The AI Takeover: Which Jobs Are Most Likely to Be Replaced by Artificial Intelligence in the Near Future

Dennis Durkin
5 min readMay 4, 2023


As artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to advance rapidly, its potential to transform the workforce has become increasingly apparent. While AI is poised to create new jobs and opportunities, it is also likely to replace or fundamentally alter certain job roles.

Let’s examine the jobs most susceptible to AI-driven changes and discuss specific examples to provide a clearer understanding of the AI’s impact on the workforce in the near future.

Data Entry and Analysis

Data entry and analysis tasks are among the most likely to be automated by AI. AI-powered tools can quickly and accurately process vast amounts of data, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of human error. For example, AI algorithms can automate tasks such as entering customer information into databases, updating inventory records, and sorting through large datasets to identify patterns and trends.

Customer Service and Support

Customer service roles are prime candidates for AI-driven automation. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine customer inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and provide personalized support 24/7. This not only reduces the workload of customer service agents but also allows companies to offer faster, more efficient support to their customers. For instance, AI-powered chatbots can handle simple tasks such as providing account balances or helping customers reset their passwords, freeing up customer service representatives to focus on more complex issues that require human intervention.

Manufacturing and Assembly Line Work

The manufacturing sector has long been at the forefront of automation, and AI has the potential to further revolutionize this industry. AI-powered robots can perform repetitive assembly line tasks with greater speed, precision, and efficiency than human workers. For example, AI-driven robots can be used to assemble electronic devices, package products, and even inspect items for defects. These automated systems not only reduce the need for manual labor but also minimize the risk of workplace accidents.

Transportation and Delivery

AI technology is set to have a significant impact on the transportation and delivery sectors. Autonomous vehicles, powered by AI algorithms, are already being tested and deployed for various purposes, from self-driving cars to delivery drones. As AI technology improves and regulatory hurdles are overcome, it is likely that jobs in transportation, such as taxi drivers and truck drivers, will be increasingly replaced by autonomous vehicles. Similarly, delivery personnel may see their roles diminished as companies adopt AI-driven drones and robots for last-mile deliveries.

Retail and Sales

AI-driven automation is also poised to transform the retail and sales industries. AI-powered tools can analyze customer data and preferences, allowing companies to deliver targeted marketing campaigns and personalized shopping experiences. Additionally, AI-driven systems can manage inventory, pricing, and promotions more effectively than human workers. For example, AI algorithms can automatically adjust pricing based on demand and market trends, reducing the need for manual intervention by sales and retail staff.

Banking and Finance

Jobs in the banking and finance sector are also at risk of being replaced by AI. AI-driven tools can perform tasks such as fraud detection, credit scoring, and financial analysis with greater speed and accuracy than human workers. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze large datasets to identify unusual transactions or patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. Similarly, AI-powered systems can assess loan applications and determine creditworthiness more efficiently than manual processes. As a result, jobs in banking and finance, such as loan officers and financial analysts, may be increasingly replaced by AI-driven systems.

Agriculture and Farming

AI technology has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and farming by automating various tasks and optimizing processes. AI-powered drones and robots can perform tasks such as planting seeds, monitoring crop health, and harvesting produce more efficiently than human workers. For example, AI-driven drones can assess crop conditions and identify areas that require attention, such as irrigation, pest control, or fertilization. By automating these tasks, AI technology can reduce the need for manual labor in agriculture and farming, potentially replacing jobs such as farmworkers and equipment operators.

Human Resources and Recruitment

AI-driven tools are increasingly being used in the field of human resources and recruitment to streamline processes and improve efficiency. AI algorithms can sift through vast numbers of job applications, identifying candidates that best match the job requirements and company culture. Additionally, AI-powered tools can help HR professionals monitor employee performance, engagement, and well-being, providing insights and recommendations for improvement. As AI technology continues to advance, jobs in human resources and recruitment, such as HR generalists and recruitment specialists, may see their roles altered or replaced by AI-driven systems.

Medical Diagnostics and Imaging

AI technology has the potential to revolutionize the field of medical diagnostics and imaging. AI-powered algorithms can analyze medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, and identify abnormalities or potential health issues with greater accuracy and speed than human medical professionals. For example, AI-driven tools can detect early signs of cancer or other diseases by analyzing patterns in medical images that may be overlooked by human eyes. As AI technology continues to improve, jobs in medical diagnostics and imaging, such as radiologists and medical technicians, may be increasingly replaced or augmented by AI-driven systems.

Education and Training

The education and training sector is also likely to be affected by AI-driven automation. AI-powered tools can provide personalized learning experiences, adapting to individual students’ needs and abilities. Additionally, AI-driven systems can assist teachers in grading assignments, managing student data, and providing feedback on student performance. While it is unlikely that AI will completely replace human educators, jobs in education and training, such as tutors and teaching assistants, may see their roles increasingly augmented by AI-driven tools.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to replace or fundamentally alter a wide range of jobs across various industries. However, it is essential to recognize that AI technology also creates new opportunities and demands for skilled workers who can navigate the changing landscape. As AI continues to advance, it is crucial for individuals and organizations alike to adapt and embrace the potential of AI-driven automation to ensure they remain competitive in the ever-evolving workforce.



Dennis Durkin

Hi there! I'm a tech enthusiast and blogger hailing from the sunny shores of Santa Monica. Let's navigate the future together! 🌊👩‍💻🚀