Dennis Crimmins Explains How Rising Material Costs Affect The Construction Industry

Dennis Crimmins
4 min readJan 28, 2022


The construction industry is feeling the heat of rising material costs as oil prices continue to climb. This is causing headaches for contractors and builders across the country. In this article, we will explore how rising material costs affect the construction industry, and Dennis Crimmins will offer some tips on coping with these increases.

What Are The Main Factors That Drive Material Costs In The Construction Industry?

A few main factors drive material costs in the construction industry. The oil price is one of the biggest drivers, as it impacts the cost of asphalt, plastic products, and other materials used in construction. With the price of oil reaching new heights, it is no surprise that material costs are rising.

Dennis Crimmins, Commercial Developer in Alamogordo, New Mexico

Another major factor that drives material costs is the cost of labor. Labor costs are also a big factor, says Dennis Crimmins, as they can impact the cost of everything from raw materials to finished projects. Finally, the cost of shipping and transportation can also affect material costs.

The Impact Of Material Costs On The Construction Industry

Rising material costs are having a significant impact on the construction industry. Contractors can’t pass along the increased costs to their customers. This is due to the current state of the economy, which has resulted in a decrease in spending by consumers and businesses. Therefore, contractors are stuck with higher prices for materials but no way to increase their revenues to cover these costs.

This situation could lead to price hikes down the road as contractors try to make up for lost revenue. In addition, it is becoming increasingly difficult for contractors to stay competitive in today’s market. With more companies bidding on projects, those who do not adjust their prices will likely lose out to rivals willing to charge more.

How Contractors Can Prepare For Price Hikes

There is no way to predict exactly how high material costs will go or when they will peak. However, contractors can take some steps to prepare for potential price hikes. Dennis Crimmins says one important step is to make sure that you understand your current costs and how they are affecting your business. This information will help you negotiate prices with clients or suppliers when it comes time.

In addition, contractors should explore ways to reduce their reliance on materials. There may be opportunities to use alternative construction methods or find cheaper sources of materials. By being proactive, contractors can limit rising prices’ impact on their business.

Staying Competitive In A Changing Market

The construction industry is constantly changing, and contractors who can adapt will be more successful in the long run. It is important to keep up with the latest trends and developments in your field to stay competitive. This may require attending seminars or workshops, subscribing to trade publications, or networking with other professionals.

In addition, it is essential to have a good marketing strategy in place. You should make sure that your company’s website is up-to-date and that you are using all of the latest digital marketing tools. You can attract new business by reaching out to potential clients online, even if prices increase elsewhere.

Minimizing The Impact Of Cost Increases

Although it is impossible to avoid the impact of rising material costs completely, there are some steps that contractors can take to minimize the damage. One is to plan and budget for upcoming projects carefully. This will help you stay within your financial constraints and avoid overspending on materials, says Dennis Crimmins.

It is important to be proactive in sourcing materials. You can save money without sacrificing quality by shopping around for the best deals. You may also want to consider using recycled or reclaimed materials in your projects. This can save you money, but it can also be good for the environment.

Case Studies: Successful Projects Despite Rising Prices

Despite the challenges posed by rising material costs, many construction projects are still being completed successfully. In some cases, the contractors have negotiated better prices from suppliers or have found ways to reduce their reliance on materials.

Other projects have been completed using alternative methods or sourcing materials from less expensive sources. By being creative and flexible, contractors can overcome the obstacles posed by rising prices and still complete successful projects.

The construction industry is feeling the pinch of rising material costs. As prices for raw materials increase, contractors see their bottom lines shrink. This can significantly impact projects, from delaying work to canceling orders outright. In this article, Dennis Crimmins explored the reasons behind these cost increases and discussed strategies that contractors can use to stay competitive in a changing market.

It’s no secret that the prices of raw materials have been on the rise in recent years. However, what may come as a surprise is just how much this affects the construction industry. The price hikes are hitting every sector of construction hard, from building new homes and apartments to repairing infrastructure. In some cases, contractors are forced to delay or cancel projects altogether.



Dennis Crimmins

Dennis Crimmins has been a structural and commercial contractor since 1982. Dennis is now a developer and has built and developed for dozens of US companies.