations. Defaults to 1000.
bins (int, optional): specifies how many iterations an MSE value will be saved to mse_history. Defaults to 100.
verbose (bool, optional): prints weights and MSE value in the current iteration. Defaults to False.

numpy.ndarray: optimal weights(including bias)
n_samples = len(X)
ones = np.ones(len(X))
# modify x, add 1 column with value 1
features = np.c_[ones, X]
# initialize the weights matrix
if init_weights != None:
if len(init_weights) != features.shape[1]:
print(f"The length of 'init_weights' should be {features.shape[1]}")
self.weights = np.array(init_weights).reshape((1, len(init_weights)))
self.weights = np.zeros((1, features.shape[1])) = lr
self.iters = iters
self.n_features = X.shape[1]
self.mse_history = []
self.bins = bins

for i in range(self.iters):
# predicted labels
y_predicted =, self.weights.T)
# calculate the error
error = y_predicted - y
# compute the partial derivated of the cost function
dw = (2 / n_samples) *, error)
dw = np.sum(dw.T, axis=0).reshape(1, -1)
# update the weights matrix
self.weights -= * dw

if i % self.bins == 0:
if verbose:
f"After {i} iterations: weights = {self.weights}, MSE = {np.mean(np.sum(error**2)):.6f}"

if verbose:
f"After {self.iters} iterations: weights = {self.weights}, MSE = {np.mean(np.sum(error**2)):.6f} "
return self.weights

def visualize(self, size=(15, 6), bottom=0, top=None, left=-10, right=None):
This function plots the cost and iteration graph.

size (tuple, optional): (width of plot, height of plot). Defaults to (15, 6).
bottom (int or float, optional): lowest value of y axis. Defaults to 0.
top (int or float, optional): highest value of y axis. Defaults to None.
left (int, optional): lowest value of x axis. Defaults to -10.
right (int, optional): highest value of x axis. Defaults to None.
if top == None:
top = max(self.mse_history)
if right == None:
right = (self.iters // self.bins) * self.bins
plt.title("Cost and Iteration", fontsize=20)
plt.plot(range(0, self.iters, self.bins), self.mse_history, color="b")
plt.ylim(bottom=bottom, top=top)
plt.xlim(left=left, right=right)

def cross_validate(
init_weights: list = None,
This function applies K-fold cross validation to the dataset and assess the performance
of the model in a robust and reliable manner.

X (numpy.ndarray): predictors(input)
y (numpy.ndarray): true results
lr (float, optional): learning rate. Defaults to 0.00001.
iters (int, optional): number of iterations. Defaults to 1000.
k (int, optional): number of folds which the original dataset is divided. Defaults to 10.
scoring (str, optional): the performance metric to be calculated. Defaults to "r2".
init_weights (list, optional): initial weights(including bias). Defaults to None.
verbose (bool, optional): prints the average score and score list. Defaults to True.

tuple: (average score, score list)
if scoring not in ["r2", "ar2", "mse", "rmse", "mae"]:
"The 'scoring' parameter is invalid. Available ones are the following:"
print(["r2", "ar2", "mse", "rmse", "mae"])
scores = []
kf = KFold(n_splits=k, shuffle=True)
for train_index, test_index in kf.split(X):
model = LinearRegressionGD()
x_train, x_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index], y_train, lr=lr, iters=iters, init_weights=init_weights)
y_pred = model.predict(x_test)
model.performance(y_pred, y_test, verbose=False)
if scoring == "r2":
elif scoring == "ar2":
elif scoring == "mse":
elif scoring == "rmse":
elif scoring == "mae":
if verbose:
print(f"{scoring} scores : {scores}")
print(f"Average {scoring} : {np.mean(scores)}")
return np.mean(scores), scores

Now let’s make an example and see how it works.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
#from pythonFile import LinearRegressionGD

df = pd.read_csv("advertising.csv")
y = df[["sales"]]
X = df.drop("sales", axis=1)

#We need to convert X and y to numpy array!
X = np.array(X)
y = np.array(y)
#NOTE: You should apply scaling to X but we won't apply scaling here to compare
#the results with multi linear regression with OLS. If you apply scaling
#you will reach optimal weights with less iterations and probably higher
#learning rate.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, random_state=1)

#Let's try k=5 cross validation with 1.5 million iteration and 0.00003 learning rate.
model_01 = LinearRegressionGD()
model_01.cross_validate(X,y,lr=0.00003, k = 5, iters=1500000, scoring = "r2")
r2 scores : [0.8405939613882959, 0.8316632396590538, 0.9179607264607674, 0.8895877751170918, 0.9262534266509308]
Average r2 : 0.8812118258552278

