6 Ways to Achieve Exceptional Brainstorming Results

Time is money and the costs of brainstorming sessions can be expensive

Dennis Torres
4 min readJul 4, 2020
Image collage created by Rawson Group LLC

Brainstorming can be one of the most valuable investments a company or team can make. The long-term benefits far outweigh the cost associated with time and resources spent brainstorming. The opposite is true for ineffective brainstorming as well (wasted time, money, and the wrong outcome, put you on the wrong path and can bring long term negative effects). But with so many ideas and lists swirling around the internet about how to improve your brainstorming sessions, it can be hard to sift through and find the most critical information. Through my many years of leading and participating in brainstorming sessions, the following compilation illustrates the points I have found to be the most critical and effective. These can be applied to any brainstorming scenario and will ensure your time and investment result in a high-quality outcome.

Time is money and the costs of brainstorming sessions can be expensive.

Brainstorming groups usually consist of the brightest minds and leaders gathering and spending time putting their heads together towards creating something. This equates to some costly overhead, especially for small businesses that need to be cognizant of where their time and money is being spent. You can do some quick math by multiplying the total hourly wage sitting around the table, then multiply that figure by the amount of time spent together, what is your cost? What about brainstorming efforts that require multiple sessions and many hours?

Everyone has a Full Plate.

Naturally, those involved in focus and brainstorming groups already have a full plate of their own, so maintaining focus, streamlining meetings, and keeping things to the point while also cultivating creative ideas are highly desired characteristics of effective brainstorming sessions. With some practice, you can learn to adopt the techniques listed below as a team, allowing everyone to understand the true purpose of the brainstorming session. Providing training on these important principles ahead of time can also curtail the learning curve that groups experience during the first few attempts at meeting together to brainstorm:

1. SILENCE- Limit irrelevant conversations.

Time is of the essence, so it’s a good idea to limit unnecessary talking. Talking that is not focused on the purpose of the brainstorming efforts also tends to inhibit participation.

2. BREVITY — State your ideas as briefly as possible.

The following rule of thumb is one that has stayed with me for years and tends to work well: Use between 3–6 words to adequately convey your idea. Using less than 3 is often not enough. Using a sentence or more is usually too much.

3. FOCUS — Find the right amount of time to generate good ideas.

It’s important to allow the proper time for ideas and creativity to flow during a brainstorming session. Allow enough time for everyone to generate ideas, but not so much time that some members lose focus. Try to stick to a 2–5 minute window to provide adequate time. Oftentimes assigning someone to keep time allows the group to stay on track throughout the entire meeting.

While keeping track of your time, don’t forget that oftentimes, the best and most matured ideas are developed toward the end of the brainstorming session.

4. PARTICIPATION — Keep every member of the Brainstorming team involved 100%.

Every member of the team should be in tune with and understand the ideas being presented. During a brainstorming session, it’s the responsibility of every member to make sure no one is left out of details and that everyone understands the discussion.

One effective exercise is to list out the ideas and rotate them round the table to ensure everyone digests the idea fully. In cases where an idea is unclear, the team can ask for clarification. Remember to keep the communication to a minimum and avoid tangents and side conversations.

5. NO JUDGEMENT — Foster a judgement-free zone.

Allow the brainstorming process to take hold and for ideas to start generating. It is critical that everyone prevent any kind of judgement of what is being presented in the brainstorming session. Let the ideas flow and see what they mature into during the session.

6. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT THAT FOSTERS CREATIVITY — Create an effective physical environment for brainstorming.

It is vital to create a physical environment where the team members hear each other clearly, see each other clearly, and find themselves at the same level. Human interaction is one of the key elements of great brainstorming sessions.

Most importantly, try various approaches and ideas to help you find the ones that fit best with the dynamics of your company and team. Coupling these ideas together with a strong team will result in exceptional brainstorming results.



Dennis Torres

Dennis is the Founder and Owner at Rawson Construction Group, and specializes in large scale organizational turnarounds in manufacturing, and the trades.