Why Muxe could possibly cause a real estate revolution

Dennis B
2 min readSep 21, 2018


As Bitcoin is slowly but steadily claiming its place within the mainstream economy, various home owners and real estate agents are beginning to utilize the cryptocurrency to for real estate transactions.

In September 2017, Southeby’s sold one of the first houses in Bitcoins. The property in Austin, TX was sold at the time a Bitcoin was worth a little over $3400.00. Since then, more houses were sold in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum and Ripple.

While Bitcoin is a safe and easy way to buy and sell real estate, the cryptocoin will most likely not cause any revolution within the real estate world. Bitcoin is just a currency and doesn’t offer any additional services which could change the way we buy and sell properties. For example, a transaction on the blockchain is not an official and legally recognized form of property transfer (yet). Even though, there are currently some minor hick-ups, such as local legislations, a project like Muxe will simplify processes. Hopefully, in the future it will be possible to change and verify ownership of property and arrange everything from your couch.

Without a doubt, Bitcoin has paved the road for other more advanced blockchain projects. New companies like Muxe take things a step further and have created more advanced blockchain powered projects. Muxe has built an entire platform, with all the tools that make real estate transactions as easy as possible. Their blockchain solution will cut out a few middlemen, which in turn will save quite a lot of time and money.

Typically, real estate transactions are slow; they require a considerable amount of printed documents, that have to be signed by all parties. Blockchain technology would be a perfect alternative solution.

Smart contracts are one of the primary points of interest given by blockchain innovation. Since everyone can follow smart contracts on the blockchain it makes for completely transparant transactions. Both buyers and sellers can add and mutually agree to the added conditions. Smart contracts also help to eliminate fraud, as it is practically impossible to mess with anything that has been digitally recorded on the blockchain.

With Muxe.online, things don’t just stop after you have bought your new dream home. Actually, the possibilities are endless! You willprobably need a moving company, decorators, painters, interior stylists or maybe you even need to have some construction work done. Muxe’s platform allows you to search for services like this. It’s a true one-stop solution for everything related to homes and housing.

Payments for the above mentioned services will be done online through their secured peer to peer platform. The Muxe Token will be used for all transactions on the platform.

The basics for such a platform are there, but it needs some more work. The Muxe team is determined to deliver all this and change the way we buy, sell and maintain our real estate properties and when they succeed, they will definitely cause a real estate revolution. Welcome to the future! Isn’t it exciting?

#muxe #muxebv #muxeproject $muxe #TeamTiger