#Now create another model and apply hold out cross validation(Test-Train)
#Learning rate = 0.00003 and iteration = 400k
model_02 = LinearRegressionGD(),y_train, lr=0.00003, iters=400000, bins = 10000, verbose=True)
After 0 iterations: weights = [[0.00082868 0.14048486 0.02208952 0.02668383]], MSE = 35158.580000
After 10000 iterations: weights = [[0.26702634 0.05396424 0.20780189 0.02014562]], MSE = 660.168156
After 20000 iterations: weights = [[0.50734051 0.05331624 0.20513956 0.01854777]], MSE = 629.338507
After 30000 iterations: weights = [[0.72578696 0.05272721 0.20271949 0.01709533]], MSE = 603.864349
After 40000 iterations: weights = [[0.92435558 0.05219178 0.20051964 0.01577505]], MSE = 582.815367
After 50000 iterations: weights = [[1.10485518 0.05170507 0.19851997 0.01457491]], MSE = 565.422855
After 60000 iterations: weights = [[1.26892997 0.05126265 0.19670226 0.01348398]], MSE = 551.051637
After 70000 iterations: weights = [[1.41807456 0.05086049 0.19504996 0.01249232]], MSE = 539.176878
After 80000 iterations: weights = [[1.55364752 0.05049492 0.193548 0.0115909 ]], MSE = 529.364911
After 90000 iterations: weights = [[1.67688385 0.05016262 0.19218273 0.0107715 ]], MSE = 521.257404
After 100000 iterations: weights = [[1.78890611 0.04986055 0.19094168 0.01002667]], MSE = 514.558272
After 110000 iterations: weights = [[1.89073476 0.04958598 0.18981357 0.00934961]], MSE = 509.022862
After 120000 iterations: weights = [[1.98329737 0.04933638 0.18878811 0.00873416]], MSE = 504.449021
After 130000 iterations: weights = [[2.06743713 0.0491095 0.18785597 0.00817472]], MSE = 500.669713
After 140000 iterations: weights = [[2.14392047 0.04890327 0.18700864 0.00766618]], MSE = 497.546917
After 150000 iterations: weights = [[2.2134441 0.0487158 0.18623842 0.00720392]], MSE = 494.966590
After 160000 iterations: weights = [[2.27664134 0.04854539 0.18553829 0.00678373]], MSE = 492.834498
After 170000 iterations: weights = [[2.33408786 0.04839049 0.18490187 0.00640176]], MSE = 491.072776
After 180000 iterations: weights = [[2.38630695 0.04824969 0.18432335 0.00605456]], MSE = 489.617088
After 190000 iterations: weights = [[2.4337743 0.04812169 0.18379749 0.00573895]], MSE = 488.414270
After 200000 iterations: weights = [[2.47692229 0.04800534 0.18331947 0.00545206]], MSE = 487.420397
After 210000 iterations: weights = [[2.51614397 0.04789958 0.18288495 0.00519128]], MSE = 486.599171
After 220000 iterations: weights = [[2.55179662 0.04780345 0.18248997 0.00495422]], MSE = 485.920603
After 230000 iterations: weights = [[2.58420501 0.04771606 0.18213093 0.00473874]], MSE = 485.359911
After 240000 iterations: weights = [[2.61366435 0.04763662 0.18180457 0.00454287]], MSE = 484.896618
After 250000 iterations: weights = [[2.64044301 0.04756442 0.1815079 0.00436482]], MSE = 484.513804
After 260000 iterations: weights = [[2.6647849 0.04749878 0.18123823 0.00420297]], MSE = 484.197490
After 270000 iterations: weights = [[2.68691177 0.04743912 0.18099309 0.00405585]], MSE = 483.936124
After 280000 iterations: weights = [[2.70702517 0.04738488 0.18077026 0.00392211]], MSE = 483.720160
After 290000 iterations: weights = [[2.72530833 0.04733558 0.18056771 0.00380055]], MSE = 483.541712
After 300000 iterations: weights = [[2.74192778 0.04729077 0.18038359 0.00369004]], MSE = 483.394262
After 310000 iterations: weights = [[2.75703493 0.04725003 0.18021623 0.0035896 ]], MSE = 483.272426
After 320000 iterations: weights = [[2.77076738 0.047213 0.18006409 0.00349829]], MSE = 483.171755
After 330000 iterations: weights = [[2.78325023 0.04717934 0.1799258 0.00341529]], MSE = 483.088571
After 340000 iterations: weights = [[2.79459718 0.04714875 0.17980009 0.00333985]], MSE = 483.019838
After 350000 iterations: weights = [[2.8049116 0.04712093 0.17968583 0.00327127]], MSE = 482.963044
After 360000 iterations: weights = [[2.81428745 0.04709565 0.17958196 0.00320893]], MSE = 482.916116
After 370000 iterations: weights = [[2.82281013 0.04707267 0.17948754 0.00315226]], MSE = 482.877340
After 380000 iterations: weights = [[2.83055728 0.04705178 0.17940171 0.00310075]], MSE = 482.845300
After 390000 iterations: weights = [[2.83759946 0.04703279 0.17932369 0.00305393]], MSE = 482.818826
After 400000 iterations: weights = [[2.84400022 0.04701553 0.17925278 0.00301137]], MSE = 482.796953

