Hsin Hsin Ming — A Zen Poem

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

The Great Way is not difficult for those who are indifferent and non-judgmental. Let go of attachment and desire and the Way reveals itself.

Make the slightest judgment and you are as far from the Way as Heaven is to Earth. If you want to experience the truth, then hold no judgments for or against anything.

Attraction and Aversion are afflictions of the mind. When the essence of the Way is not understood, the essential peace of the mind is fleeting.

The Great Way is as vast as the infinite universe. It is perfect and complete. It is your attraction and aversion that blinds you from the Way.

Do not try to catch or hold on to things. Do not be consumed by the abyss. Be still and know the oneness and the illusion fades away.

In striving to attain the tranquility of the Way, the mere act of striving negates your quest. As long as you exist in the illusion of duality, you’ll never know the Way.

Those who don’t live in the Great Way will continue to ebb and flow in the conflict of life. In denying the reality you miss the deeper meaning of reality. In defending the reality, you miss the emptiness of reality.

The more your thoughts dwell on it, the further you will be. Still your thoughts and quiet your mind. In the silence of the Way, nothing is…



Dennis Waller - Master of herding cats

Best Selling Author, over 30 nonfiction books published. Now embarking on fiction and poetry. I see life through a darker lens reflecting on inner thought, tao