#Training Results
y_pred = model_02.predict(X_train)
RMSE = 21.972640957679957
MSE = 482.7969506551148
MAE = 1.3309826349317408
SSE = 482.7969506551148
SSR = 4191.375065957562
SST = 4638.47975
R-squared = 0.8959148305745832
Adjusted R-squared = 0.8939131927010175

#Test Results
y_pred = model_02.predict(X_test)
RMSE = 8.934604140081765
MSE = 79.8271511399662
MAE = 1.044353399952942
SSE = 79.8271511399662
SSR = 688.0835366444755
SST = 742.96775
R-squared = 0.892556371201891
Adjusted R-squared = 0.8836027354687153

model_02.visualize(size = (10,6))
#IMAGE IS BELOW (cost_iteration.png)

As you can see, after training 400,000 iterations with 0.00003 learning rate, we obtained these weights : [2.84400022 0.04701553 0.17925278 0.00301137]
They are very close to weights we obtained from OLS :
[2.907 0.0468431 0.17854434 0.00258619]

So if we increase the number of iterations, we will get closer to the OLS weights. You can try it yourself.

Now, let’s observe the effect of feature scaling. Let’s do the same thing we did above, but now, we will apply Robust Scaling to our X values.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
#from pythonFile import LinearRegressionGD

df = pd.read_csv("advertising.csv")
y = df[["sales"]]
X = df.drop("sales", axis=1)

#Scale X
rs = RobustScaler()
X_scaled = rs.fit_transform(X)

#Convert X and y to numpy array
X_scaled = np.array(X_scaled)
y = np.array(y)

#Split the data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_scaled, y, test_size=0.20, random_state=1)

#Learning rate = 0.9
#Number of iteration = 50
model_03 = LinearRegressionGD(),y_train, lr=0.9, iters=50, bins = 5, verbose=True)
After 0 iterations: weights = [[24.86025 3.40410826 3.51735593 4.95713949]], MSE = 35158.580000
After 5 iterations: weights = [[ 8.6359129 7.1169975 4.15379772 -1.02471141]], MSE = 7438.581899
After 10 iterations: weights = [[16.66666278 6.59370776 4.90383833 0.70296709]], MSE = 2071.160556
After 15 iterations: weights = [[12.83927962 6.84929 4.65171459 -0.20460628]], MSE = 845.743302
After 20 iterations: weights = [[14.67005557 6.72692153 4.78179699 0.22217159]], MSE = 565.671808
After 25 iterations: weights = [[13.79488468 6.78540335 4.72045574 0.0175065 ]], MSE = 501.658601
After 30 iterations: weights = [[14.21329411 6.75744255 4.74985714 0.11529674]], MSE = 487.027709
After 35 iterations: weights = [[14.01326159 6.77080989 4.73580761 0.0685402 ]], MSE = 483.683664
After 40 iterations: weights = [[14.10889321 6.76441921 4.74252501 0.09089313]], MSE = 482.919347
After 45 iterations: weights = [[14.06317365 6.76747447 4.73931361 0.0802066 ]], MSE = 482.744655
After 50 iterations: weights = [[14.06976731 6.76703384 4.73977676 0.08174781]], MSE = 482.708789

#Training Results
y_pred = model_03.predict(X_train)
RMSE = 21.970542254675976
MSE = 482.7047269645026
MAE = 1.330583310235389
SSE = 482.7047269645026
SSR = 4155.345351811815
SST = 4638.47975
R-squared = 0.8959347128842154
Adjusted R-squared = 0.8939334573627581

#Test Results
y_pred = model_03.predict(X_test)
RMSE = 8.925689122192612
MSE = 79.66792630602751
MAE = 1.0416834408256292
SSE = 79.66792630602751
SSR = 682.7324069350907
SST = 742.96775
R-squared = 0.8927706804150954
Adjusted R-squared = 0.8838349037830201

model_03.visualize(size = (10,6), left = 0)
#IMAGE IS BELOW (cost_iteration_02.png)

As can be seen, without applying feature scaling, we were able to reach the optimal point with 400,000 iterations and 0.00003 learning rate. However, after applying feature scaling, we quickly reached the optimal point with 50 iterations and 0.9 learning rate. Thus, we directly observed the effect of feature scaling on the machine learning model, and understand how gradient descent works with multi linear regression.

Thanks for reading…

